Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 64 Tang Hao’s new special training plan

Chapter 64 Tang Hao’s new special training plan
"As expected of the depths of the mixed circle, there are very terrifying soul beasts everywhere. Master, do we really want to continue walking inside?"

Zhu Zhuqing followed closely behind Su Xie. In the mixed circle, she had seen many ten thousand year soul beasts.

Those ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts were very terrifying, exuding an aura that made even Zhu Zhuqing tremble.

There is also a Titan ape among them, but its cultivation level is not as high as that of Er Ming. It is only about 1 years old, and its strength is already enough to become the king of the world.

Zhu Zhuqing felt a lot of pressure when he thought that the goal his master had set for himself was to kill and absorb the fourth soul ring from among them.

But this doesn't stop her, she already has an enterprising spirit.

"Little guy, don't be afraid, they are just some ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts. Most of them are below 5-year-old cultivation level and have no strength."

"Don't worry. When we were hunting for ten thousand year soul rings, we entered the mixed circle many times. We generally understand the situation in the mixed circle. If there is any danger, we can solve it directly without the need for Evil Immortal Douluo to take action. "

Yue Guan smiled confidently, held a pink-yellow flower in her hand, smelled it between her nose, and spoke lightly.

Douluo Continent has three major soul beast gathering places, but only the Star Dou Forest is the place where mainland soul masters most often explore.

The environment of the other two major gathering places and the gathered soul beasts are not quite able to meet the needs of the tens of thousands of soul masters on the mainland.

The ghost just sneered, and the black soul power on his body was released slightly, which made those ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts fearful and did not dare to attack them.

As he entered the mixing circle and got closer to the core area, Su Xie saw a few wisps of pure black resentment floating ahead.

"It seems that that is Star Lake."

Su Xie murmured that he was now level 94, and the original grievance absorption range with a radius of forty kilometers had been upgraded to a radius of eighty kilometers.

This is a very wide distance, and almost half of the mixing circle is within the range of Su Xie's ability to sense and absorb evil energy.

Su Xie could feel that some powerful soul beasts already had some skills that could generate a certain negative aura of human nature.

This made Su Xie interesting.

"There may be some dangers ahead, so be careful."

Su Xie sensed that Xinghu was not far ahead and reminded Gui Mei and the others.

Ghost Jie Jie laughed twice and said calmly: "Although we rarely come to the deepest part of the mixed circle, with our current state, no soul beast can hurt us."

They even felt that the King of the Forest was actually not as powerful as they thought. If Su Xie could kill him, they should be able to kill him too.

"I still remember that the last time I was here, I assisted His Majesty the Pope in hunting for the ninth soul ring. It was also a 10-year-old soul beast. Unfortunately, the smaller one escaped. The king of the forest also died. In this Star Dou Forest, there should be It’s hard to find a 10-year-old soul beast.”

Ghost sighed.

Hearing this, Su Xie smiled and shook his head. People's ignorance is often reflected in their self-confidence, and they believe too much in the world in their own eyes.

There are more than one or two 10-year-old soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest?

In addition to Xiao Wu and the Titan Giant Ape, there is also the Azure Bull Python.

There are even eight giant beasts sleeping somewhere in the forest, unknown to the world.

Their age is equivalent to that of a Super Douluo in the soul master realm, and their strength and bloodline are very powerful.

Not to mention Gui Mei and Yue Guan, even Su Xie doesn't dare to provoke those sleeping beasts now.

Not to mention hurting them, even tearing the ghosts and Yueguan into pieces is no problem.

But fortunately, those ferocious beasts were very fast asleep, recuperating, and were not willing to come forward. Even the big noise of Xiao Wu's sacrifice could not disturb them.


"Okay, Da Ming, don't be angry. I was also very angry when Er Ming died. I wish I could tear Su Xie into pieces, but I can't attack casually now. I'm really scared." Beside the Star Lake, azure bull python With his body immersed in the lake, Xiao Wu touched the horns of the azure bull python with a sad expression on his face:
"Both my father and mother died, and Er Ming also died. Now I only have you as a good friend. In the human world, you are equivalent to my mother's family and my only relative. I really don't want anything to happen to you."

