Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 81 Evil Sword 9 comes out and traps the immortal!

Chapter 81 The Nine Evil Swords come out and trap the immortal!

"The majestic Pope of Wuhun Palace, as a representative of angels, has such dark power and is as evil as me. You and I are a perfect match.

You are destined to be my bed-warming girl. This evil fairy may be stronger than your dead husband. It can nourish your body that has been dry for more than ten or twenty years and make you drunk and dreamy. Why should you resist? "

"Ah, die!"

Su Xie kept saying dirty words, which had reached the limit of Bibi Dong's tolerance.

Of course, this is also Su Xie's purpose. He wants to arouse the most resistant things in people's bodies and make them feel strong resentment.

The stronger the person, the more pure, powerful, and majestic the resentment he or she will have!

After 20 years, Bibi Dong's resentment is still abundant. It is even more majestic and pure than the fear and resentment the entire Qibao Glazed Pagoda had for him before.

It actually made Su Xie's soul power rush to the last level just shy of level 95. Now he can almost break through level 95 if he wants to.

The total evil value storage is as high as 20!

Su Xie hurriedly stopped absorbing resentment. It was very dangerous to break through in battle, especially when the opponent was a peak Douluo who was four levels higher than him and had twin martial souls!

Bibi Dong had absolute murderous intentions and did not hold back.

"Death Realm, additional!"

"Killing God Realm, additional!"

She directly used the power of two fields, which shows how determined she is to kill Su Xie.

She came out of curiosity, recruited him with good intentions, and gave him glory, but in exchange, she was met with unbridled and even dirty words!

Even Ning Rongrong stamped her feet fiercely, glanced at her figure, and hummed:
"This gangster did this to a woman we met for the first time. I have never seen her say this to me. Is it because she has bigger breasts and stronger strength?"

Is it just bigger and stronger?
Are Xiao Long Bao and Big Steamed Bun comparable in size?
The emergence of the two realms gave the entire Qibao Glazed Sect an aura of death and killing.

Both areas are terrifying and the effects are extremely powerful.

Bibi Dong's Death Domain has three major effects:
① All attributes of the self are increased by 20.00%, and all attributes of the enemy are reduced by [-]%. Enemies within the area cannot use any concealment skills or teleportation skills.

②Produce mental deterrence, increase your own mental strength by 20.00%, and weaken the opponent's mental strength by 20.00%!

③Toxic environment, within the reach of the domain, everything is filled with the poison of the Death Spider King. It has super corrosion and diffusion, and can also reduce the opponent's speed by [-]%.Once an enemy is poisoned, his body will continue to weaken until he dies.

Some of the low-level soul masters and civilians around them, even if they were at the very edge of their realm, started to turn purple all over and began to fester.

Fortunately, the two were fighting in the air, and there were not many soul masters and civilians around them, so they would not cause large-scale casualties.

The God of Death domain greatly increased Bibi Dong's aura, making her look like a God of Death who had returned from hell.

After she reaches the peak of Douluo, in the realm of the God of Death, the enemy's strength will be weakened by 40.00%, while the user can exert 140% of his power.

Under these dual realms, Bibi Dong's strength has almost doubled, and her level 98 strength has doubled again. How terrifying is that?
I'm afraid the level 99 Peerless Douluo is nothing more than this.

"The second martial soul soul skill, eternal creation!"

A soul ring that is extremely close to 10 years old flashes on Bibi Dong's body. This is the most explosive and lethal single-target attack among all her soul skills.

Two emerald-like giant scythes were raised at the same time, cutting out a huge green cross-shaped ripple diagonally.

Under this ripple, almost all physical defenses are ineffective, and the energy defense is reduced by 50.00%. Once hit, the trauma will spread endlessly, and the only way to resist is to rely on soul power, until the soul power is exhausted, the oil is exhausted, the lamp withers and dies!

"I want to eat daddy~" "I want to suck breast milk~"

"Ah, ah, why does the earth grow in the sky?"

"So... so scary! Hug, sister~"

Seeing this move, even Gu Rong, who had been indirectly mentally ill by Su Xie's passionate sword and was talking like crazy, was extremely frightened and hugged Ning Rongrong's thigh.

Ning Rongrong and Ning Fengzhi both choked up. A super Douluo, the best defense in the world, was tortured into this state by Su Xie...

Chen Xin raised his head, with fear in his eyes:
"The Pope of Wuhun Palace is actually so powerful. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to resist this move, and I would probably fall."

Although Chen Xin has not recovered from his serious injury, he has a full understanding of his own strength.

The power of Bibi Dong, a woman in her 40s and [-]s who still retains her charm, is already much stronger than these [-]-year-old guys.

"Master, please be sure nothing happens to you."

In the air, Su Xie faced him calmly, "You are indeed much more powerful than others, and even make me a little afraid. However, if you want to kill me, your thinking is still too simple."

"There are constant evil thoughts in the world, and evil immortals will always exist in the world. Bibi Dong, others respect you as a super strong man and a pope. In my eyes, you are just a pitiful woman, a woman who is destined to only breathe under my crotch, hahahaha~ "

As Su Xie laughed, the ninth soul ring on his body finally shone.

Everyone had many thoughts running through their minds at that moment.

Evil Immortal Douluo is finally going to use his ninth sword?

Everything is just a matter of sparks and flints.

"Nine evil swords, trap the immortal!"

This is one of the two soul skills carried by Su Xie's ninth soul ring, the Immortal Prisoner Sword!

As soon as this sword comes out, the mountains and rivers are turbulent, and the color of the heaven and earth changes.

At this moment, not only the grievances within an eighty-mile radius, but at least a 150-mile radius, the grievances generated by all the creatures at this moment gathered together in an instant, forming a sword with a black-purple hilt and a silver-gray body. sword.

It was issued instantly, as if it had driven all the resentment around it to form countless swords and surge towards Bibi Dong.

The power of the main sword Falling Immortal did not weaken much in the two major fields. After colliding with Bibi Dong's Eternal Creation, it actually annihilated it and finally inserted into Bibi Dong's chest.

At that moment, a huge black hole as big as a human body appeared behind Bibi Dong, and the trapped fairy sword was firmly inserted in it.

Even if he struggled desperately, it was in vain. Tens of thousands of people saw this scene and were shocked by this sword.

What kind of sword is this?
Seeing Bibi Dong's humiliated expression and struggling body, Su Xie smiled evilly, stepped forward and pinched her face, and under those angry eyes, said words that made Bibi Dong almost despair:
"Stop struggling. Even an immortal can restrain this sword. Once you are hit by the Immortal Sword, all your soul power will be blocked. If I let you live, you will live. If I let you die, you will die."

"Don't look at me with that look. You are as noble as the Pope. You probably don't want to lose your virginity again in front of so many people, right?"

Su Xie unceremoniously tore off the clothes on Bibi Dong's shoulders, revealing her snow-white skin, and most of the two big jade peaks could be seen.

Maybe he could really do such a thing.

Bibi Dong originally thought that Qian Xunji's human-faced beast-like heart was enough of a beast, but she didn't expect to meet a guy who was ten or a hundred times more evil than him!

At this moment, Bibi Dong wanted to die:
"If you can, let me go. What I did just now wasn't the strongest move. Let's do it again!"

(End of this chapter)

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