Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 156 The peerless battle between land and sea, Tang Chen’s death

Under the leadership of Tang Chen, Tang San followed him smoothly across the ocean and arrived at Poseidon Island.

The temperature on Poseidon Island is over 20 degrees, which is a very comfortable climate for the human body.

Looking around, Poseidon Island is completely green. This huge island gives them the feeling of returning to Douluo Continent. At a glance, they can't see the edge at all.There are all kinds of plants growing on the island, many of which they cannot name.

The air is filled with the breath of the sea, which is fresh, warm and refreshing, and there are faint shouts and murmurs of the sea in the wind.

Under the sunlight, the white and delicate sand grains like small crystals will glow with silver light. When you first arrive here, the first thing you feel is the tranquility, the sea and the sky, and the gulls and birds flying.The sky is blue, blue, lofty, pure, and transparent.

Tang Chen took Tang San by the collar, jumped off the ship, jumped over some of the rules of Poseidon Island, and arrived at the square under Poseidon Temple.

The residents and patrols of Poseidon Island soon discovered them and surrounded them.

"Who dares to break into Poseidon Island without permission? Leave immediately, otherwise you will be severely punished!"

These people have different looks, but they have one thing in common, and that is their clothes, which are similar to high-end outfits, lavender, and their soul power levels are as high as fifty or sixty!

The leader, wearing black clothes, showed no fluctuations in soul power, but Tang San had a vague feeling that this person should be a strong man above the Contra level.

On the way to Poseidon Island, he had already heard his ancestor say:

The sea soul masters on Poseidon Island are divided into different levels according to the color of their clothes.Although this does not strictly represent the soul power level, but the difficulty when they withstood the Poseidon's test.

The more difficult the test is, the higher the status on Poseidon Island will be, and the color of the clothes will be different, but it can be imagined that the more difficult the test is, the stronger the strength will be.From low to high, they are arranged according to the color of the soul rings.

The sea soul masters in yellow clothes are the second class above the soul masters in white clothes, followed by purple clothes, black clothes and red clothes.

The black-clothed man was already an eighty or ninety-level powerhouse. Tang San couldn't believe it. How many levels of power was the highest-level red-clothed man?Could it be that the third most popular person in mainland China is Haiyang Invincible?

But Tang Chen ignored the patrol guards of Poseidon Island, and instead looked at Poseidon Temple, which was located at the highest point.

The sparkling sea water reflects countless colorful lights under the sunset, and surrounded by the sea water, there is a small island.

The terrain on the island is very high, about 500 meters high. The most peculiar thing is that the island is shrouded in a faint golden light.Although the light is not strong, there is a sacred atmosphere, not from the light of the sunset, but from the island's own brilliance.

At the top of the island, there was a building that looked like a white jade carving. It was square in shape and had a dome. From where they were standing, they could only see that the outermost edge of the building was composed of huge white stone pillars, and its overall material was... They are all so crystal clear and full of divine brilliance.

This is the forbidden area of ​​Poseidon Island.

But Tang Chen sent the message to the top of the island without any scruples:

"Xier, I'm here, how are you doing?"

"You are so bold that you dare to intrude on the tranquility of the forbidden area. Take it down!"

The surrounding Poseidon Island soul masters roared angrily, and more than ten people surrounded them.

Tang Chen said calmly: "I don't want to hurt you. You'd better not ask for trouble. Remember decades ago..."

Before he could finish speaking, someone had already attacked him, but he was slapped away.

As soon as the Clear Sky Hammer came out, it shocked the entire audience.

The leader, a black-clothed sea soul master, immediately stopped everyone after seeing the Clear Sky Hammer and looked like he was thinking. He seemed to have some impression of this person.

At this time, Tang Chen sent another message to the Poseidon Temple. The voice passed through the thousand and one Poseidon Stairs and reached the Poseidon Temple.

Hearing this, a person in Poseidon Palace opened his eyes, trembled all over, and muttered:
"It's not a dream, is it really his voice? Is he still alive? Is he here? Could it be that he has succeeded?"

Muttering, the red and blue figure passed by the gate of Poseidon Temple.

From right in front of the Poseidon Temple, stone steps extend downward. Under the shining of the sunset, the white stone steps reflect the light, just like a jade belt hanging lightly on the Poseidon Mountain. At the end of the jade belt, a figure appears.

She walked down slowly, and all the surrounding soul masters from Poseidon Island lowered their heads and called out respectfully: "High Priest."

