Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 79 The bold evil fairy dares to taint the Pope!

Chapter 79 The bold evil fairy dares to taint the Pope!
Su Xie's voice was loud, and everyone who heard it was shocked.

Su Xie didn't look awed at all, and there was even a hint of playfulness and frivolity in his words.

Su Xie looked at the pope who was respected so much by others that they didn't even dare to look at her, as if she were naked in front of him.

How did he know her figure, how sexy she was?

At this moment, Bibi Dong seemed to be penetrated by these eyes.

But she was not shy, but angry, and a murderous aura burst out from her eyes.

In the past 20 years, people who had dirty thoughts about her body and acted out generally died miserably.

Due to the incident nearly 20 years ago, Bibi Dong is very sensitive to this aspect. She can clearly identify which eyes are admiration for her and which ones are lust for her body.

Bibi Dong faced Su Xie from afar, and she even felt that this look was very similar to the one that violated her in the secret room!

Even after more than ten or twenty years, she still can't forget it!
Su Xie's look, coupled with those wanton words, caused Bibi Dong's expression to change instantly.

"Evil Immortal Douluo, I am very optimistic about you. I am not here to make you an enemy, but to sincerely invite you to join the Spirit Hall. This is your best choice.

Don't be ignorant and speak rudely to this Pope again. Your fate will only be death. "

Bibi Dong's loud and noble voice echoed through the air of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and it could be heard that there was indifference and anger in her tone.

Likewise, her words also shocked everyone:

"What? The Pope of Wuhun Palace came in person to recruit Evil Immortal Douluo? Not to kill him?"

"Martial Soul Hall is actually willing to bear the wrath of the Star Luo Empire, but also wants to keep the Evil Sword Immortal?!"

"The Wuhun Palace is already the strongest force in the continent, with many titled Douluo. If it is blessed by this evil evil immortal again, then the entire continent will be overturned, right?!"

The soul master of the White Tiger Sect was extremely frustrated, "I'm afraid it will never be avenged for our Xingluo's national hatred."

Although the Star Luo Empire dared to send a representative to question Wuhun Palace, but it was just out of anger. In addition, they only sent a representative to vent their pressure and did not really want to declare war with Wuhun Palace.

If Wuhun Palace insists on not making friends, Xingluo Empire will not dare to set foot on Wuhun City.

Because the result is very likely not that the Star Horse will step on Wuhun City, but that the Wuhun City Horse will step on Star Luo City.

At this time, Gui Mei and Yue Guan also echoed:
"Evil Immortal Douluo, do you still remember us?"

"I'm a brat."

"I'm Xiaoju."

"This is our Pope, Bibi Dong. We are here to invite you to join the Wuhun Palace. Since you have told the people of the Xingluo Royal Family that you are the soul master of the Wuhun Palace, why not really become our soul master?" Master, we can guarantee that our Wuhun Hall can accommodate you!"

Both Gui Mei and Yue Guan showed very friendly smiles, even flattering.

After all, Su Xie saved their lives and exposed the existence of Tang Hao and the others, which was a contribution to Wuhun Palace.

In particular, his terrifying ability in leapfrogging battles made them admire him immensely.

Bibi Dong and others' expressions also changed a bit. These two super Douluo experts actually called themselves brats?Xiaoju?

How scared are you of Su Xie?
Su Xie even ignored them. His strange figure flew into the air, a head taller than the Pope, and laughed:
"Jiejiejiejiejie, others respect your Spirit Hall very much. I, the Evil Sword Immortal, have no fear in the world and am not bound by any sect's strength. How can a Spirit Hall keep me? You'd better come back, otherwise , you will only ask for trouble."

Su Xie's laughter resounded through the sky and penetrated deeply into people's hearts. It made people feel palpitations and fear, but also made them feel free and arrogant.Su Xie's temperament was fully revealed at this moment. He stood in mid-air, as if representing the resentment of the world.

He is the Evil Sword Immortal!
I am the weak immortal with evil thoughts, but I am the evil sword immortal!

Everyone stared at Su Xie with wide eyes and felt that he was too arrogant and stupid.

This is the pope of Wuhun Palace, the most powerful woman in the mainland. Even the emperors of the two empires have to give up three points of face when they see her!
She personally came to invite Su Xie to join Wuhun Palace, but he was so arrogant, as if he felt that Wuhun Palace was not worthy of him?

Ning Fengzhi also stared at Su Xie, this young man was really brave.

He knew that Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace had broken through level ninety more than ten years ago and became a titled Douluo. It seemed that he also went to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for 10-year-old soul beasts.

In the following years, Bibi Dong's soul power increased faster and faster, successfully breaking through to the level 95 Super Douluo.

In the following years, Bibi Dong almost never took action again.

But Ning Fengzhi conservatively estimated that Bibi Dong was at least a level 97 super Douluo.

And she should also have the ability to fight beyond levels.

Ordinary soul masters don't know this, but as the Qibao Glazed Sect, which is the richest in the continent and has the best intelligence network, Ning Fengzhi learned that Bibi Dong was probably a twin martial soul soul master!

Only Zhu Zhuqing looked admiring. She admired Su Xie very much and also envied Su Xie:

That is her master, a person who is not afraid of any soul master and has no respect for all things in the world.

"Arrogant, I admired you before, but now, I begin to hate you. I hate arrogant and ignorant people."

"Such people usually die miserably."

Bibi Dong looked at Su Xie with a very cold look.

An ordinary soul master would have been stared at by that sharp gaze at this moment, as if his whole body had been frozen.

But Su Xie didn't care. His words deeply hurt Bibi Dong's nerves:
"Do you hate arrogant and ignorant people? Not necessarily? On the contrary, you should like arrogant and ignorant people the most, for example, Yu Xiaogang."

"He relied on his rubbish soul master theories, thought he was arrogant and arrogant, didn't take others seriously, and even abandoned you. Now he's not dead either. I'm afraid he's somewhere free and easy."

"And what about you? Are you tired, carrying a broken body and bearing huge pressure?"

"If you are tired, I can take pity on you and reluctantly accept you as a bed-warming maid so that your injured heart can be comforted. I am usually a responsible man, don't worry..."

Su Xie spread his hands, but before he could finish speaking, there were two scolding sounds:
"The bold evil immortal dares to tarnish the Pope's crown. Do you want to die?"

Gui Mei and Yue Guan looked horrified and scolded them quickly.

Su Xie's words were so bold, and they even concealed the secret of that year, the deepest pain in the Pope's heart!
Gui Mei's heart trembled violently: That strong man back then even told Evil Immortal Douluo about that incident. Oh my god, that strong man saw everything?

I wonder what Gui Mei’s expression will be when he finds out that Su Xie is the same person back then?
They had no choice but to scold Su Xie. If they didn't stop Su Xie, I'm afraid His Majesty the Pope would regard him as a must-kill target and silence him!

However, Bibi Dong had already taken action. Nine majestic spirit rings instantly appeared under her feet, and the martial spirit possessed her instantly. The spider spear stretched out behind her, and a pair of dark black spider armor attached to her body.

Her originally noble and stunning face and figure became somewhat dark and evil.

In an instant, she took action, her eyes turning dark red:
"Evil Immortal, you must die!"

(End of this chapter)

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