Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 90 Dugu Bo: Damn it, is he the Evil Immortal Douluo? !

Chapter 90 Dugu Bo: Damn it, is he the Evil Immortal Douluo? !
"I have transformed into an Evil Sword Immortal body. I am born with a body of pure evil thoughts and is not contaminated by things from the Three Realms and Five Elements. These immortal flowers and plants are of no use to me."

"Absorbing it may increase my soul power a little, but it will corrode my pure evil body. It's a pity."

"However, if these immortal items are saved, they may be of great use in the future."

In the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, Su Xie was possessed by the martial spirit, and he did not first pick the two immortal flowers, namely the Star Anise Ice Grass and Liehuo Xingjiaoshu, to take them like Tang San did.

Utilize the principle of the mutual restraint of ice and fire to move freely in the eyes of ice and fire.

The evil power in Su Xie is superior to other attributes and was born from the evil thoughts of all living beings.

The birth of the Ice and Fire Eyes was due to the fact that the two dragon masters, the Water Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King, among the nine dragon kings, fell at the same time and fell into the Sunset Forest. Their bodies were buried thousands of feet underground. The breath and body power of the ice and fire dragon kings were diluted and transformed. It nourishes the vitality of heaven and earth and nourishes all things.

And the quality of the evil spirit is not inferior to those powers.

Therefore, with the protection of evil energy, Su Xie can also move around in the eyes of ice and fire.

However, it is not easy to pick fairy flowers. If you do not follow the specific method to pick the flowers, the fairy flowers will be damaged at best, or wither at worst.

Su Xie took the lead in picking the Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone, which was the one absorbed by Zhu Zhuqing in the original work. It improved her several levels, but it was not the most suitable for her.

Then, Su Xie took Wangshui Autumn Water Dew, which is also a kind of fairy flower and herb. It is green all over. In the center of the herb, there are three snow-white leaves. There are a few drops of water in the center of the leaves, just like the dew in the morning. Eating it can help you develop your fiery eyes and see through all kinds of strange things.

After harvesting seven more fairy flowers and plants one after another, Su Xie has obtained the first two rewards for picking fairy flowers and plants, which respectively increased the life of his soul ring by 1000 years and increased the evil value to 25.

The third level reward turned out to be a soul bone.

Su Xie now only has two soul bones in his body, and there is still a long way to go before he can get a full soul bone suit. A piece of original evil bone is very tempting to Su Xie.

However, at this time, in the valley, an old man who looked like a javelin, with dark green beard and hair, and a pair of eyes that shone like emeralds, tied up Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing who were squatting at the foot of the mountain.

Zhu Zhuqing's expression was quite calm, while Ning Rongrong struggled:

"Old man, you dare to tie us up. Do you know who we are?"

The old man hummed: "I don't care who you are. I just heard you say that your fellow travelers have already gone up the mountain. Why is there no one on the top of the mountain?"

"Just jump down!" Ning Rongrong pointed to the bottom of the mountain and said.

"What? I wanted to keep one of you alive, but if your accomplice goes down, you will die together later."

When the old man heard that someone had gone down to the bottom of the mountain, his eyes darkened instantly, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

"Kill us? Bah, just you? If you can kill our master, I will take your surname, and both empires will be grateful to you."

Ning Rongrong said disdainfully, "If you can't even defeat Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone, why should this weird old man do it?"
"I, Dugu Bo, have never been afraid of anyone. If anyone dares to touch my treasured land, I will make him miserable."

Dugu Bo said calmly, his words revealing a kind of confidence.

"Dugu Bo...are you Dugu Bo? Poison Douluo Dugu Bo? Known as the best poison soul master in the world?"

"Little girl, you are not ignorant. You have heard of my name. Unfortunately, you have come to the wrong place. You are going to die."

Dugu Bo jumped down with Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, and walked along the cliffs like flying. He knew the terrain well, and within a few minutes, they reached the bottom of the valley.

