Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 70 Tang 3 awakens the Blue Silver Emperor; Pope Bibi Dong plans to take action personally

Chapter 70 Tang San awakens the Blue Silver Emperor; Pope Bibi Dong plans to take action personally

"As expected of Tang Hao, he actually made the decision to break up with Xiao Wu. Wonderful, really wonderful."

Seeing Tang Hao leading Tang San away, and Azure Bull Python and Xiao Wu leaving one after another, Su Xie did not stop them, but instead clapped his hands and applauded.

"Master, does Tang Hao have an ulterior motive for doing this?" Zhu Zhuqing asked doubtfully.


Su Xie flicked Zhu Zhuqing's forehead, causing her to let out a sweet cry and said lightly:

"If the possibility of Tang Hao hunting Xiao Wu and Azure Bull Python before I exposed their innermost feelings was 50.00%, then after he makes the decision to break up, the possibility is [-]%."

"If Tang San reaches level 10 and has not found another suitable [-]-year soul ring, Tang Hao will definitely come back to Xiao Wu and let her or the Azure Bull Python become Tang San's soul ring."

When he said those words, Su Xie saw the special black energy coming out of Tang Hao's head, which must have had ulterior motives.

"How cruel, why didn't Tang San help Xiao Wu? Although Xiao Wu's predecessor was a spirit beast and had given birth to other soft-bone rabbits, but that was already the instinct of soul beasts to reproduce when they were not intelligent, and the descendants of those soft-bone rabbits may also have Just die.

Moreover, she has transformed into a human and her body has been reshaped. She is not that unbearable, right? "

"If Xiao Wu is Tang San's true love, as long as Tang San would rather die than absorb it, then it would be useless for Tang Hao to kill them."

"The premise is that Tang San has the faith to be able to resist the temptation of a 10-year-old soul ring and soul bone."

Su Xie said lightly: "Furthermore, Cat Slave, you have overlooked one of the most critical points, that is, the 10-year-old soul beast has a sacrificial law that ignores the interference of soul masters."

"Sacrifice?" Zhu Zhuqing had never heard of this thing before.

"Sacrifice is a soul beast with a cultivation level of 10 years or above. It can ignore the soul master's strength and lower limit and unconditionally attach its soul ring to the soul master. The soul ring period will be the soul master's maximum endurance. , and as the level increases, it will eventually increase to 10 years.

And the soul beast also dedicated its life and soul. "

Su Xie told the conditions and results of the sacrifice, which aroused Zhu Zhuqing's expression.

"But Xiao Wu should have some reservations now and won't choose the path of sacrifice, right?"

"It's hard to say. Rabbit's brain has never been very good. If Tang Hao says he can help her avenge her, wipe out the Wuhun Palace, and kill me, maybe she can even sell the Azure Bull Python."

Su Xie smiled faintly, as if he had figured out Xiao Wu's mentality.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing was shocked, but he actually understood.

"Once a person is filled with hatred in his heart, his behavior is often impulsive and easily deceived."


After leaving the Star Dou Forest, Tang Hao took Tang San in the direction quickly, and a few days later they arrived at a forest with a name Tang San didn't know.

As soon as he arrived here, Tang San immediately felt a familiar aura.After absorbing the third soul ring, his sense of the external environment also became keener.

Although bluesilver grass is one of the most common plants in the mainland, the growth status of bluesilver grass in this forest is a bit abnormal compared to other places.

Tang Hao walked up to Tang San and said, "I didn't want to bring you here so soon to prevent you from being recognized by others, but now in order to make you stronger as soon as possible, it's time to get you into your best condition."

"Release your Bluesilver Grass, and then feel it with your heart. With your current mental strength, if you are more serious and try to feel it, you should be able to do it."

"Sit down." Tang Hao pointed to the ground.

Tang San had a vague premonition of what his father was talking about, so he immediately sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes.

The Bluesilver Grass released itself and slowly emerged around his body.The mental power is condensed and dispersed around.

Soon, Tang San entered a very strange realm.The bluesilver grass around him seemed to be calling him, and his mental power was greatly enhanced, making his feeling particularly clear. He seemed to be able to feel the emotions of every bluesilver grass.

Following their guidance, and with Tang Hao's acquiescence, Tang San flew into the forest and entered a very strange place, where towering trees could be seen everywhere, and even the rays of the sun were very bright. It is difficult to shoot from these dense vegetation to the ground.

Finally, Tang San's eyes locked on a huge bluesilver grass - the slender vines climbed up and entangled until about ten meters in the air.

It looks like a special plant composed of countless vines condensed together.The whole body is clear blue, and the surface is shining with a special crystal.Around it, Blue Silver Grass grows extremely lush.

Moreover, it called Tang San: "King!"

The Blue Silver Emperor will always have the same bloodline in this world.

Only when the previous generation of Blue Silver Emperor dies, will the next generation of Blue Silver Emperor appear.

