Chapter 47 Su Xie came to your door?
"Uncle Tang, are you really sure of this?"

"I don't want Er Ming to get hurt, or even die."

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Hao with doubtful eyes. She regarded Er Ming and Da Ming as relatives.

She witnessed Shrek's battle with her own eyes, and Tang Hao could only lead them to escape in embarrassment from Su Xie.

Although he said that he had hidden his strength and had a stronger power that he had not used yet, Xiao Wu always felt that it was wrong.

"Xiao Wu, you have to trust dad, he won't lie to us. You are my sister, and my dad is your dad. Will parents harm their children?"

Tang San frowned and said to Xiao Wu.

A family must trust each other!
Tang Hao also responded domineeringly: "Little Rabbit, who am I, Tang Hao? How could I lie to you? That Su Xie can exert a power of around level 94 at most. Even if his real strength is level 95, so what?"
"I am in the level 95 Super Douluo realm, and there is a trick that the world has hailed as a magical skill that I have not used. If I attack with all my strength, even level 96 or even level 97 titled Douluo will not be my opponent."

"It's just that Su Xie is very cunning, and I'm not absolutely sure to kill him. He needs a strong person to block his way, so he needs the help of the Titan Ape. There is absolutely no risk to his life."

Tang Hao had this confidence that once the explosive ring came out, he would be invincible, but he didn't want to use it easily.

"Okay, then I believe Uncle Tang."

Xiao Wu leaned into the Titan Ape's ear and said, "Er Ming, if Uncle Tang needs you, please try your best to cooperate with him, okay?"

The Titan Giant Ape glanced at Tang Hao and Tang San unhappily, nodded reluctantly, let out a deep cry, and said three words in a very strange voice, but still understandable: "I know. "

Soul beasts are inherently hostile to soul masters and are natural enemies.

What's more, these two people also want it to be a thug.

If it hadn't been for the people Xiao Wu brought back, it would have just punched them into pieces!

"Xiaosan, you seem to be about to break through level [-], right?"

Tang Hao asked Tang San.

Tang San nodded: "The soul power in my body has already begun to surge on the way to the Star Dou Forest. There are signs of a breakthrough. Maybe if I practice hard for an hour or two, I can break through level [-]."

He was already at level 29 when he joined Shrek Academy. Now that he has broken through level [-], it is a matter of course.

"That's good. We are just outside the Star Forest. It is a place where thousand-year-old soul beasts frequently appear. It is suitable for hunting the third and fourth soul rings. If you devote yourself to cultivation, I might as well directly hunt the third soul ring for you."

Tang Hao nodded with satisfaction. He was worthy of being his and A-Yin's child. He had inherited their top talent and bloodline, and was about to break through to Soul Master at the age of only 12 years old.

"it is good."

Tang San found a big tree, sat cross-legged on a branch thicker than his thighs, and began to concentrate, concentrating the soul power in his body to merge with the soul power from the outside world, constantly attacking the No. 30 level bottleneck.

As long as he reaches level 31, his Xuantian Kung Fu will also reach the third level, and he will be able to release hidden weapons more freely!
Xiao Wu pointed at her company with her index finger, tilted her head and thought:

Third Brother’s third soul ring, what kind of soul beast should I hunt?
The titan ape had a dark look on his face and couldn't figure out why Sister Xiaowu cared so much about this soul master.

Hunting soul beasts is so easy?Those are their compatriots!
Although the human language is very poor, it can be understood.

"Master, how many years should my third soul ring absorb? I think the centipede that is more than 400 years old is pretty good."

"Hundred-legged centipedes carry highly toxic substances. If they absorb them, your attacks may be poisoned. Unfortunately, their age is too low, so they are not the most suitable for you." Su Xie said lightly. In the outer circle, they had already encountered several thousand-year-old souls. Beast.

In addition to centipedes, there are also red-eyed silver-tailed monkeys that are 500 years old, golden-billed chickens that are 1000 and 300 years old, and red foxes that are [-] years old.
But they were all ruthlessly abandoned by Su Xie.

"A thousand, four hundred years is still low? The cockscomb snake that the old woman's granddaughter absorbed just now seems to be not much higher than a thousand, four hundred years."

Zhu Zhuqing pursed his lips and said, the third soul ring of an average soul master is usually between 1000 and 800 years to 400 years, and [-] years is considered quite satisfactory.

"Of course it's lower. Your third soul ring must be over 800 years old, and around 2000 years is the best. Since you are my cat slave, you can't just give in, you have to go to your own limits, do you understand?"

Su Xie said lightly that the third soul ring of 400 years was too low, and only useless soul masters would choose to absorb it.

The quality of each soul ring is reduced by [-] to [-]%. After the ninth ring, it will be much weaker than the titled Douluo of the same level.

"But if this continues, we may not be able to leave the Star Dou Forest before dark."

Zhu Zhuqing still remembered that Su Xie agreed to leave the forest before the sun went down. She didn't want to delay Su Xie's plan.

"It's okay, let's look deeper."

Su Xie said lightly, he remembered that Tang San absorbed a 2000-year-old Man-Faced Demon Spider, and also exploded a pair of Eight Spider Spears with attached soul bones. It would be great if he could hunt that soul beast and give it to Zhu Zhuqing.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, the surrounding trees swayed, and the leaves rustled.

It was also accompanied by a girl's playful voice: "Okay, Er Ming, don't be angry. Third brother and I are brother and sister, and we are very good friends. Please don't be angry with them, okay?"
What's more, they won't stay here forever.I promise that they will not harm you and Daming, nor will they expose you. "

"Okay, Er Ming, you are already a big ape, so don't act like a child."

It turned out that Xiao Wu was coaxing the angry Titan ape.

Xiao Wu is a 10-year-old soul beast incarnate, and has lived longer than the Titan Giant Ape. She has always taken care of them like a big sister, leading them around the mixed circle, specifically picking out those soul beasts that like to cause trouble. So entering the human world cannot change this character.


The titan ape suddenly roared angrily, startling Xiao Wu: "I'm going to die, Er Ming, I'm trying to be reasonable with you, but you still dare to hurt me?! Humph!"

"Sister Xiao Wu, there are other humans approaching." The Titan Giant Ape conveyed the message to Xiao Wu in the language of the soul beast.

"other people?"

Xiao Wu said: "Then let's avoid them quickly."

"It's Su Xie, what a coincidence, he actually came to my door."

Tang Hao appeared silently at the top of the big tree next to the Titan Ape. His eyes passed through the leaves and fell on the visitor, with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Wu, go and guard Xiao San. I will cooperate with the Titan Ape and we will make sure there is no way for him to come back this time."

Tang Hao said to Xiao Wu, and then put forward his own strategy:

"Titan Giant Ape, he doesn't know you yet, you go up and fight with him first, I'll look for an opportunity to catch him by surprise and hit him hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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