On the other side of Star Lake, there were two figures, none other than Tang Hao and Tang San.

At this time, three soul rings appeared on Tang San's body, and he had absorbed the third soul ring and became a soul master.

Last night, Tang Hao left the core area alone and went to catch three thousand-year-old soul beasts for Tang San. They were one thousand six hundred years old, one thousand seven hundred years old, and two thousand years old.

Tang San chose the 800-year-old Man-Faced Demon Spider Soul Beast.

Because he vaguely remembered that the teacher told him that the limit of a soul master's third soul ring is more than 700 years. Once this period is exceeded, his life will be in danger.

The third soul skill given to Tang San is "Spider Web Binding", a control skill that can be used alone or in groups. The spider web formed by the condensed Blue Silver Emperor can throw away a large web after being activated, and can restrain the opponent after contact. , and contains mental toxins and corrosive toxins.

After absorbing the third spirit ring, Tang Hao immediately started special training for Tang San, eager to pass the 81 Hammer to him.

Tang Hao raised his hand, and patted Tang San's shoulders and chest respectively.

Three streams of heat rushed downward at the same time, and Tang San felt his whole body go numb. Almost instantly, his dantian was enveloped by a wave of scalding heat, and he could no longer feel the presence of any soul power.

Tang Hao said indifferently: "From now on, you don't need soul power. I will seal it temporarily for the convenience of special training for you. Remember, the power of the soul bone is not allowed to be used. I seal your soul power is not I don't trust you, but because in the special training I gave you, it is easy to draw out your soul power by yourself."

With a flick of his wrist, a casting hammer suddenly appeared in Tang Hao's hand. It was still mottled with rust, but it was larger and heavier than the one Tang San used at home.

With Tang San's current strength, it was actually difficult to wield it!

Tang Hao pointed at Star Lake and said to Tang San: "I have set up hundreds of wooden stakes in it, and their positions are irregular. When will you be able to stand in the lake and use this hammer to skillfully perform the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique?" , then the first phase of special training will be over.”

This is a special training method that Tang Hao came up with on the spur of the moment, and the effect should be good.

Watching Tang San grit his teeth and follow Tang Hao's instructions, he walked into the lake and stood on a wooden stake. The lake water submerged his upper abdomen, and the hammer surface was also soaked in the water.

Every swing was hindered by the water, making it extremely difficult. After just a few swings, Tang San was out of breath and almost dying.

It took him an afternoon to get used to it a little bit.

He must persevere, avenge his mother, and kill Su Xie. He has the goal of becoming stronger at all costs!
But Tang Hao said to the Azure Bull Python:

"Da Ming, you are the king of Star Lake. Please make the water of Star Lake more turbulent."

In an instant, the Azure Bull Python's body stirred in the lake, causing waves several meters high in the calm surface of Star Lake.

The impact hit Tang San's body, causing him to fall into the water, again and again!He could only puff up his chest again and again!

Tang Hao is very satisfied with the effect. It will sharpen Xiaosan's willpower and strength. As long as he can learn the 81 Hammer, skillfully use the Clear Sky Hammer, and teach him the Ring Explosion in the future, he will have a successor to the Clear Sky Sect's secret skill.

He didn't know why, but he wanted Tang San to grow up faster and pass on Haotian's secret knowledge to Tang San earlier.

Perhaps, because I always have a vague feeling that I will be in danger.

Now, if he faced off against Su Xie at his peak, he would have a sixth sense that he would die...

Therefore, I should tell my mistress as soon as possible what I know.

He was still young and shouldn't have to endure this, but he couldn't help it...

However, this movement quickly attracted the attention of Gui Mei and others who had just arrived in the core area:

"Jiejie, it's incredible, there are actually signs of human life deep in the Star Dou Forest. That soul master... is a 10-year-old soul beast?!"

(End of this chapter)

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