Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 65 Tang 3: Is that the power of mother?

Chapter 65 Tang San: Is that the power of mother?
The sun rises in the east and slowly climbs from the horizon to the center.

It was already midday, and Gui Mei and Yue Guan were wandering around and picking flowers and plants before arriving around Star Lake.

Yue Guan is a lover of flowers and plants, and has a lot of research on exotic flowers and plants, so every time he comes to the Star Dou Forest, he never forgets to look for some rare flowers and plants in the forest.

It would make him very happy if he could collect flowers and plants that he had never seen before.

When they saw the situation in Xinghu, they couldn't help but be shocked.

No wonder Evil Immortal Douluo said there might be danger here. It turns out that there are still 10-year-old soul beasts.

The most surprising thing is that the girl in the pink dress actually has an aura similar to that of a soul beast flowing in her body. Could it be that the soul beast has transformed?
The ghost looked back and found that Su Xie and Zhu Zhuqing had been hiding, and only a voice came:
"Ghost, have you seen that middle-aged man in the distance? Do you still know him?"

Following Su Xie's prompt, Gui Mei and Yue Guan were shocked:
"Is that Tang Hao? Why is he here?"

"Yes, that's Tang Hao. The young man practicing in the lake is his son, named Tang San."

Su Xie's voice came again, confirming Gui Mei and Yue Guan's guesses.

"I haven't seen him for more than ten years. It turns out that he is still here and the child is so old."

"More than ten years ago, Tang Hao had already broken through to the Title Douluo level. I don't know how many levels he has reached now."

"Damn sissy, it's very dangerous here."

The moment he saw Tang Hao, the ghostly body star trembled.

"Tang Hao alone is enough for us to fight hard. There is also a 10-year-old soul beast here."

"Old man, are you afraid?"

Yue Guan gently blew the flowers in his hand, looked at the ghost and said lightly.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? I suffered at his hands back then, but in the past ten years or so, my level has also broken through. Now you and I are both Super Douluo, so there is no need to be afraid of him."

The ghost's face was a little dark.

Su Xie actually saw the ghost floating out of his head with an aura of fear.

It seemed that the blow really left a shadow on his heart.

With that said, a chrysanthemum flew out, passed through the waves of the lake, and its target was Tang San.

Tang Hao opened his eyes and kicked out a lakeside stone.

Just between the lightning and flint, the stone collided with the chrysanthemum, saving Tang San's life.

At this time, Tang Hao also fixed his eyes on Gui Mei and Yue Guan.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Tang San hurriedly came to Tang Hao's side, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. The chrysanthemum just now was only a few meters away from him. Once it hit him, it might be able to penetrate his body.

"It's okay. It's just that there are two little guys hiding in a secret corner. Now they've emerged. Dad can handle it. You can continue training."

Tang Hao waved his hand and asked Tang San to return to the lake and contact 81 Hammer.

He was not sure that Su Xie would win, but he ignored these two guys.

"A little devil, a little flower, dares to show up when he sees me. Now that he's here, he can never leave."

Tang Hao snorted: "There is a ball of anger in my heart that has no place to vent. How dare you bump into the two little bastards from Wuhun Palace."

"Haotian Douluo, you have such a loud tone, haven't you brushed your teeth?"

"He's just a lost dog, and he still dares to be so arrogant."

Yue Guan's face didn't look good.

Xiao Wu and Tian Qing Niu Python noticed the situation here and rushed over, watching Gui Mei and Yue Guan cautiously.

"Xiaosan, these two people are the two sinners who forced your mother to sacrifice. Today, I will use their blood to honor your mother, so that I can have the honor to take you to see her."

Tang Hao's whole body erupted with huge intimidation, the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand, and nine soul rings appeared under his feet.

Gui Mei and Yue Guan both frowned. They didn't expect that Tang Hao would start a fight when they met.

In an instant, nine soul rings appeared on the two of them, all with the best soul ring ratio.

However, they did not launch an attack, but pushed their figures tens of meters away to distance themselves from Tang Hao.

Although they dared to show up, they did not dare to face Tang Hao in a life-and-death showdown here.

It would be okay if Tang Hao was the only one, but there were terrifying 10-year-old soul beasts nearby, so he had to be cautious.

Unfortunately, Gui Mei and Yue Guan still underestimated Tang Hao's determination to kill them.