In Tang San's eyes, the woman's whole body was shrouded in a layer of bright red robes, and her long sea-blue hair was spread out behind her, almost reaching the ground when spread out.With a soft face, she looks about 30 years old at most. Her beauty comes more from her temperament, which is nobility, elegance and gentleness.

In her right hand, she holds a three-meter-long scepter. The scepter is golden, just like the gold that appeared in the sky just now. Five inches below the tip of the spear, there is a rhombus-shaped golden gemstone inlaid.

This reminded Tang San of a person, Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace. The appearance and temperament of the two people were different. Maybe it was because Wuhun Palace was an enemy. Tang San even felt that Bo Saixi was more beautiful than Bibi Dong.

Time has left almost no trace on her face. Nourished by the power of the Seagod and her powerful cultivation, her beauty will not fade away with time.

However, the moment he saw this woman, Tang San felt the uneasiness and emotion of his ancestor Tang Chen, who was as strong as him, and the corners of his eyes actually became a little moist.

He couldn't help but walked forward, causing the soul master of Poseidon Island to want to kill him. How dare he act in the face of the high priest?

Similarly, the moment Bo Saixi saw Tang Chen, he was also a little moved.

She couldn't believe what he had gone through. The handsome young man at the time had now become so miserable and greasy!

"It's really you, Tang Chen, you're here again."

Bo Saixi stood on the upper half of the Poseidon Stairs, and Tang Chen stepped on the middle section of the Poseidon Stairs.

Tang San didn't want to leave his ancestor's side, so he followed him, but just after walking a few stairs, he felt something was wrong.

When he stood up, he suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure, squeezing his body hard, just like pressing your fingers into a balloon, and the dented balloon was about to pop your fingers out. A layer of golden mist appeared around his body, and Tang San clearly felt that his soul power began to be consumed rapidly.

"What a bold boy. He dares to follow Poseidon's stairs at such a young age. This is a test from Poseidon."

The ridicule from the residents of Poseidon Island made Tang San walk up even more determinedly.

To the surprise of all the spirit masters on Poseidon Island, Tang San stood on the No. 40 step.

And at this moment, Tang San's clothes were torn apart, and several pieces of inherited soul bones were revealed and broke out from his back, making him stronger and more tolerant, stabilizing his own body.Stimulating the power of the soul bone will undoubtedly increase Tang San's own attributes.With a thick golden mist, he still did not stop and continued his slow climb.

On the other side, Tang Chen was really communicating with Bo Saixi.

Tang Chen looked at the person in front of him, and his heart beat suddenly. She was still as beautiful as decades ago, guarding the entire ocean, "Are you okay?"

Bo Saixi said calmly: "I'm fine. However, you don't look good."

Tang Chen showed a bitter smile: "Yes, I had a bad life. Every day was torture for me. It was a very dark and painful day. If I could, I would never want to think about it again." "It seems, You didn't succeed in obtaining the divine throne," Bo Saisi said.

"Just a little."

Tang Chen was still a little unwilling. If the Nine-Headed Bat King hadn't interfered with him, he might have succeeded. However, it was useless to say that. In the end, he could only sigh:

"Yes, I failed in the end. Maybe there is still a little bit of fate between us."

"So, you came to my Poseidon Island just to tell me about your failure?"

Bo Saixi was already a little impatient.

"Yes, and no. I have brought a descendant with him who is very talented. I want him to try to pass the Ninth Poseidon Examination to see if he has the potential to become a god."

It would be fine if he didn’t say it. But once he said it, Bo Saixi’s expression changed instantly:
"Complete the Poseidon test, is this why you came to me? Okay, okay, as a servant of Poseidon, I naturally have to accept all talented inheritors for Poseidon. Where is he? He is the one who is climbing the Poseidon's stairs. person?"

Tang Chen didn't realize that there was a bit of coldness in Bo Saixi's words.

"It's him."

"Where is Hai Long?"

Bo Saixi summoned a burly middle-aged man who turned out to be a powerful Titled Douluo. She ordered:

"That child needs to take the divine examination, and it's up to you to arrange it."

"As ordered!"

Sea Dragon Douluo looked at Tang San's back and already felt a little incredible in his heart.

Bo Saixi made arrangements and said calmly to Tang Chen, "Are you satisfied?"

"There's one more thing." Tang Chen thought about it for a while and then started to speak.

"what's up?"