And Tang San is the only person with the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor today!
Tang San's mother is the Blue Silver Emperor, so his martial spirit is naturally not the useless spirit Blue Silver Grass, but the Blue Silver Emperor!
With the call and help of Blue Silver King and other Blue Silver Grass, Tang San's bulging muscles contracted a bit, and his whole body looked more coordinated.His figure did not change, but his black hair gradually turned dark blue.Among the dark blue, there is also a faint golden brilliance.

Tang San's martial spirit, Blue Silver Emperor, has awakened!

It also brought vigorous vitality to the surrounding bluesilver grass!

The Blue Silver King continued: "Dear King, although your Blue Silver King bloodline has awakened, you are still too weak now. When you reach level [-], please come here again and we will help you. Awaken the fifth soul ring and inspire the Blue Silver Emperor’s true power.”

It was at this time that Tang San truly understood that his teacher... his theory of soul masters was really just like Su Xie said at the beginning, it was all rubbish!

He has not seen through the true meaning of his martial spirit. He is not a useless martial spirit!Not even his martial soul theory experiment!
The Blue Silver Emperor is a top-notch martial spirit, the only plant-based martial spirit with the blood of the emperor!
A total of five days passed from the beginning of the Blue Silver King's awakening to the end. Five days later, the awakening ceremony was completed. He said goodbye to the Blue Silver King in front of him that had lived for 5000 years, and quietly walked out of this ancient forest.

He urgently needs to become stronger now and has no time to stay longer.

When he saw Tang Hao again, Tang Hao also looked at him with trembling eyes.

Tang Hao rushed forward and hugged Tang San. He smelled a familiar smell on Tang San's body, it was Ah Yin!
Tang Hao murmured: "You know, your mother is beautiful. She is really beautiful. She is the most perfect woman in the world. Gentle, kind, and beautiful. All the words used to describe beauty seem to be Created for her. Now you are finally a bit like her. I seem to see her waving to me again."

Suddenly, Tang Hao looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, his body suddenly shook and twitched!

Scarlet blood spread from the corners of his mouth, and then he fell straight to the ground.

"Dad, what's wrong with you!"

Tang San hurriedly supported his father's body and was shocked. He raised his hand and pressed it on Tang Hao's chest, injecting a mellow Xuantian Gong inner energy into his father's body.

It was discovered that because Tang Hao was too excited, the stagnant energy in his body erupted and his injuries exploded!

The meridians in his body were tangled together in many places, the internal organs seemed to be out of place, and the meridians were also abnormally disordered.

There are old injuries here. The battle with Pope Qian Xunji caused a ring explosion, and he was injured by Su Xie. These injuries were intertwined and made Tang Hao's condition very poor.

Tang San helped Tang Hao up and used Xuantian Technique to heal his injuries, but with his current state, it was of no use. After a few hours, Tang Hao woke up naturally and adjusted the injuries in his body.

"Dad, I will definitely become stronger as soon as possible, share the pressure for you and the Haotian Sect, and treat the injuries in your body." Tang San said seriously.

Tang Hao pulled Tang San up from the ground.He turned around and walked away, "Stop talking nonsense, no matter how much you talk, it's not as good as practice. Follow me, your special training is not over yet."

Tang Hao adjusted himself a little and took Tang San towards the direction of Tiandou Empire.

Along the way, they walked for several days. Although Tang Hao was injured, his speed was not comparable to that of Tang San. He could only catch up at full speed.

By the time he got there, Tang San had no idea where he was, but he could roughly feel that he should be within the Tiandou Empire.

Finally, they reached a range of rolling hills, towering into the clouds.

Arriving in the inner valley, the clear pool water is connected to a waterfall about 20 meters wide, which is like a jade belt running across the mountain wall nearly 200 meters high. It hits the pool with a deafening sound.

The waterfall poured down and hit the pool, splashing countless water splashes. Under the sunlight, a colorful rainbow crossed the pool, which was indescribably dazzling.

"Go to the center under the waterfall and continue practicing the 81 Hammer."

Such a ferocious waterfall falls from the sky, and the effect is definitely not inferior to the power of the turbulent lake water stirred by the blue bull python in the Star Lake. It is a difficult training.


After the battle in the Star Dou Forest, word spread quickly about Su Xie's power once again.

The reputation of the title of Evil Immortal Douluo was once pushed to its peak, not losing to any title Douluo.

To a certain extent, at this time, even the Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace, or the honorary title Poison Douluo Dugu Bo of the royal family, are not as popular as the Evil Immortal Douluo.

After Gui Mei and Yue Guan returned to Wuhun Hall, they reported everything they saw and heard in the Star Dou Forest to Pope Bibi Dong.

When Bibi Dong heard Tang Hao's name, her eyes were a bit complicated, and she paused on the ground holding the papal scepter angrily:
"This Tang Hao, Haotian Sect, I gave them a way to survive. I didn't kill them all. I took a few steps back, but I still don't know how high the sky is!"

"If a disciple of the Haotian Sect dares to appear and challenge the authority of Wuhun Hall again, he will be killed immediately."

"And that Evil Immortal Douluo. If there are any definite traces of him again, come back and report to me immediately."

"It seems that I need to go there myself."

(End of this chapter)

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