Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 89 Looking for the Ice and Fire Eyes, the Poor Pope’s Pathfinder Stone

Chapter 89 Looking for the Eye of Ice and Fire, the Poor Pope’s Pathfinder Stone

"Not for the soul ring? What else could it be for?"

Ning Rongrong echoed Bibi Dong, perhaps because she was also suppressed by Zhu Zhuqing and Su Xie, she and Bibi Dong stood on the same front.

The Sunset Forest is different from the Star Dou Forest. Most of the people living in the Sunset Forest are plant-type spirit beasts, so it is one of the hunting paradises for spirit masters with plant-type martial spirits.

"Fairy flowers and plants, have you heard of them?"

Su Xie said lightly, if he remembers correctly, there is a treasure gathering place hidden in the Sunset Forest - the Eye of Ice and Fire, in which grows fairy treasures that can allow a soul master to transform his physique.

Hearing the words "fairy flowers and plants," Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing had puzzled expressions on their faces. Only Bibi Dong trembled and asked nervously:
"Did you know that there are fairy flowers and plants in the Sunset Forest?"

Su Xie did not answer her directly, but rubbed Zhu Zhuqing's head and said calmly:
"Cat slave, the flowers and plants that change your talent are among them, but I don't know the specific location yet. We have to go in and search for a while."

Su Xie also had information about the Eye of Ice and Fire in the memories he carried in his previous life. He only knew that it was located in a valley surrounded by peaks in the Sunset Forest, but he had never actually been there.

At the same time, the mission of the Evil Sword Fairy panel was also triggered:
[Side mission: Find the Eye of Ice and Fire, and perfectly collect 3/6/12 fairy flowers and plants in it to receive the ①/②/③ mission rewards respectively. 】

Soon, Su Xie took several maids into the Sunset Forest.

For the next ten days or so, Su Xie took them climbing the mountain.

Based on Su Xie's level, these mountain peaks are like walking on flat ground to him. In order to speed up the search, he takes every step 20 meters away, and the distance of each step is extremely even. The whole person is climbing. In the process, it's like rising vertically.

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong couldn't hold on any longer. They were as tired as dogs and chose to wait at the foot of the mountain.

Only Bibi Dong could barely keep up with Su Xie. After all, he had the powerful physical foundation of Peerless Douluo.

However, this also caused Bibi Dong to live a miserable life these days.

Now that noble and beautiful face has become like a resentful woman, with strong resentment floating above her head all day long, and the resentment is about to condense into rain and fall down.

Su Xie, this guy, doesn't understand anything about love and affection.

Since they reached the top of the first mountain and looked at the towering cliff, Su Xie's first words were to Bibi Dong:

"Jump down."

The height was several hundred meters. Although Bibi Dong would not die if she jumped, it would be dangerous for her without the support of her soul power.

Then...then Su Xie kicked her down!
At that moment, Bibi Dong felt extremely humiliated!
If he wanted to forcefully XXOO her, even though it would make her disgusted, it would at least prove that he had outstanding female charm.

If he regards himself as a guard, at least it means that his strength has been recognized!
However, he regarded himself as a bed-warming girl and a foot-washer, and even asked her to jump off a cliff to explore the road. She was just a tool!
In this way, while falling off the cliff again and again, Bibi Dong realized the feeling of flying and experienced the feeling of playing with the god of death - falling on the crooked tree on the waist of the cliff, hitting the stream below the valley, and hitting her butt on the cone-shaped stone. I almost cracked my pelvic bone...

On the 20th day, Bibi Dong followed Su Xie up the mountain in resentment. An inverted cone-shaped mountain col appeared in front of her. The top of the mountain where they were was on the edge of the mountain col. Thick heat came from the mountain col. The heat is very humid, with a bit of the unique smell of sulfur.

This sight made Su Xie happy. He was looking for this type of valley, which meant there were hot springs below, and the Ice and Fire Eye was a spring that was half cold and half hot.

"It should be right here, especially with this smell."

This is almost the same as the description in Su Xie's memory about the mountain peak with the Ice and Fire Eyes.

"Go down."

"Me again?" "Otherwise it's me?"

"Remember, you are the first man to do this to me."

Bibi Dong's teeth were broken. This month, she felt the anger she had never felt in her life.

After muttering, Bibi Dong skillfully stepped on the focal point on the cliff and descended quickly.

When she almost reached the bottom of the cliff, a black figure jumped directly and landed firmly on the ground at the bottom.

The scene at the bottom of the valley is very beautiful and dreamlike.

There is indeed a hot spring at the bottom of the valley. The area is not large, but it is divided into two parts. In the oval pool, the hot spring water has two colors: milky white and vermilion.

What's even more strange is that although they are in the same pool, they are clearly separated, they do not invade each other, and they always stay on their own side.

The billowing water vapor was produced at the position between the two hot springs, rising continuously until it dissipated at the mountain pass.

When Bibi Dong reached the bottom and saw the Ice and Fire Eyes in the mist, she also had a strange look on her face:
"What kind of place is this? It's so rich in soul power and life breath, but there are actually fairy flowers and plants?"

Bibi Dong noticed some bright and swaying flowers and plants growing around the Ice and Fire Eyes.

As she got closer, she discovered that there were all kinds of plants around the Ice and Fire Eyes, in various shapes and forms. It looked like a plant paradise.The plants here are all rare and rare. Just by looking at them, Bibi Dong was already a little surprised.

These flowers and plants were different from those she had seen before. They were very strange. Even in the Wuhun Palace, there probably weren't many flowers and plants of this grade.

"The worst ones are all top-notch herbs, Snow Silkworm, Cinnabar Lotus, these are excellent tonics for that little guy Yan, and there is Shuiyue Fox Ming, which is a herb that records sub-immortal grade, even in the palace The storage capacity is only one or two, and I have been reluctant to give it to Nana..."

"Have you known for a long time that there is such a treasure place in Sunset Forest?"

Bibi Dong looked at Su Xie. She couldn't wait to go forward, wanting to get close to the spring of the Ice and Fire Eyes, trying to pick fairy flowers and plants.

As expected, when Bibi Dong walked to the edge of the spring of Ice and Fire Eyes, a breath of cold and hot energy spurted out. Even Bibi Dong's body strength was unbearable and she quickly retreated.

Looking again, half of her body was covered in frost, half turned red, and her body began to tremble.

Not only did Su Xie not feel sorry for her, but he smiled happily:
"It seems that even the Pope can't help but get closer to fairy flowers and strange sights. But unknown things often represent dangers. Have you already tasted the pain?"

Su Xie pinched Bibi Dong's chin and said calmly.

If it weren't for Bibi Dong's strong physical foundation, she might not be able to walk to the spring of the Ice and Fire Eyes, and would be invaded by the two auras of ice and fire, turning her into a vegetative state.

"You cruel guy, after all, I have warmed your bed for so long and served you for so long, and you just watch me get embarrassed?"

"My lovely Pope, haven't you noticed yet? What I like most is having fun."

Su Xie said calmly and let Bibi Dong heal himself. Although the two eyes of ice and fire are dangerous, they are not fatal to level 98 or 99 superpowers like Bibi Dong.

He is going to start digging for the elixir and complete the task.

(End of this chapter)

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