Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 48 Don’t worry, our Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo from Wuhun Palace will take action

Chapter 48 Don’t worry, our Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo from Wuhun Palace will take action
"You little human, you still need to fight? It seems that this Tang Hao is not very good either. Let me destroy him with one punch!"

The Titan Ape glanced at Tang Hao with contempt.

Xiao Wu also said that he might be better than her.

The other party is just a human boy, how strong can he be?

There is no need for this timid human soul master to take action, and he can beat the opponent into a pulp with one punch!

In an instant, the ground trembled violently, and the huge body of the Titan ape rushed out.

Zhu Zhuqing trembled all over, and his legs were frightened by the huge black thing. It was so big, so long, and so tall!

Never seen anything so huge!

"Master, run!"

Zhu Zhuqing saw the Titan ape leaping out and crashing towards them like a hill, and the sky above his head turned into a black patch.

He was suddenly shocked and shouted to Su Xie.

"Don't panic."

As soon as Su Xie's figure moved, he had already carried Zhu Zhuqing and flew to a position several hundred meters away, without any panic on his face.

As the Evil Sword Immortal, when the enemy discovers him, he has already discovered the enemy.

The Titan Ape smashed a big hole where they were originally.

Zhu Zhuqing was still in shock, his majestic mind kept rising and falling, "What a terrifying power, how many years does this spirit beast have to be?"

Su Xie said calmly: "It should be more than 6 years old."

"A 6-year-old soul beast? I'm afraid it must be the eighth or even ninth soul ring to absorb it, right? How could we encounter such a terrifying ten-thousand-year-old soul beast in the outer circle?" Zhu Zhuqing said in surprise.

"It must have come to the outer circle for business, but it is not a ten thousand year soul beast. Although it is not that old, its strength is not inferior to that of a 10 year soul beast."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's cold face was greatly surprised, "A 10-year-old soul beast? It's actually a 10-year-old soul beast? Why does it want to attack us?"

"Master, for the sake of safety, we should stay away from it. I heard that the 10-year-old soul beast is the most terrifying soul beast. Each one is more powerful than the average titled Douluo. I don't want you to get hurt because of this, master. "

Zhu Zhuqing said that she did not want Su Xie to be in danger. Now she and Su Xie were dependent on each other. The two of them were not tolerated by the Star Luo Empire. Everything about her was tied to Su Xie.

"The 10-year-old soul beast is indeed very powerful, but it cannot be said to be the most terrifying."

On top of the 10-year-old soul beast, there are the top ten ferocious beasts in the legend, as well as the deep-sea demon whale king in the ocean, and the one that eats ice marrow to grow. Forget about the ice dream, it's nothing to say that it's a waste of maggots.

Su Xie looked at the Titan ape who stood up and was gearing up, grunting and preparing to attack him again, and said lightly:
"Moreover, opportunities and risks come together. A 10-year-old soul beast can not only produce a 10-year-old soul ring, but also a 10-year-old soul bone. That is a very precious thing for a soul master."

"Cat slave, go ahead and wait for me somewhere further away."

Su Xie quickly implanted a tracking evil spirit between Zhu Zhuqing's eyebrows, which not only protected him, but also locked her position for easy positioning, and immediately sent her hundreds of meters away.

The presence of a woman will only affect the speed of drawing the sword.


Here, Longgong Meng Shu looked for the traces left by the snake woman Chao Tianxiang and found them.

Meng Yiran happened to absorb the soul ring of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake and broke through to the 31st level Soul Master.Duke Long Meng Shu looked at his little granddaughter with a look of relief. This soul ring life may not be optimal for Meng Yiran, but it is quite suitable for her.

But when he learned that this boy Zhao Wuji dared to bully his wife and granddaughter, Longgong Meng Shu burst out with a powerful aura and snorted:

"Zhao Wuji, don't let us and my wife meet you again, otherwise you will be good-looking."

But at this moment, a violent vibration came from the depths of the outer circle, and two terrifying auras appeared in the sky.

The dragon and the snake looked at each other:

"Is it Titled Douluo level power?"

"Why would a titled Douluo start a fight with others in the outer circle? Could it be that he was hunting for soul rings for the disciples of the sect and collided?"

The three of them all jumped to the top of the tree nimbly. They felt two very powerful auras a few kilometers away.

Taking a closer look, it was a huge black ape figure, and a young man with a dark aura all over his body. Behind him was a humanoid evil immortal martial spirit boy. He had nine soul rings under his feet, and his evil thoughts were soaring into the sky.

Meng Yiran covered his mouth and said in surprise: "Grandma, that boy seems to be the one who scared Zhao Wuji and the others away?"

Snake Woman also lost color on her face, staring at the dark figure: "It's really that boy. I thought he just happened to pass by. It's impossible for Zhao Wuji to be scared away just by looking at him. Now It seems that it was really because of his appearance that Zhao Wuji ran away."

"That seems to be the King of the Forest, the Titan Giant Ape. How can he be so young and fight against the King of the Forest? It's incredible."

Duke Long sighed: "But old lady, do you feel that this kid's martial spirit and appearance are a bit like the Evil Immortal Douluo wanted by the Star Luo Empire?"

Duke Long frowned and said such a sentence, reminding Snake Po Chao Tianxiang that such a young titled Douluo still traveled together with boys and girls.
Chao Tianxiang raised his head and looked at Duke Long: "Should we wait for him to fight the Titan Giant Ape until both sides suffer, and reap the benefits?"

The rewards from the Star Luo Empire are so rich that even an ordinary titled Douluo, let alone a Soul Emperor or a Soul Sage, would be moved.

Duke Long exhaled a hot breath: "Forget it, even if he is seriously injured, we may not be able to capture him unscathed. What's more, he is still kind to you."

If Su Xie hadn't scared away Zhao Wuji, the crested crested snake must have been snatched away.

Zhao Wuji and the other three left the outer circle of the Star Dou Forest and reached the edge. After entering the surrounding towns, they began to spread the news about Su Xie. They bought some papers and posted them everywhere, attracting many soul masters who were ready to take action:
"Evil Immortal Douluo and Catwoman are in the Star Forest, everyone, hurry up and catch them!"

"The Star Luo Empire is a country full of grace. You can directly carve out a land and be crowned king. I have a beautiful wife and concubine. Countless treasures are right in front of you. Are you still not tempted?"

“It’s better to act than to have a heartbeat, go for it!”

Zhao Wuji, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar were encouraging the surrounding soul masters. It happened that this period was also the time when rumors about the Evil Immortal Douluo were the most widespread.

Suddenly, the gas of desire erupted from the heads of hundreds of soul masters. Although this was not resentment, it was still negative gas and could also be used by Su Xie.

Several Wuhun Palace soul masters who were wandering around the Star Dou Forest heard the news and immediately asked Zhao Wuji and the others to verify the authenticity.

You must know that His Majesty the Pope is mobilizing the branch forces of the Wuhun Palace to search for news about the Evil Immortal Douluo.

These days, they have heard a lot of false news, but they still dare not neglect it.

Zhao Wuji was extremely happy. With Wuhun Palace taking action, that boy Su Xie was still able to escape?

"It's absolutely true. I even recognized that boy when he turned into ashes! But that boy is so powerful that ordinary people can't do anything to him!"

The deacon of Wuhun Palace snorted: "Don't worry, we Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo will personally take action. How can two titled Douluo not invite an Evil Immortal Douluo?"

(End of this chapter)

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