Chapter 80 Evil Sword Five: Burning Ji!

"Hit! This pervert just bullied me, Zhuqing, and Xiaowu, but now he even dares to speak dirty words to the Pope of Wuhun Palace. He's so bold. We must ravage him!"

Bibi Dong took action, and nine soul rings emerged in the air, among which the 10-year-old red ring was extremely dazzling.

Ning Rongrong clapped her hands and applauded. She really wanted to see Su Xie defeated. This should be the scene she looked forward to the most when she grew up.

Bibi Dong was also really angry.

That look made her feel humiliated, and those insulting words gave her the urge to kill him.

Even if she exposes her spider spirit in front of so many people, she can't stand Su Xie's verbal taint!
A dark red spider spear condensed on her hand. This was her 6-year soul skill, the blood-sucking spider spear.

Not only does it have terrifying lethality, but once it hits the target, the tip will explode, as if turning into hundreds of spiders tearing your flesh from the inside, sucking your blood.

This is a very cruel technique. Some criminals were painfully chewed by spiders and turned into thin skin and white bones under Bibi Dong's technique. It is comparable to the most severe torture.

"What a terrifying power. It's just an ordinary 6-year soul skill. I'm afraid it's already comparable to Uncle Jian's eighth soul skill."

Ning Fengzhi sighed and said that Bibi Dong's level was definitely above level 96. As for the specific level, he could not judge.

Ning Fengzhi, who is known as the best auxiliary soul master in the world, actually only has level 79 soul power, and it will be difficult for him to break through to Contra in his life.

This is the shortcoming of his Spirit Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda itself.

However, Su Xie easily resolved this terrifying move.

The fifth black ring under Su Xie's feet flickered and he said calmly:
"Evil Sword Five, Burn Ji!"

"Evil fire burns the world, evil immortal sword!"

A sword with a fiery red appearance, a flame-shaped sword grid, a long and thin sword body, and a slightly bluish-purple color in the center of the sword body. The overall shape is like a burning flame, and a sword with the power to destroy heaven and earth is born.

This sword contains the power of evil fire that can burn everything. Like Huang Mie and other evil swords, it is a legendary ancient evil sword.

Rumor has it that in the world of mythical immortals, Burning Silence was created by Long Yuan's swordsmith Jiao Li who forcibly took away his soul and soul using the "Blood-smeared Formation" when his soul was demoted to the human world. After Prince Changqin's soul separated, he turned into half of the sword spirit of Fenji Sword.

When the Fenji sword came out, a young man with scarlet eyes and an aristocratic temperament seemed to emerge from the flames.

In an instant, the spider spear released by Bibi Dong's sixth soul skill was burned to ashes!

The fire sword struck Bibi Dong like a fire dragon capable of burning all.

This was a soul skill that Su Xie had almost never used before. The power of the flames made Bibi Dong tremble all over. She never thought that such pure evil fire could exist in the world.

Zhao Wuji showed his eyes in the VIP room and trembled when he saw the flames. This evil fire was much more terrifying than the one unleashed by the little fat man Ma Hongjun.

Zhao Wuji quickly packed his things and prepared to run away.

The maid next to her quickly said:
"Master Deacon, what are you doing? Just let our servants clean up the room. Your status is noble and you are not suitable for such a job."

"Don't worry, if you don't run away, I'll be finished."

Zhao Wuji's voice trembled a little,

Run, you have to run. Su Xie is getting stronger and bolder. If he stays and is discovered by him, his good life will be gone, and his life may be in danger.

Although the Burning Silence Sword was only a 2-[-]-year-old soul skill, its power made Bibi Dong feel threatened by her life. The flames seemed to have burned the air dry and cracked the space. "The ninth soul skill, immortality!"

Bibi Dong shouted, letting the Fenji Sword pass through her body and burn her body.

But after the flames passed through, Bibi Dong's body condensed again, and she didn't seem to be damaged at all.

But Bibi Dong still looked at Su Xie with an extremely solemn look. Her ninth soul skill was to make herself immortal. As long as the opponent was not at the god level, she would never be able to truly kill Bibi Dong in this state.

But after being burned by the evil fire of the Burning Silence Sword, her immortal body was also affected.

She could even imagine that if the sword stabbed her a few more times, she wouldn't be able to bear it anymore and would die.

"I have to say that I still underestimated you. It would be a pity for a strong man like you not to join our Spirit Hall. Likewise, if you don't join us, you will be a huge disaster and may block our way. This Pope Give you one last chance, surrender, or die!"

"Submit? The Evil Sword Immortal will not surrender to anyone. Woman, this Evil Immortal is still saying the same thing. Surrender to me and become a bed-warming maid, maybe it is a good choice."

That pair of big jade peaks should be very warm inside, right?It's great to use to warm your hands in winter.

Su Xie smiled evilly.

Gui Mei and Yue Guan both looked helpless. At this moment, even if they wanted to speak for Evil Immortal Douluo, they couldn't.

"Very good, let me show you what the power of a peak expert is. You are the first person in the past 20 years to make me so angry. I even see the shadow of that beast in you. You are really Damn it!"

After more than ten or twenty years, Bibi Dong's hatred has not diminished much. At this moment, the strong resentment surged out, making the already dark sky of resentment even darker.

This made Su Xie very happy and excited.

"Be angry, be hateful, that will unleash your true power!" Su Xie said

At this time, Chen Xin also opened his eyes from the state of enlightenment. He seemed to see a brand new sword intention in the chaos. The Seven Kills Sword began to transform rapidly. Perhaps, it would only take a few months, or even a few days. , he can break through from level 96 to level 97.

With Ning Rongrong's support, he looked a little surprised at Su Xie and Bibi Dong fighting in mid-air.

"She is a level 98 expert. Bibi Dong has actually reached the realm of Peak Douluo. She has broken the age record for the earliest person to become a Peak Douluo on the mainland!"

"Level 98? Hiss!"

The surrounding soul masters couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Her realm was only one level lower than the three peerless Douluo back then.

"Twin Martial Souls!"

A second spider spirit emerged from Bibi Dong's body, the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor.

The soul ring configuration of the second martial soul made everyone tremble.

This was also the first time they saw the Pope's second martial spirit in the Spirit Hall.

This battle is destined to be recorded in history.

I saw nine soul rings emerging from Bibi Dong's body. The configuration of the soul rings was even more terrifying than Su Xie's. There was not a single soul ring that was one thousand years old or below. They were all black ones that were ten thousand years old or above!

It even comes with a 10-year-old red soul ring!

With two martial souls and two martial souls possessed by their true bodies, Bibi Dong's strength has risen to a terrifying height, and she may be invincible under the Ultimate Douluo!
(End of this chapter)

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