Chapter 22 The Master Arrives
In the following days, Shrek Academy became surprisingly peaceful.

Shrek Academy is already dilapidated. Even if it is rebuilt, it will not be as luxurious as it is. What's more, Zhao Wuji and the others don't have much construction experience.

During this period, they finally restored Shrek Academy to an almost complete extent and successfully carried out the finishing work.

Even Flanders and Zao Wou-Ki were doubtful:

Why didn't Su Xie come up with some new tricks to torture them?
Maybe everyone has mild, moderate, or even severe masochism, or maybe this is post-traumatic stress disorder, and they have had a very deep psychological shadow on Su Xie.

Zhao Wuji resisted the two piles of extra wooden boards and threw them into the warehouse, "I don't know what Dean Su Xie has been doing recently, he doesn't appear often anymore."

Flanders's chest still hurt occasionally, and it took a hundred days for his muscles and bones to break, not to mention that the sword he endured had already damaged his heart and lungs. Even a powerful Soul Saint could not recover in a few days.

"It would be better if he doesn't show up. I hope he never shows up again. He'd better leave our Shrek Academy as soon as possible."

Flanders wanted to yell, but when he thought that it might anger Su Xie, he could only swallow those words in his stomach.

Su Xie's spiritual power is far stronger than his physical power.

In their eyes, the Evil Sword Immortal Martial Spirit is a mutated martial spirit, which is unprecedented in the entire history of Douluo Continent.

This also means, mystery!
"Just be afraid, Su Xie is thinking of more terrifying ways to retaliate against us."

Oscar was afraid. He was already the luckiest among the members of Shrek Academy and had not suffered any major blows.

That's right, at first glance, he felt that Ning Rongrong was very close to him, which made his heart flutter. Unfortunately, he was dragged over by Su Xie to be a maid. This was something he regretted.

Oscar's words scared everyone.

Su Xie, it’s the devil’s evil ways!
"I really can't think of anything more terrifying than serving those rich women. You might as well kill me!"

Dai Mubai couldn't help but complain that he felt sick whenever he saw the fat woman now.

Even beautiful girls have no interest in him.

That would be even worse than killing him!
"But making money, those people are richer than each other, and the red envelopes they hand around contain dozens or hundreds of gold soul coins. In just those two days, Su Xie probably got three to five thousand gold soul coins. It's really a big deal. A huge sum of money.”

Three to five thousand gold soul coins are enough for an ordinary family to live a life without worries about food and clothing.

Oscar was a little envious. He worked so hard to bake large sausages and sell them. Each sausage cost only five copper soul coins. He might not be able to earn even one gold soul coin in a month...

"Do you want to make this money?"

"If you have this plan, I suggest you buy a piece of pork belly now, dig a hole in the middle of the piece of meat, put a soul coin in it, and then leave it untouched for half a month until it smells bad. After the moon, use your tongue to lick out the soul coin. If you can do it, congratulations, you are ready."

Dai Mubai suppressed his nausea and provided Oscar with a feasible plan.

Hearing this, Oscar shuddered all over, thinking about it made him feel perverted:
"I'll just keep selling my big sausages."

At this time, a middle-aged man who looked about 50 or [-] years old appeared outside the college. He had short black hair parted in threes and sevens. He had an ordinary appearance. He had his hands behind his back, but he had a special temperament. His eyes were open and closed. There is a bit of laziness and decadence in between.

"Shrek Academy is here, old friend, are you okay?"

The middle-aged man stood at the door of Shrek Academy. After their golden iron triangle was disbanded, Flanders sent him a letter, hoping that he, a master of soul master theory, could help him build a soul master academy.

Save money together and open Shrek Academy, Monster Academy!

To train a group of little monsters and make them famous on the mainland, they must not only defeat the Thunder Academy of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, but also compete with the geniuses of Wuhundian Academy and impress all those who look down on them.

At that time, Yu Xiaogang was still immersed in the loss and despair of running away from marriage. He didn't come out for a long time. In the end, the dean of Notting College took him in.At this time, he came because he saw hope, and that hope was his disciple, Tang San!

Yu Xiaogang stepped into the gate of Shrek Academy.

What comes into view is the scene of a thriving college.

Everyone in the academy was working hard and sweating, and he saw his old friend Flanders and disciple Tang San also working hard.

Yu Xiaogang showed a pleased smile. Although these basic tasks will only slightly improve the soul master's strength, they can hone the soul master's character.

Unexpectedly, this guy Flanders has mastered some teaching methods to train children.

Tang San held a pile of firewood with a depressed look on his face and cooperated with Li Yusong in making lunch.

Coming to Shrek Academy was probably the thing he regretted most in his life.

He came here to learn, in order to go further and further on the path of a soul master and become stronger and stronger.

But what he is doing now and how angry he is getting are completely opposite to his original intention of coming here.

Every day he was thinking about when he would be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and how he could run away with Xiao Wu, but the evil sword above his head kept telling him:
Hi men, you are locked.

"Basic work, moving bricks, weeding, and repairing houses... Although it can calm people down, doing it every day is not a good thing. Xiaosan, the most important thing for you now is to practice and hunt for the third soul ring as soon as possible. right."

Yu Xiaogang calmly walked in slowly.


Zhao Wuji was shocked. He had noticed a breath coming into the academy before, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He just thought it was someone from the academy.When I heard the voice, I felt something was wrong. There was no such voice in the college.


"Little Gang!"

But that sound made Flanders and Tang San tremble, and immediately there were expressions of surprise on their faces.

Tang San ran over quickly, "Teacher, you are finally here, I miss you so much."

Flanders also walked over immediately: "Long time no see, Xiaogang. Unfortunately, you shouldn't come at this time."

"Come on, Wuji, Mubai, Xiao Ao... you haven't seen them before, right? Let me introduce to you, this is my old buddy from back then, who was also Tang San's teacher. You can just call him master. Almost everyone in the soul master world They all call him that."

Flender introduced Yu Xiaogang's identity to everyone present.

"So you are the master. Hello, I am Zao Wuji."

"I am Dai Mubai."

"Oscar, come and eat my big sausage when you have time, Master."

Everyone introduced themselves one after another.

However, Yu Xiaogang frowned and said with some arrogance: "Fland, you just said that I shouldn't come now. What do you mean? Don't you welcome me? I don't have to stay in your academy."

(End of this chapter)

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