Chapter 88 Going to the Sunset Forest
[Evil Sword Immortal triggered the Seven Treasures Blood Contract, obtained a contracted evil slave, and as a reward, the life span of all soul rings was increased by 3000 years. 】

With the completion of the Seven Treasures Blood Contract, the Evil Sword Immortal Panel actually issued rewards to Su Xie.

Su Xie actually didn't want to take in Ning Rongrong. This masochist with princess syndrome would be a burden to him.

However, the overall 3000-year soul ring life increase is quite nice.

In this way, the age of Su Xie's first and second soul rings reached 5000 years, and the other soul rings increased by 3000 years, and their power also increased slightly.

As the sun set, four figures left the realm of Qibao Glazed Sect.

On Qibao Glazed Mountain, Chen Xin was coaxing Gu Rong like a child, while Ning Fengzhi personally prepared a decoction to heal her spiritual power and gave it to Gu Rong.

But when they looked at the four figures leaving, they were all filled with emotion.

Chen Xin murmured: "I don't know when I will reach the point where his sword and man can become one. I really hope I can fight him again."

After hearing this, Ning Fengzhi was speechless and choked up on the spot. "Uncle Jian, you haven't been beaten yet, right?"He was almost beaten to death twice, what a sword madman!
Ning Fengzhi sighed, recalling Rongrong's disappointed and painful eyes when he used the Seven Treasures Blood Pact, and his heart couldn't help but twitch.

Any normal parent would not want their daughter to marry a bad person, let alone let their daughter suffer.

Especially Ning Fengzhi, a middle-aged man who got a daughter, doted on this little baby, but he had to do this.

"Rongrong, this is a bet, and it is also an unprecedented training for you. If you win, you may be able to start a new life, surpass your father in the future, and open a new chapter in the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. If you lose... you are you. For your dedication to the sect, the Qibao Glazed Sect, Dad, will remember you."


"This is a very good state. I like your crying face very much. It allows me to see the sorrow and sorrow in human nature. There is also a kind of hatred mixed in it. You'd better keep it."

The light of the setting sun illuminated the road in yellow. Su Xie felt the resentment emanating from Ning Rongrong, and he felt happy.

"Are you still a human being? I have just been abandoned by my father. I am so sad that I still have to be bullied by you."

Ning Rongrong had a look of despair on her face, and her eyes were very depressed.

Su Xie said calmly: "It's not that I begged you to be a maid, it's your father who insisted on accepting you as a maid. There was no other way."

"Bah, you got a bargain and acted like a good boy. You don't know how happy you are. You have a lovely and charming maid like me, and you can also get the only blood contract exclusive assistant of our Qibao Glazed Sect in a hundred years. Even if I am just a great soul master, soul master, Zun can increase your overall strength by more than 40.00%."

Ning Rongrong hummed, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Spirit's strength to the soul master was already greatly improved. Every ten levels, the increase rate of the same soul skill would increase by ten percent. After reaching level 21, she could give it to others. The 20.00% increase in strength and speed, coupled with the exclusive enhancement of the blood contract, is enough for Su Xie to leapfrog and fight.

"If you want to say that the auxiliary ability is useful, I might agree with it. But I have reached level 95 and no one in the world can kill me, so what's the use of your assistance?"

"The most important thing is, what's so attractive about you? You're loyal and practical. You can't compare to my cat slave. You have a good body shape. You want breasts but not breasts and a butt but not ass. Take a good look at these two. Your charm advantage. Where?"

Su Xie pointed at Zhu Zhuqing and Bibi Dong and said, Ning Rongrong was speechless and could only mutter:
"What's the use of being so big? It's still a burden hanging on my body. It's hard to sell even if I buy clothes. It's better to be like me, balanced, hum."

"Dirty. Where are we going?"

Bibi Dong said impatiently, as the Pope of Wuhun Palace, one of the few strong men in the entire continent, to be reduced to this situation, it would be great if he didn't lose his mind.Snapped!
The moment Bibi Dong left the door, Zhu Zhuqing raised his hand and slapped her.

This slap was not a light one, Zhu Zhuqing used all his strength to hit it.

With Bibi Dong's strong body, a faint slap mark appeared on his face.

Not painful, but extremely insulting.

It's okay to be insulted by Su Xie, after all, he is a top strong man.

It was really unbearable for her to be slapped in the face by Zhu Zhuqing over and over again.

But before she could speak, Zhu Zhuqing had already scolded her severely:

"Recognize your current identity. You are no longer the Pope, but a bed-warming girl, a maid, and a slave. You are not allowed to disobey your master, let alone insult your master. You just follow wherever the master wants to go. Do you understand?"

Bibi Dong wanted to fight back and kill Zhu Zhuqing directly, but the Fairy Trap Sword still stuck in her body made her realize the reality, and she could only respond with gritted teeth: "Yes, okay."

But what she was thinking about in her heart was that after she got rid of her shackles and returned to Wuhun Hall, even if she lost face, she would cooperate with the group of elders and kill Su Xie with Qian Daoliu. Zhu Zhuqing also wanted to Catch him and torture him severely!
Two waves of decent resentment floated out from their heads, making Su Xie's journey less boring.

Bibi Dong had the Immortal Trap Sword stuck in her body. Many people on the way turned around to watch. Those who didn't know were curious, how could such a beautiful woman have a sword stuck in her body?


Ten days later, Su Xie and the others appeared in the Sunset Forest, a primeval forest in the northeastern part of the Tiandou Empire.

The Sunset Forest is located a hundred miles east of Tiandou City. It is one of the major wild soul beast settlements in the Tiandou Empire. Although its area is not as large as the Star Dou Forest, there are also some high-level soul beasts in it.

Along the way, Bibi Dong felt extremely ashamed. Firstly, because a sword was stuck in her body, which attracted countless people's attention. Secondly, because as a distinguished pope, she even had to give Su Xie a bath and warm his bed.

During this time, Gui Mei and Yue Guan had also returned to the Wuhun Palace and stabilized the situation in the Pope Palace. At the same time, they also sent a team composed of Soul Saints and Contras to explore and follow the whereabouts of Pope Bibi Dong.

At the same time, the news that Evil Immortal Douluo defeated Sword Douluo Chenxin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong, suppressed the Qibao Glazed Sect, and subdued Pope Bibi Dong also spread across the two empires, causing countless people to be alarmed.

When people from the Xingluo royal family learned about this, they immediately sent representatives to negotiate with Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect, hoping to reach a consensus goal and kill the evil immortal together. Everything was planned.

"What are you doing in the Sunset Forest? No one wants to hunt soul beasts and absorb soul rings. They know that we have become the focus of soul masters across the continent, and you have become the target of everyone. Are you afraid and want to hide in the forest for refuge? ? Then I suggest going to the Star Dou Forest, at least it’s wider there.”

Bibi Dong said lightly, Su Xie had offended the Star Luo Empire, Wuhun Palace, and Qibao Glazed Sect, which represented almost half of the Douluo Continent and had huge influence.

"Afraid? I don't care about their hatred. Their resentment and pursuit will only excite me, so why should I hide?"

Su Xie shook his head: "As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, you are not so ignorant, right? You think that only soul rings can improve the strength of soul masters?"

(End of this chapter)

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