Chapter 23 Breakthrough Title Douluo
Yu Xiaogang looked aloof, as if Shrek Academy couldn't survive without him.

If it weren't for Tang San, I'm afraid he would never have kicked Flanders' door in his life.

If it weren't for Tang San's sake, Flanders would really want to scold Yu Xiaogang.

But out of affection, Flanders still gave in to Yu Xiaogang and said with a smile:

"Xiao Gang, that's not what I meant. It's just that you came at the wrong time. I don't have the final say in the academy now. It's best for you not to come recently."

"Teacher, it's like this..."

Tang San explained for Flanders, telling what happened at Shrek Academy these days.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Zhao Wuji and others shared the joys and sorrows, and in the hard days of being squeezed by Su Xie, a kind of revolutionary friendship was derived.

The relationship is strong, and every late at night, we will talk about the sky and the sea. In a few days, everyone has become familiar with each other's situation.

However, after Yu Xiaogang heard what happened to Su Xie, he looked unbelieving and shook his head and said:
"Impossible, Xiaosan, why are you teasing me with them? It's impossible for a twelve or thirteen-year-old Soul Douluo to exist. Even in the known history of Soul Masters, there are no corresponding deeds recorded."

"According to my research, there are only a handful of 12-year-olds who can reach the 29th level soul master like you, Xiaosan, and are expected to break through to soul master before the age of 13. Soul master is the limit of a 12-year-old soul master."

"What's more, his innate soul power is only level 0.6. With such rubbish soul power, it would be a blessing to be able to cultivate to the soul master realm in his lifetime."

Yu Xiaogang said very firmly, as if what he said was the truth and convincing.

"Master, I thought the same thing as you before, but the facts are right in front of me. I can't help but believe it. Otherwise, we wouldn't be dragging our tired bodies here to do the work of these inferior people."

Zhao Wuji said helplessly, laundry, mopping the floor, and hard work are not things that lower-class people often do. No matter how miserable he was in the past, he would never be like this.

Because they are noble soul masters!
The members of Shrek Academy, including Tang San, nodded seriously, but Yu Xiaogang was still a little doubtful.

Flanders and Zhao Wuji, who are soul saints after all, how could they be dominated by a 12-year-old child, and a child adopted by Flanders to avenge kindness and revenge!
This is definitely a prank!

"I understand. You are questioning my theoretical strength as a soul master, so you have joined forces to make up this story to test my judgment. But I can tell you clearly that there are big holes in your story."

"Level 0.6, it is impossible to break through Soul Master at the age of 12, not to mention that you are ridiculously compiled into a powerful Soul Douluo."

Yu Xiaogang stood with his hands behind his hands and said seriously.

You know, Yu Xiaogang himself only has level 0.5 soul power. Now, he is 50 or 31 years old and does not even have level [-].

As for Su Xie, he is only 0.1 level higher than him, so their talents should be about the same.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to be in the sky and on the earth at the same time!
Seeing Yu Xiaogang trusting his own judgment so stubbornly, everyone was speechless.

Tang San reacted quickly and said to Yu Xiaogang:

"Teacher, no matter what, if Su Xie doesn't find you, leave immediately and ask for help from the empire or the powerful people in Wuhun Palace. Only they can help us."

Tang San and the others almost pushed Yu Xiaogang to the gate of Shrek Academy:

"Xiao Gang, go quickly. Whether we can escape from the sea of ​​suffering depends on you."

"Don't make fun of me. We are already at the gate. You can find help yourself. Why rely on me."

Yu Xiaogang already looked a little angry, and his face turned dark. They insisted on saying things that were not in line with the soul master's logic. Wasn't it saying that his soul master theory was wrong?
"We cannot leave the gate of Shrek Academy, otherwise our lives will be in danger."

A wry smile appeared on Tang San's and the others' faces. If they could run away, they would have run away long ago. Why stay and suffer?
"Nonsense, the more you make it up, the more outrageous it is. You asked that Su Xie to come out to see me. I want to see the demeanor of a young man who can create an innate soul power of level 0.6 in the Soul Douluo realm. If it is true, I would like to ask him He asked for advice." But at this moment, on the roof of the dean's building in Shrek Academy, wind suddenly surged, thick black air enveloped him, and the surrounding sky was covered with dark clouds.

"Is it going to rain?"

"Widow Wang, come out and collect your clothes soon. Your underwear is about to fly away. I'll look for you tonight."

When the villagers in the villages surrounding Shrek Academy saw this unprovoked weather change, they all thought it was going to rain heavily and quickly urged the villagers to go home.

"what happened?"

"What a powerful breath."

"Su Xie won't...break through, right?"

"What level has he broken through to? 82? Or 85? 87?"

Although Su Xie has revealed eight soul rings, they have never known Su Xie's true soul power level. Some think that Su Xie may have just broken through Contra and is only level 81. Others think that Su Xie should be a high-level soul. Douluo, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat Zao Wuji and Flender.

"No wonder he hasn't come to torment us in the past few days. Is he preparing for a breakthrough?"

"Old Fu, do you think that when he breaks through, is it the best time for us to fight back?"

"Normally, when a soul master makes a breakthrough, he needs to concentrate on condensing soul power and breaking through bottlenecks, and his strength is indeed greatly affected. If he is condensing soul rings and comprehending new soul skills, his perception of the outside world will be weaker and he will be less able to fight back. , so when a soul master breaks through, he will usually find a safe place to break through, or let a trustworthy and powerful soul master protect him."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"kill him!"


"Xiao Gang, don't you want to see him? Come on, let's see how we kill him!"

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, Zhao Wuji...their eyes were all red. At this moment, it seemed that the suppressed resentment in their hearts burst out again!

A strong negative aura floated out from their heads, all rushing towards Su Xie's direction.

"How dare he? How dare he break through in the academy?"

They have been grudged against Su Xie for a long time, and if they can find an opportunity to take revenge, they will never let it go to end this miserable day!
"With one thought of killing the immortal, I am the only evil swordsman, hahahaha..."

A hearty voice sounded in the sky above Shrek Academy.

Strong resentment condensed into a ring around Su Xie's body, and he continued to inject the evil value, which already exceeded the value of [-] points.

The system's soul ring blessing is very fast, far from an ordinary breakthrough.

In just a few dozen seconds, the ninth soul ring condensed under Su Xie's feet.

An evil sword immortal who seemed to have seen through all the vicissitudes of the world appeared in Su Xie's body. Then his soul ring and martial soul were withdrawn, and he began to sit cross-legged and meditate to consolidate his realm.

At this moment, the door was kicked open with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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