Dugu Bo directly left Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong aside. Although their positions were not close to the Ice and Fire Eyes, they were not at the edge either.

The alternating hot and cold breath made both of them feel something strange in their bodies. They either started to shiver or started to feel hot all over, and they needed to use their soul power to resist.

Dugu Bo went looking for the person who broke into the valley with sullen eyes.

He heard someone moving around the Ice and Fire Eye, which surprised him a little, because even he didn't dare to get too close to the Ice and Fire Eye.He even didn't know how to pick those fairy flowers and plants.

He discovered this place and stayed here just because the power of ice and fire here could suppress the martial soul poison in his body, so this place was like his home.

He turned around and saw a woman sitting outside in the mist, recuperating. He couldn't see her face clearly, but it felt like she had seen her somewhere before.
"Bah, this couple of bitches, they still want to come and take over my treasured land?"

A soul ring flickered on Dugu Bo's body, and he directly threw a poisonous soul skill into it, making the woman suffer.

Bibi Dong screamed in pain.

Dugu Bo showed a satisfied smile and immediately went to find the man picking flowers.The person inside is probably picking the flowers and plants inside, and is very likely to destroy those flowers and plants, which is something he does not allow to happen.

Suddenly, Dugu Bo's martial soul was possessed by the green phosphorus snake, and his whole body was wrapped in a green protective shield of soul power. Only then did he dare to approach the Ice and Fire Eyes, looked at Su Xie's back and shouted:
"Boy, have you collected enough?"

Su Xie didn't care:

"It's not enough, there are four plants missing. However, I am greedy, I want all these flowers and plants."

"You still want it all? You're looking for death!"

A pair of big hands stretched out towards Su Xie.

Those hands contained poison, but Dugu Bo had never been a good person. Ordinary people would probably die on the spot if they were exposed to this kind of poison.

But Su Xie gathered two evil fire and evil ice swords with him and attacked Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo was actually forced to the edge by the two evil swords.

Dugu Bo's expression changed. Judging from the back view, he must be a young man. How could he have such a powerful force that he could get close to the ice and fire spring and repel him with two swords?
Dugu Bo's heart sank. He went back and found Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, and scolded:
"Two little girls, who are you? And who is your master?"

Zhu Zhuqing saw the sword marks on Dugu Bo's body in detail, and knew that he had already fought with his master and must have been exhausted, so he came back to ask, and said coldly:
"It's not good for you to know too much."

"Don't be afraid, there's no harm in telling him. Even if you are Poison Douluo, you can't do anything to us. My name is Ning Rongrong, the little princess of Qibao Glazed Sect. Saying our master's name will scare you to death, Evil Immortal. Have you heard of Douluo? Huh!"

Ning Rongrong raised her head and said.

When he said this, Dugu Bo was really shocked.

His voice was trembling a little:

"Evil...Evil Immortal Douluo? That young man inside is the Evil Immortal who is rumored to have beheaded Emperor Xingluo, defeated Haotian Douluo, defeated Chen Xin with the sword, Broken Bone Dragon, and imprisoned the Pope in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect last month. Douluo?!"

Dugu Bo's expression began to distort. This man's reputation has become so great on the mainland recently that it is spread in every province and kingdom.

"There is another woman in she?"

Dugu Bo suddenly thought that he had a bad premonition about a woman inside using the Jade Phosphorus Snake Soul Skill.

Zhu Zhuqing said calmly:
"Well, she is the Pope, Bibi Dong, but you don't have to worry, she has been sealed with a martial spirit by the master, so she shouldn't be able to kill you, and the master won't kill people casually, don't worry."

Dugu Bo's face instantly became lifeless.

And...that's not right?It seems that I kidnapped you?How did you become concerned about my life and death?
But when he thought that he had poisoned the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Dugu Bo...

┭┮﹏┭┮It’s over

(End of this chapter)

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