Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 20: Absorbing Negative Aura and Feeling of Desire

Chapter 20 Absorbing Negative Aura—The Feeling of Desire
"Stop dancing, get out of here, I can't stand it anymore!"

"I really can't stand it!"

In Shrek Academy, Ma Hongjun was tied to a stone pillar and was watching a visual feast.

In front of me, a bunny girl and a cat girl were dancing, and a girl wearing a Lolita princess dress danced gracefully.

Xiao Wu is wearing a bunny costume, with cute pink bunny ears on her head. The same pink cute hood covers her small breasts. A short tail hangs on her hip and moves with her body. She is cute, playful and sexy at the same time.

Tang San's eyes turned red, this was a gesture that even he had never developed before.

Dai Mubai was also sour, and strong resentment continued to float out of her body, adding some evil points to Su Xie.

Because Zhu Zhuqing's figure is hotter than Xiao Wu!
Zhu Zhuqing's figure in a cat girl costume was perfectly presented. They were dancing around an iron pole, and their every move aroused their fantasies.

Ma Hongjun was possessed by evil fire to a certain extent, otherwise he wouldn't have clung to Cuihua.

At this time, when he was stimulated by Su Xie again, he felt like he was about to explode, his whole body was about to explode!

The evil fire phoenix spirit erupted, and two yellow spirit rings emerged at Ma Hongjun's feet. Raging flames spread all over his body, and he completely exploded!
However, what Su Xie saw was not fire, but rich crimson lust erupting from Ma Hongjun's head, as if the entire sky was dyed with a layer of red clouds.

Su Xie closed his eyes in enjoyment. These desires would not only increase his evil value, but also strengthen his body and enhance his mental power.

It's so comfortable!
Absorbing the taste of negative breath is like the feeling of comfort and happiness you feel after studying (working) hard all day long and going to a paradise on earth at night, soaking in a hot spring, and having several beautiful women serving you.

Perhaps, the most wonderful thing in life is nothing more than this!
"Dai Mubai, come here."

An evil sword was suspended above Dai Mubai's head.

Dai Mubai hated Su Xie to death. He asked his fiancée to warm his bed and dance for him. This was a treatment that he had never even enjoyed!

He reluctantly responded. He really didn't want to talk to Su Xie, but he was afraid of being beaten: "What's wrong?"

"Is there such a happy place in Soto City?"


"Don't pretend."

Su Xie snorted.

Everyone looked at Su Xie in surprise, a little incredulous.

Xiao Wu also put her hands on her hips, pointed at Su Xie and said, "Humph, you are indeed an LSP, you actually want to go to that kind of place!"

Zhu Zhuqing took one look at her sexy figure and felt a little disappointed: Am I really worse than those women?

Ning Rongrong also muttered: "This evil man, when I return to the Qibao Glazed Sect, I will let Grandpa Jian capture you, and I will keep you as a pet!"

Little did they know that at that time, Su Xiexie was crowned the Sword Immortal and the Immortal Killing Sword came out, which immediately made the sword soul masters all over the world worship and surrender. Even her Grandpa Sword could not compare to it.

Su Xie didn't care at all what they thought of him. The Evil Sword Immortal had unparalleled thoughts, so why should he care about other people's eyes?

Dai Mubai said righteously: "No, I never go to that kind of place. I have no interest in women."

You have tortured us at Shrek Academy so much, and you still want me to take you to have fun?dream!

Hearing this, even Flanders and the others were speechless. You 'unparalleled silver baby' are here to tell me that you are not interested in women?I don’t know how many women you’ve made pregnant by you in the past few years!

Sometimes, they chase the abortion fees all the way to the college!
"Lying is punishable!"

Su Xie moved his fingers slightly, and a ray of evil energy entered Dai Mubai's body, as if a beast was devouring his soul, causing him to roll on the ground in pain.

I, Su Xie, still don’t know who Dai Mubai is?The girls who had had abortions in the past few years came to us and asked Dai Mubai to take care of them and recuperate their bodies. Dai Mubai directly threw the blame to Su Xie and asked Su Xie to be a nanny. Those things appeared in front of Su Xie's eyes. ,vivid memory.

"Yes! There are many beautiful girls in the bar at No. 467 East Street, Soto City. Just pay me, two gold soul coins!"

"The 89th floor in the West District is the largest red light district in Soto City!"

"There is also one on South Street, but it's all about younger girls, lolita girls. I don't like this one, so I don't go there much! Copper smelting is shameful."

Dai Mubai couldn't bear the mental attack of the evil spirit and revealed three locations one after another.

"Isn't this kind of thing illegal on Douluo Continent?"

"What method? If you are strong enough, no one will dare to interfere with killing people. The empire acquiesces in the money and sex trade, and our Star Luo Empire even has an official business!"

Dai Mubai's face was twisted. This kind of mental torture was really terrible. It felt like life was worse than death.

"Oh." Su Xie responded lightly, not pitying Dai Mubai at all.

"But if you're not looking for beauties, are there any cute mothers who are between 50 and [-] years old?"

Su Xie said.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

They were stunned.

Even Dai Mubai widened his evil eyes, "Big Mom?"

turn out to be?Su Xie likes this?
"Yes, she is a rich woman, the kind who is willing to spend money to find excitement."

"Yes, and quite a few."

"Find them all."

Because he is tall, strong and handsome, Dai Mubai has received invitations from glamorous rich women more than once, but he has never agreed.

Following Su Xie's instructions, Dai Mubai actively followed them.

He couldn't wait to see those aunts weighing two to three hundred pounds surrounding Su Xie with joy!

Dai Mubai's connections in Sotuo City were indeed extensive. On that day, he summoned more than a dozen aunts who were like wolves and tigers!

The fat on their bodies undulated with their movements, surging like a tsunami. Bright smiles bloomed on their faces, and their bloated faces were squeezed into a chrysanthemum shape.

Stepping on the soil of Shrek Academy left deep footprints, as if the power of the physical body alone could rival the power of a soul master.

"Too...too strong."

Oscar's thin figure was trembling, and a seductive look from those aunts could scare him to the point where he was flying.

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong also had their mouths twitching. Who would be so lucky to play happily with these rich mothers?
Flanders and Zhao Wuji were also dumbfounded, saying that it is not easy for a man to do this well!

The only ones who can defeat them are warriors!
At this moment, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Su Xie.

Xiao Wu: No wonder he only asked me to shout that night and never did anything else...

Zhu Zhuqing: In the state he was in this morning... I shouldn't like this type of person. Where did I lose?
Ning Rongrong: No wonder Su Xie didn’t let me warm the bed. It turns out it’s because of her poor taste, hum ╭(╯^╰)╮!
Su Xie is also very satisfied with these wealthy aunts wearing heavy makeup.

However, he glanced meaningfully at Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai...

(End of this chapter)

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