Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 19 The Source of Desire, Ma Hongjun

Chapter 19 The Source of Desire, Ma Hongjun

"Ma Hongjun"

Seeing a familiar scene, Su Xie muttered in his heart.

He has been confused as to why Xie Huo Ji Ma Hongjun was not in the academy these two days.

It turned out that I was having fun with my girlfriend and forgot about it.

The girl had an ordinary appearance and was wearing simple peasant clothes. Her name was Cuihua. She was probably the person that the old lady in the small yard that Su Xie just passed by was worried about.

The wretched little fat man who pestered her was Ma Hongjun.

Seeing Ma Hongjun, Su Xie got angry. This little fat guy looked like he had never seen a woman before. He was just lustful. What man wouldn't be lustful?

But when I see a woman, I want to put my thing inside immediately, which is so disgusting.

What's more, this Cuihua is still an ordinary little farm girl. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, what has happened to her?The possibility of Ma Hongjun using the power of the soul master to intimidate and induce him cannot be ruled out.

And later on, when Ma Hongjun became stronger and became a god, he didn't take Cuihua as his former girlfriend into his heart. He didn't care about her life and death at all, he just used her as a tool to relieve his anger.

Cuihua looked scared: "I beg you, I really can't stand you anymore. Find someone else!"

Ma Hongjun was still shameless and proud. He raised his hand to grab her hand and walk towards the hotel:

"You can't stand me. I really don't understand what you girls are thinking. It's okay to break up, come with me again, and I'll break up with you. Otherwise, there's no way."

Cuihua begged: "No, I don't want it anymore. Just let me go. Are you human?"

Su Xie saw the strong resentment emerging from Cuihua's head, and even saw the resentment in her head. This is a scene that can only occur when resentment reaches a certain level.

In the picture, Cuihua recalled the first time he met Ma Hongjun. At that time, Ma Hongjun passed by Cuihua's house and actively helped her grandma with housework, very diligently.

The next night, he sneaked into Cuihua's room, got into her bed, and took her by force, and then they became boyfriend and girlfriend.

She still remembered that it was her first time, but Ma Hongjun was very brutal. After that, he abused her regardless of the occasion and frequency, which made her very painful. Finally, it broke out today.

"It already has two thousand evil points. Coming from a common girl, it's really good."

At this moment, the voice of Evil Sword Immortal appeared in Su Xie's mind:

[Triggering evil mission: Burning with desire. 】

[Mission goal: Develop Ma Hongjun’s desire, and finally squeeze it dry, making him despair of women. You can complete the mission and be rewarded with 2 evil points. 】

"Let me go, system, you may have misunderstood me. I can still accept it if you ask me to seduce women, but you want me to develop this fat man's desire? Isn't this making things difficult for me?"

"Okay, take it, what's the problem? The worst I can do is tie him up for ten and a half months and let sexy beauties dance in front of him every day, just to stop him from getting angry."

Twenty thousand evil points was a big temptation for Su Xie.

"However, it is not easy to make him despair and feel disgusted with women."

However, Su Xie also thought of a good way.

"Don't be afraid. The more afraid you are, the more excited I am and the more I want you!"

Ma Hongjun's power was not something Cuihua, a commoner, could resist. He was almost dragged away by Ma Hongjun, with a look of pain on his face.

Su Xie was about to take action, but unexpectedly his three maids couldn't sit still.

"Let go of that girl!"

Xiao Wu shot out with a waist bow and kicked Ma Hongjun in the face, keeping Cuihua behind them.

Ma Hongjun was caught off guard and rolled and crawled more than ten meters.

"This wretched fat man is even worse than Su Xie. He actually forces a girl to do that kind of thing! It's really abominable!"

Ning Rongrong snorted and looked down on Ma Hongjun.

There was a chill in Zhu Zhuqing's cold eyes, and he really wanted to cut off his thing!

"Who? How dare you sneak attack me? I am a soul master from Shrek Academy!" Ma Hongjun got up from the ground, patted his butt, and was a little angry. When he turned around and saw three very beautiful girls, the little girl His eyes narrowed and he blinked, the whiskers on his lips trembled a few times, and the light in his eyes shone brightly:

"What beautiful girls, there are three of them. I am lucky today. It happens that the evil fire is not suppressed. Do you all want to be my girlfriend? In this case, I can let her go."


"Do you want to die?"

"He is even more annoying than Su Xie!"

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong felt disgusted at the same time.

Su Xie was very happy to watch: Let’s fight! Let’s fight!
He just likes to watch a show and absorb resentment and become stronger at the same time.

But I'm a little depressed, why do you want to compare this guy with me?

I am the Evil Sword Immortal and he is a pervert. How can we compare?
"Want to fight? I'm a great soul master!"

Two yellow soul rings appeared under Ma Hongjun's feet and he looked at the opposite side greedily.

"Is the Great Soul Master amazing?"

"We are all great soul masters!"

Xiao Wu snorted, and immediately two soul rings appeared under her feet.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong also released their soul rings. The three great soul masters stood opposite Ma Hongjun, making Ma Hongjun speechless for a moment.

"A good man won't fight with a woman. If you bully the minority, I won't fight with you. This is a matter between us as lovers, and you have nothing to do with it."

Knowing that he did not have the upper hand, Ma Hongjun settled for the next best thing, hoping to win Cuihua's heart.

"Okay, stop playing."

At this time, Su Xie finally spoke: "Ma Hongjun, I have to say that you are a talent. It's a pity that you met me."

Su Xie took a deep breath with enjoyment, feeling the rich aura of desire wafting out of Ma Hongjun's body.

The seven emotions and six desires are natural human emotions, but once they exceed the ordinary value, whether they are joy, anger, sadness, fear, love, evil, or desire, they will turn into evil energy, permeate the heaven and earth, and nourish evil things.

And Su Xie is that evil thing!

"Who are you to interfere in my business?"

"Me? I am the dean of Shrek Academy and the master of the three of them."

Su Xie took a few steps forward calmly, and with just two glances, Zhu Zhuqing came back and stayed by his side.

Ning Rongrong also snorted, picked up the fruit plate and fed Su Xie grapes, and said obediently, "Ah~ eat my big, round grape, it's very sweet and soft~"

Xiao Wu stamped her feet and reluctantly came back to give Su Xie a massage.

Ma Hongjun was dumbfounded: "These three beautiful girls are all your maids? How do you do it? Teach me!"

Cuihua's eyes lit up when she saw Su Xie, she knelt down and begged:

"Please accept me, as long as you don't let Ma Hongjun pester me, I'm willing to do anything!"

Su Xie was startled: Damn it, I'm here to save you from the hot water, and you still want to come and hug me?

"Cuihua, your grandma is still at home waiting for you to take care of her. Get out of here."

Su Xie said mercilessly, he is the Evil Sword Immortal, he is the only one who cheats others, how can he break his own shoes?

"As for you, Ma Hongjun, hehe, tie him up."

A bold idea popped up in Su Xie's mind.

 Did you drive too much and it was easy to get the chapter blocked?
(End of this chapter)

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