Chapter 46 Tang Hao's Request

"Oh my God, it's too scary. It's too scary. Fortunately, we ran fast!"

"Why did that guy Su Xie come to the Star Dou Forest?"

"The Star Dou Forest is so big, how can we meet him?"

"Aren't he and Zhu Zhuqing being wanted by the Star Luo royal family? How dare they come to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for souls?"

"I finally escaped from his grasp. If I hadn't run fast, I would have fallen in again!"


Zhao Wuji and the other three were in shock. They ran for a full quarter of an hour before they dared to look back. They only dared to stop after confirming that Su Xie was not chasing them.

"It's a pity for my soul ring." Oscar said with regret.

"The soul ring is just a chicken feather, and it's just a thousand-year-old phoenix-tailed crested snake. Which one is more important than your life?"

Everything they experienced in Shrek Academy shrouded their hearts like a thick black mist that would not go away for a long time.

As soon as they saw Su Xie, they were instinctively afraid.

"What should we do now, Teacher Zhao?"

"What should we do? Of course we should avoid that guy, but the whole Xingluo is looking for them. Although we can't directly fight against Su Xie, we can kill people with a borrowed knife."

Zhao Wuji had a plan in mind and took Ma Hongjun and Oscar away from the Star Forest.

Ma Hongjun was confused: "Teacher Zhao, aren't we going to hunt soul beasts?"

"Everyone knows that Su Xie is in the Star Dou Forest. What kind of soul beast is he hunting? If we report it to the people of the Star Luo Empire, the reward will be more than a hundred gold soul coins? We can tell everyone that Evil Immortal Douluo and Zhu Zhuqing are in the Star Dou Forest. In the big forest, what do you think those soul masters will do?"

"Absolutely, Teacher Zhao, why didn't I realize you were so smart before?"

"To be honest, we are also here to hunt for the third soul ring."

"Then Zhao Wuji does have some relationship with us, but we are not very familiar with him."

Here, Su Xie and Snake Woman said to Chao Tianxiang.

Chao Tianxiang was a little surprised. The two children in front of her were not very old. They were about the same age as the two boys brought by Zhao Wuji, but they had also reached level [-]?
Are all young people today so talented?
Chao Tianxiang looked back at Meng Yiran, who was absorbing the soul ring, "If you are willing to wait, after my little granddaughter successfully absorbs the third soul ring, she will also find a soul beast to try the effect of the new soul skill. Then we can By the way, I’ll help you hunt for the third soul ring.”

But what surprised Chao Tianxiang was that the other party actually rejected his kindness.

Su Xie smiled, he was a powerful Evil Immortal Douluo, but he still needed help from a Soul Emperor?
"No need, it's just a thousand-year soul ring, it's not a big deal."

Su Xie glanced at Snake Po and Meng Yiran indifferently, turned around and left with Zhu Zhuqing.

Looking at Su Xie's back, Snake Woman snorted: "What an arrogant boy. He dares to underestimate the power of a thousand-year soul beast at such a young age. With such a mentality, I'm afraid you will be killed by the soul beast sooner or later. You know, if it is a thousand-year-old soul beast with eighty or nine thousand years of cultivation, even an old woman will have a headache."

This place goes deep into the forest, a few kilometers away.

Xiao Wu stopped and stood on the branch looking out, as if waiting for something to come.

Tang San asked in confusion: "Xiao Wu, what's wrong?"

Tang Hao frowned, crossed his arms and said calmly: "What she was waiting for has arrived." The next moment, under the gazes of Xiao Wu, Tang San, and Tang Hao, the two tall trees in front suddenly slowly parted to both sides, and a The huge figure walked out from there.

It was an existence like a mountain. The dark hair all over its body shone faintly under the sunlight. Although it was on all fours, its shoulder height was definitely more than seven meters.

If it stood upright, I am afraid that the height will be 15 meters away.

From the outside, it looked like an ape or chimpanzee. It was completely black except for a pair of lantern-sized eyes that shone like topaz.If it does not move during the night, its existence cannot even be detected.

This big guy's body is too majestic, majestic to an unbelievable level. Not only is his body huge, but every part of his body is covered with strong muscles that are even more terrifying than granite, protruding like a hill.

And such a huge guy made no sound between walking, not even breathing.

But when two more human soul masters appeared, the Titan ape blew out a stream of hot air from its nasal cavity and let out a muffled groan.

Xiao Wu's light body jumped onto the Titan ape's shoulders and touched its head: "Okay, Er Ming, they are not enemies, they are our friends. They will live with us in the forest for a while in the future. You must not do anything to them."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. That Haotian Douluo in the human world is very powerful. Er Ming, you may not be his opponent."

Xiao Wu pointed at Tang Hao and introduced the Titan Ape.

Then, Xiao Wu said to Tang San and Tang Hao: "This is Er Ming, one of my best friends. With him here, not many spirit beasts in the Star Dou Forest can harm us."

The Titan Ape looked at Tang Hao with a somewhat angry look, and his breathing became more rapid: Sister Xiaowu actually said that I can't beat a human?Hehe, if they are not Sister Xiaowu’s friends, they must be shown how powerful he is!

Tang Hao also recognized Er Ming and said with some surprise: "I didn't expect that the Er Ming you talked about turned out to be the king of the forest, the Titan Giant Ape."

"Then the Great Ming you are talking about should be another 10-year-old soul beast, the Azure Bull Python, right?"

The Titan ape is a very powerful soul beast. Even a century-old Titan ape can compete with some ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts.

The Titan ape in front of him had a cultivation level of at least 6 years, and it was at least 6 years old. Without a real fight, he could not judge the true cultivation level of the Titan ape without a specific number of years.

But what is certain is that even if its strength is not comparable to that of a 10-year-old soul beast, it will not lose anywhere.

Xiao Wu was surprised: "Uncle Tang, you actually know Daming?"

A faint smile appeared on Tang Hao's face: "I was lucky enough to see them in the Star Forest before, but at that time I was not as powerful as I am now, so I could only watch them from a distance and did not dare to get close."

After all, Tang Hao was a Nine Ring Douluo. When he was young, he came to the Star Dou Forest countless times to hunt for spirit rings.

After learning that Xiao Wu actually had two 10-year-old spirit beast friends, Tang Hao had an idea in his mind:
"Xiao Wu, I want to ask you to help me with something."

Xiao Wu smiled: "Uncle Tang, you are the third brother's father. We are all our own people. As long as I can do it, I will try my best."

"I want to ask you, if there is a chance, let these two friends of yours help me deal with Su Xie and Wuhundian. With their help, our chances of winning will be much greater, especially Su Xie, with the help of Er Ming , I am absolutely sure that I can suppress him."

Tang Hao hesitated for a moment and then said it.

Su Xie's ruthless sword almost shattered his Clear Sky Hammer, which had left a shadow in his heart.

He would only be willing to defeat him.

(End of this chapter)

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