Tang Hao has been under the shadow of Su Xie these days and is in a very depressed mood. He has been a deserter twice. Both his son and Xiao Wu have some opinions on him and begin to question his strength.

Now that you have the opportunity to perform, how can you let it go?Tang Hao directly waved the Clear Sky Hammer, and his figure jumped out, leaving a hole in its original position.

"Xiao San, watch carefully, this is the real 81 Hammer!"

Tang Hao struck the ghost with a hammer. The ghost was so frightened that he immediately used his body and soul skills to escape. The roar of the Clear Sky Hammer could be heard in the air.

But one hammer after another, Tang Hao used the inertia of the first hammer to immediately swing the second hammer towards Yueguan, with even greater power.

Yue Guan was surprised and immediately used his fourth soul skill. His soul power was instantly condensed to create a clone wearing a white lace dress with a female body but the same appearance as Yue Guan, who took Tang Hao's second blow instead of Yue Guan. hammer.

When the hammer fell, a yellow-white light emitted from the center and an explosion was heard.

In the light, Tang Hao did not suffer much damage, just some light lines on his skin.

He swung the third, fourth, fifth... until the tenth hammer hit Yueguan again.

The ghost's martial spirit is weird and fast, so Yue Guan has become his priority target.

"Tang Hao, you are going too far!"

Yue Guan said in a high voice, this time, he did not dodge.

Instead, they cooperated with the ghosts to use their respective soul skills and began to fight back against Tang Hao.

Neither of them alone is Tang Hao's opponent, but after years of running in, the two's tacit understanding has reached a level that ordinary people can't achieve, and every soul skill can be given just right.

"Fifth Soul Skill, Ghost Shadow Ditan Hand!"

The soul skill was activated, and under the control of the ghost, the moment Tang Hao swung the hammer, a large black shadow appeared under his feet, and a large number of black shadow hands stretched out from the black shadow, grabbing Tang Hao's hand like a wraith. Body.

It was just a moment when those black hands delayed Tang Hao.

The eighth soul skill that Yue Guan had condensed in advance has been completed.

The bright and velvety chrysanthemum stamens emitted a strong beam of light, becoming the most dazzling and terrifying energy in Star Lake, and shot towards Tang Hao.



"Uncle Tang!"


Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Azure Bull Python all called out.

"It's okay, little guys, I'm not that fragile."

Just when Xiao Wu was complaining in her heart that Tang Hao was indeed a useless guy, Tang Hao's rough voice came out in the brilliance.

I saw Tang Hao blocking in front of him with the Clear Sky Hammer, and the powerful strange velvet-blooming chrysanthemum beam left a long crack on the ground, full of explosive power.

If it hadn't been blocked by the Clear Sky Hammer, the destructive power it would have caused would have been half that of Su Xie's Titan Evil God's Fall.

Tang Hao's clothes were much torn again, there were some wounds on his chest and face, and some blood slowly oozed out.

He looked at Gui Mei and Yue Guan and grinned, "Little devil, little chrysanthemum, I haven't seen you in these years, but you have made some progress. You really pissed me off. Let me show you the true power of the Clear Sky Hammer."

"Xiao San, watch out. I have been reluctant to use this trick because it comes from your mother."

"Let it, on behalf of your mother, start this revengeful rage!"

"This is the hammer that condensed your mother's resentment and murderous intent when she was sacrificed, and transformed the redemption and vitality in her body into destruction, and brought me the most powerful soul skill!"

The ninth soul ring under Tang Hao's feet flickered, and the scene of them being hunted down in the past was still vivid in his mind.

With strong anger and hatred, Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer was rapidly growing in size, and silvery bluesilver vines sprouted out, causing the bluesilver grass within dozens of miles to respond, and the surrounding bluesilver grass even more. Grow vigorously.

The strong and tough blue-silver vines try to turn into a cage to imprison the enemy.

"The ninth soul skill: blue silver confinement, hammer of death!"

Tang San's eyes widened, and the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit in his body seemed to sense that power and began to respond.

Tang San took a breath, clenched his fists, and murmured: "The power that is both familiar and makes me extremely sad, is that my mother's breath?"

"When mom died, she must have been helpless and painful, right?"

"Mom, I will definitely avenge you!"

"One day, I will defeat the Wuhun Palace together with my father."

"Xiao Wu, Daming, you will come with me, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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