Chapter 21 Mission Completion
Withered vines, old trees, faint crows.

Small bridge and flowing water people.

Ancient westerly horse.

Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon.

The artistic conception of this poem perfectly explains the situation of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun today.

"Today is the home field for the sisters. Let's all get excited. I heard that these two children are both soul masters. This is a rare opportunity to play with!"

"Little fat man, hey, show me your martial arts spirit quickly. My sister is really curious."

"666, three sixes, drink, six glasses of wine!"

"Truth or dare? Dare? Okay, you can run around the academy ten times with my sister on your back and see how your soul masters' stamina is!"

"Come on, come on, sister, let me show you the big baby, come closer~"


[Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun have a despair level of 10% and gain 1000 evil points. 】

[Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun have a despair level of 30% and gain 3000 evil points. 】

[Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun have a despair level of 50% and gain 5000 evil points. 】

[Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun have a despair level of 70% and gained 7000 evil points! 】

By the time midnight arrived, Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai's faces were already pale and they were so tired that they couldn't even stand still.

They didn't know how much high-intensity exercise they did, how much money they ran around Shrek Academy carrying three to five hundred kilograms of 'good sisters', how many times they drank, and they were almost paralyzed. Soul power is blessing.

In the end, they even ran out of soul power.

Flanders and the others were shocked and felt sorry for them.

At this time, even if there are millions of gold soul coins piled in front of them, or a beautiful woman with extraordinary charm is in front of them, it is difficult to make their hearts move.

"It's not bad, especially the little fat guy. He's very powerful, energetic, and cheerful. It's a pleasure to play games together. Although his figure and appearance are not as good as the tall one, he deserves a thumbs up. I I haven’t met such a nice kid in a long time.”

As the night fell, the crowds left one after another.

Su Xie opened the door and showed a kind smile to Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun:

"Okay, you two performed well today. Thank you for your hard work. I have asked Lao Litou to make soup for you. I will give you something good to eat and take advantage of."

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, who were exhausted and exhausted, almost crawled to Su Xie and begged:

"We can't do it anymore. We really can't do it anymore. We are really too tired. Please let us go. Don't let us do this work anymore."

Seeing Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, who were so exhausted that their faces were so hollow, Flanders endured the pain that was still healing and shook his head while moving bricks:
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, even Ma Hongjun is so tired. Isn't he carrying a fat man of [-] pounds doing push-ups?"

"This Su Xie actually came up with such a way to punish this little fat man. It's a bit disappointing, but it's really satisfying."

"I'm just saying, Su Xie can't possibly taste like that..."

Ning Rongrong and the others finally understood the truth.

It turned out that this was Su Xie's method of torturing Ma Hongjun.

Poor Dai Mubai originally wanted to see Su Xie's joke, but unexpectedly he dug a hole for himself.

Rest, they just want to rest now!
"Good boy, Dai Mubai, isn't this your favorite thing to do? I've satisfied you."

"And you, little fat man, you have been clinging to Cuihua and have been unwilling to let go. Isn't it because no one 'plays' with you? Now that there are so many people playing with you, you should be happy, right?"

Su Xie said lightly.

The two people who spoke had a wry smile on their faces.Dai Mubai said quickly:
"I won't play anymore. I won't play anymore in the future. I will treat every girl seriously, give each other a warm home, and never go out to play around again!"

Ma Hongjun also cried: "I was wrong! I let go, I will never go to Cuihua again!"

Su Xie's expression was very cold. Hasn't he asked them before?

He once persuaded Dai Mubai nicely not to scumbag girls, but to treat them well so that they would not come to collect debts.

He was answered with a look of contempt and a hard fist.

He also suggested to Ma Hongjun that if the evil fire started to rise, he could solve it by himself, or he could find a cold pool and jump into it to calm down. He did not have to entangle some women.

What responded to him was Ma Hongjun's contempt and oppression, and he also laughed at Su Xie for not knowing the beauty of girls.

Now, how could Su Xie be fooled by their weak appearance?

What's more, looking at the wisps of resentment emerging from their heads, Su Xie knew that these two guys probably hated themselves.

"Keep going."

Su Xie patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder, called Li Yusong, and placed the cooked nourishing food in front of them to replenish their energy.

As soon as these words came out, they instantly froze on the spot.

When they see a few lumps of fat in the soup, they will think of bad things and feel disgusted!
"yue, yue~" Dai Mubai vomited directly.


The next day, it was just as Su Xie expected.

Those rich women from Soto City are here to have fun again. Most of them are the widows of nobles and soul masters in the kingdom. These people own a lot of wealth, including land, soul coins, and business.

They are not short of money or time, they just want to be happy.

Seeing the people arriving one after another, Zhao Wuji, Flender and others who were rebuilding the academy were dumbfounded.

Today’s quantity is double that of yesterday!
Isn’t this treating people to death?

"Dean, help!"

"Teacher Zhao, you are in good health. Please help me and play games with them on my behalf. It's just about playing games, kissing, hugging, and holding them high. There is absolutely no other violation of the rules, okay?"

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun turned their attention to Flender and their expressions.

Flanders covered the wound and shifted his gaze, "Don't call me, I'm just a handyman now, not the dean."

Zhao Wuji was also gasping for air: "You should enjoy this blessing by yourselves. I still want to build a college."

Seeing the pain on Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai's faces, everyone in Shrek Academy prayed devoutly: Silence for you...

Even though the two of them had had a night's rest, within a few hours, they were still paralyzed from exhaustion, with despair in their eyes.

This created a huge psychological shadow.

At the same time, Su Xie’s mission was successfully completed:
[Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun have a despair level of 90% and gained 9000 evil points! 】

[Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun are at 100% desperate level and gain 10000 evil points! 】

[The task of detecting the evil sword fairy related to Ma Hongjun - Burning with Desire is completed, and [-] evil points have been received! 】

Su Xie couldn't wait to take a look at the evil sword fairy panel. His evil value had reached [-] points!

There is only the last 10 evil points left to condense the [-]-year-old soul ring!
He couldn't help but wonder, what would his ninth soul skill be?

(End of this chapter)

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