"I don't know if you sea soul masters have heard about the situation on the mainland, about a story called Evil Immortal Douluo."

Tang Chen asked.

Bo Saixi glanced at him coldly: "You should know that we Sea Soul Hands live in the ocean all year round and don't want to have too much contact with you mainlanders. The number of times our commercial ships go to the mainland is pitiful. What's more, what does the Douluo on the mainland have to do with our Poseidon Island?"

"It seems, Xi'er, you still don't know the changes in the mainland..."

"You should, like all sea soul masters, call me high priest. Since you are here, you should abide by the rules here." Bo Saixi's gentle and beautiful face turned gloomy.

"That's not the point. The point is that this Evil Immortal Douluo has become so powerful that no one can defeat him. The entire continent has become his devil's paradise. Even I can't fight him. This time, I have an agreement with him. , I hope you don’t blame me.”

Hearing this, Bo Saixi frowned. She knew Tang Chen's strength. One of the three ultimate Douluo, a new strong one was born, and even Tang Chen couldn't defeat him?She didn't believe it.

"What agreement."

The next moment, a Haotian Sect appeared in Tang Chen's hand, and he gritted his teeth and said to Bo Saixi:
"The land and the sea will eventually have another battle to determine the winner and settle the regrets of the past. Xi'er, high priest, I'm sorry for you, but for the sake of my sect and people, I must do this. Let's duel! "

Nine soul rings appeared at Tang Chen's feet, and the Clear Sky Hammer pointed at Bo Saixi. Everyone was shocked.

Bo Saixi also broke through the defense and looked at Tang Chen coldly:

"So, you came, not only did you trample on your original promise, but you also came to take my life? Come to fight me to the death? Okay, that's great. Fortunately, I stuck to my heart back then and was not seduced by your sweet words. , I have made a contract for you that you will not return until you become a god, otherwise, I will not be able to see clearly what you are like."

Tang Chen said helplessly: "I had no choice but to do so. Besides, speaking of the past, if you were willing to be with me directly at that time, I wouldn't have pursued becoming a god, and I wouldn't have ended up like that. In the final analysis, Or is it because you love the gods too much and are so vain that we have become the tragedy we are now."

Su Xie in the sky listened to this conversation with great interest.

Before he could shake their hearts, they showed off their cards first and started arguing, with resentment and anger rising.

"Am I too in love with the gods? Am I vain?"

"If not, why are you only willing to marry God?"

Bo Saixi felt like he was going to explode. He thought it was a reunion of old friends after a long separation, reminiscing about the past, but unexpectedly, he was met with accusations and slander!

Bo Saixi's whole person became gloomy. As a servant of Poseidon, when she was angry, the ocean also changed. A tsunami tens of meters high broke out outside Poseidon Island, and the angry waves rolled:

"You don't understand anything at all. You didn't understand it before and you don't understand it now. You are a reckless man who only has brute strength."

"Not only did you come here to humiliate me, but you also wanted to kill me. From now on, you should never come to Poseidon Island again. I don't want to see you."

"What do you know? As servants of God, once someone passes the Nine Tests of God, we have to pay the price of our lives to build a bridge for them. Only God has the chance to redeem us, otherwise we will eventually die and fight for the path of God. Dead servants of gods have almost no hope of rebirth, so I let you become gods. Qiandaoliu cannot become gods. He is also a servant of gods. The last hope is only you. This is not only a test for you, but also a test for us. One of your hopes..."

Bo Saixi said angrily. Tang Chen felt like his brain was swollen. So the legend was true?

"Xier, I..."

"Call me High Priest!" Bo Saixi was extremely cold.

"do not do that……"

"If you want to fight, just fight. What nonsense, in the ocean, am I still afraid of you?"

As he spoke, nine soul rings appeared on Bo Saixi's body, which were even more dazzling than Tang Chen's.

"I just want to say that Brother Qian has fallen, and it was Evil Immortal Douluo who killed him."

"I came this time not to kill you, but to wish me dead."

Tang Chen confided:
"I want to complete his mission and duel with you, but I don't want you to die. As long as I die, all the sins will be gone and you can live. However, the Haotian Sect is still facing a crisis, and Poseidon Island is the only way to let you go. The Wuhun Palace is in ruins, so I want to say that after my death in this battle, you can lead the strong men of Poseidon Island to protect my Haotian Sect and disciples, and destroy the Wuhun Palace..."


(End of this chapter)

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