Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 69 The break between Tang Hao and Xiao Wu, a vicious plan!

Chapter 69 The break between Tang Hao and Xiao Wu, a vicious plan!

The Azure Bull Python's entire body exuded a terrifying green light, turning the entire clear Star Lake into a turquoise color.

The majestic soul power in its body exploded instantly, a burst of green light shot out from its mouth, and a realm expanded.

Everything around them suddenly turned into a cyan world. Everyone including Su Xie, Yue Guan, Tang Hao... everyone felt that their bodies instantly became sluggish, slowing down by at least 30.00%.

This is the unique realm of the 10-year-old soul beast Azure Bull Python: the realm of slowness.

The speed and even other reactions of all creatures in the area will be reduced and they will become its prey.

The soul power fluctuations in the Azure Bull Python's body were actually not weaker than those of a level 96 titled Douluo, and were extremely powerful.

After hearing Su Xie's reminder, Gui Mei and Yue Guan immediately understood and ran away immediately.

"Thank you very much for the advice from Evil Immortal Douluo. Thank you to both of us. If you find it useful in the future, just give us your instructions. We will definitely go through fire and water. We will wait for you in Wuhun City!"

The figures of Ghost and Yueguan flickered in the forest and soon left the core area.

If there was only Azure Ox Python, the two of them might have a chance of winning.

But there was an injured Tang Hao watching eagerly next to them. If the evil immortal was unwilling to help, then they would be in danger.

If level 95 super Douluo like Gui Mei and Yue Guan focus on escaping, even Tang Hao will not be able to catch up with them.

The azure bull python could only angrily spray out a mouthful of blue light towards their departing figures, destroying a terrifying path of ruins in the forest.

This spray is probably not much weaker than Yue Guan's eighth soul ring.

"Humans, cowards, dare to run away."

"Martial Spirit Hall, I, the Azure Bull Python, will never let you go!"


The azure bull python raised its head to the sky and let out a cow cry, startling all the thousand-year-old soul beasts that were dormant around and drinking water from the Star Lake to flee.

Gui Mei and Yue Guan left, and Azure Bull Python could only turn its angry eyes to Su Xie.

It was Xiao Wu who endured the impact of that hatred, comforted it, and then calmed down its anger:
"Da Ming, the two murderers involved in killing my mother have run away, but it doesn't matter. One day, we will go to Wuhun City to kill and eat them all."

"But Su Xie, we can't fight him yet. He is too strong. Once you fail, Xiao Wu's last support will be gone."

Xiao Wu is rarely rational, showing rare wisdom and no such impulsiveness.

Even the Azure Bull Python was a little surprised:
"Sister Xiao Wu, you were not like this before. Being timid is not your style."

"There is no other way. I personally handed Er Ming to Tang Hao. I thought they could do great things together, but I didn't expect that they actually killed Er Ming indirectly. I don't want you to follow in his footsteps."

Xiao Wu looked very depressed and fell into self-blame.

It is said that mistakes will make people progress, and major mistakes will make people wake up and grow quickly. It is indeed true.

"So, Daming, you must protect your life. I will make you comfortable later and make it up to you, okay?"

Xiao Wu leaned on the head of the Azure Bull Python and said sadly.

The Azure Bull Python's anger subsided, but Niu Moosheng was still sad: "Okay, Sister Xiao Wu, you haven't given me a bath for a long, long time. Unfortunately, Er Ming is dead and we can never go back."

Before Xiao Wu transformed, a huge rabbit, a titan ape, and azure bull python, the three of them often played in the star lake, and even gave each other a comfortable bath. Xiao Wu's mother A Rou was in The shore looked at them tenderly, it was the happiest time.

"Master, it seems that they don't dare to take action against you." Zhu Zhuqing looked at this scene and admired Su Xie even more.

He penetrated people's hearts, and with just a few words, Xiao Wu, Tang San and the others developed a rift and would no longer cooperate wholeheartedly.

But... Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red the next moment. The master just said that he could see through people's hearts?
Then those bad thoughts in his heart...haven't they always been known to him?

Since the first day she became Su Xie's cat slave, she had been struggling with what Su Xie would do if he wanted to do something with her. What would he do if he got her?
She imagined countless indescribable scenes, in the forest, in the stream, on the bed, on the chair...

He knows everything?
Even Zhu Zhuqing became shy, oh, so embarrassing!
"It's always cold at high places. If one day you can stand at the highest place, you will find that everyone can only look up to you."

"But, cat slave, why are you blushing? Are you thinking about something else?"

Su Xie clearly saw the pink aura appearing on Zhu Zhuqing's head again, and he knew very well that it was lust.

Su Xie was a little speechless. Under his influence, this little kitten should be relatively aloof. Why does he always think of bad things now?
"Huh? Huh!"

"No, I definitely don't want to sleep with the master, nor do I want to be pregnant with the master's child, absolutely not!"

Zhu Zhuqing hurriedly explained, and the richness in front and back trembled because of it.

"I never said you were thinking about these things. Why did you say it yourself?"

Su Xie stared into Zhu Zhuqing's eyes and said lightly.

"Ah..." Zhu Zhuqing's face turned even redder.

Seeing Su Xie and Zhu Zhuqing behaving intimately, as if they were ignoring everyone, Tang Hao and the others didn't look very good on their faces.

They had already heard that Su Xie broke into the Xingluo Palace in anger because of Zhu Zhuqing and hacked Emperor Xingluo to death with a sword.

They all felt very touched. They felt that Su Xie was so bold and extremely envious. Who wouldn't want to protect the woman he loved so much that he could become the enemy of the whole world?Who doesn’t want to have a lover who is willing to challenge the king of a country and become the enemy of the whole world for his own sake?
Tang San also looked at Xiao Wu. Now, there seemed to be something between him and Xiao Wu.

All of this was caused by Su Xie.

"Little San, let's go."

Tang Hao didn't want to fight Su Xie, so he took Tang San and prepared to leave.

Tang San glanced at Xiao Wu and asked reluctantly:
"Xiao Wu, do you want to come with us? I don't mind if you are a spirit beast."

What Su Xie said was actually very hard to hear. Knowing that Xiao Wu might have given birth to many descendants of Silky Bone Rabbits in her previous life, and the purpose of her attachment to him, it was hard to accept.

"Third brother, I can't leave Daming, otherwise it will have no partners. At least, you still have a father and family."

Xiao Wu also couldn't bear it, but she had to think about herself:

"Third brother, I'm waiting for you to come back in the Star Dou Forest. I hope that by then you and Haotian Mianxia will be very powerful and can bring Xiao Wu to level the Wuhun Palace and kill Su Xie."

"Mistress, let's go. It's just a broken shoe. Why be persistent? Why do we need her help? It's not just a 10-year-old soul beast and a transformed baby."

"Xiao Wu, from now on, we are no longer friends. There is no trust between us. Let's break up. You walk on your single-plank bridge, and we cross our Yangguan Road. If we meet again, I will not show mercy."

After saying that, Tang Hao took Tang San and disappeared into the forest without giving Xiao Wu a chance to reply.

"Sister Xiaowu, we are leaving Star Lake. After those two soul masters leave, they will probably find stronger soul masters to hunt us. We have to move our lives."

Sky Blue Bull Python said.

(End of this chapter)

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