Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 91: This Pope is already about to collapse. How dare you mess with me, bitch?

Chapter 91: This Pope is already about to collapse. How dare you mess with me, bitch?


At this moment, Dugu Bo's face was filled with black lines.

If he had known that these two little girls were the two girls who were rumored to be following the Evil Immortal, one was from the Xingluo Zhu family and the other was the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, he would have killed these two little girls without even coming. Just run away.

Looking at the entire continent, who wants to fight Evil Immortal Douluo?

"Su Xie, if you want to kill me, you can just say so. There is no need to poison me."

Through the mist of the Ice and Fire Eyes, Bibi Dong stood up and shouted to Su Xie.

If someone could see her clearly, they would find that half of Bibi Dong's body was frosty and half red, with green lines appearing on it. This was the green phosphorus snake venom eroding her blood. Soon the poison would It will cause her internal organs to fail.

If she had martial souls and soul power to use, Bibi Dong could easily expel these toxins from her body.

But now she has no choice but to let the toxin run rampant in her body. If it is not stopped in time, it may leave irreversible trauma in her body.

"Idiot, do I need to use poison against you?"

"Feel for yourself, what kind of poison are you suffering from? Who on this continent can use this kind of poison?"

Su Xie rolled up his trousers and walked to the center of the Cold Yin Spring. He used a golden knife to remove a strange cold flower that was white with an octagonal white flower on the top and ice crystal-like stamens, and took it into his Evil Immortal. in space.

Suddenly, the progress of the task of picking flowers and plants with the Ice and Fire Eyes on the Evil Sword Fairy's panel changed to: 10/12.

"I got the Octagonal Black Ice Grass."

After listening to Su Xie's words, Bibi Dong calmed down.

She had just used her whole body to resist the trauma caused by the Ice and Fire Eyes, but she was suddenly attacked by a poisonous technique. She subconsciously thought that it was Su Xie who was plotting against her.

Thinking about it now, Su Xie really didn't need to poison her behind her back, and he didn't have the habit of using poison.

It is unlikely that this is the first time someone has discovered the existence of such a treasured land.

Maybe someone had been here before Su Xie.

Bibi Dong carefully observed the condition of her body, and suddenly her face darkened:

"Jade Phosphorous Snake Venom, Poison Douluo, Dugu Bo."

"Dugu Bo, get out of here!"

Relying on his keen hearing and sixth sense, Bibi Dong searched at the edge of the Ice and Fire Eyes and found Dugu Bo.

Bibi Dong's face was ugly. She had been humiliated at the hands of Su Xie and had no place to vent her anger. Dugu Bo could be said to have hit the target.

Bibi Dong picked up a stick-shaped plant about 1.2 meters tall.

This is a top medicinal material called Tieyang Mountain. It grows on the edge of the Ice and Fire Eyes. After eating it, it can nourish the kidneys and strengthen the roots and enhance abilities in that area. It is a good yang-enhancing medicine and is known to make people change. The magical medicine that must be as hard as iron and as majestic as a mountain has now become her weapon.

He held the one tightly in his palm and threw it, and it flew away with a buzzing sound.

Dugu Bo heard the wind and turned sideways to avoid it. The Tieyang Mountain was inserted three inches in front of him without breaking.

When he turned around, Bibi Dong's fist had already come up and hit Dugu Bo directly in the face.

Dugu Bo rolled out more than ten meters, and finally used the mountain to stabilize his body. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then raised his hand to Bibi Dong and said:
"I didn't expect that when I saw His Majesty the Pope again, I would see such a scene. The last time was a royal banquet, and I was lucky enough to see His Majesty. This time, His Majesty the Pope's condition is worrying. There is no guard around him. There is still a sword stuck in it, and there is no soul power flowing."

If it were Bibi Dong in her heyday, Lonely Bo would never dare to provoke her, but her current state is still embarrassing.

Bibi Dong said coldly:

"If you don't understand the poison on my body and have no soul power, I will destroy you too." "His Majesty the Pope is joking. With your level, you should be able to remove the poison I released casually in an instant, so why bother?" Want me to help?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's voice deepened, and she was hit in a painful spot:

"Stop talking nonsense. Do you understand?"

Bibi Dong was very fast. She was the one who had passed through the City of Killing. She had passed the road to hell and only then had she gained the realm of the God of Death.

If Rakshasa God hadn't intercepted Hu, I'm afraid Shura God would have had a chance to win.

In the Killing City, no one can use soul skills, and everyone's condition is not much better than Bibi Dong's current condition.

call out--

An afterimage flashed by, and Tieyang Mountain appeared in Bibi Dong's hand again, attacking Lonely Bo with all his strength.

It happened that she also needed to vent, and the anger in her heart completely exploded at this moment.

Dugu Bo didn't dare to be careless. He couldn't beat Bibi Dong with physical strength alone.

The Martial Soul Biphosphorus Snake King appeared. It was a large snake more than 20 meters long, with a green body and extremely penetrating eyes. It spit out snakes and made a subtle hissing sound.

Nine soul rings appeared under Dugu Bo's feet. Although there was no 10-year soul ring, the best basic soul ring ratio was: yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black.

Dugu Bo's combat power was not strong against Titled Douluo, and could even be said to be weak, but in terms of large-scale killings, he ranked among the top three, even second to none.

As a purple soul ring lit up under Dugu Bo's feet, green particles appeared more than ten meters around him. These green particles carried strong phosphorus snake venom, and soon caused some flowers and plants in the edge area to wither.

Then, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were also eroded by the green phosphorus snake venom. Their bodies began to sting, green spots appeared, and they rolled on the ground.

"His Majesty the Pope, your martial soul and soul power have been sealed by the Evil Immortal. You are no match for me now. If you really want to fight, follow me to the top of the mountain to avoid poisoning the flowers and plants here. These two little guys are also Follow and suffer.”

Dugu Bo stepped on the cliff of the valley and said to Bibi Dong.

"Does this Pope care about you?"

Bibi Dong didn't listen to that much, and stabbed Dugu Bo with the Tieyang Mountain. This time, she pierced Dugu Bo's arm and nailed him to the tough stone of the cliff.

Dugu Bo was furious, and the black soul ring under his feet flashed:
"The sixth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Seal!"

This is the strongest single-target soul skill he possesses. Once he is hit, the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor poison enters the body, which will not only devour the opponent's soul power, but also cause the opponent's body to slowly fester. Every once in a while, The pain is unbearable, and it will eventually rot into a puddle of mud. Those below the Soul Emperor realm will directly turn into pus...

The jade phosphorus snake mark hit Bibi Dong's forehead, and her whole body was immediately wrapped by a jade phosphorus snake. The snake's head faced her eyes, and then it bit her forehead hard. A drop of green blood condensed and turned into A mark of the Jade Phosphorus Snake King was engraved on her forehead.

As the Jade Phosphorus Snake Seal fades, it also means that Bibi Dong has been corroded by the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor's poison.

Waves of painful feelings hit him all over his body, as if something extremely acid was traveling through his body, corroding his internal organs.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong is a level 99 divine test body, otherwise she might have screamed in pain on the spot.

Holding back the poisonous acid, Bibi Dong rushed forward again, stepped on Dugu Bo's face with one foot, and grabbed the rocks on the cliff to stabilize her body:
"Gu Gubo, don't make me go crazy. This Pope has been fucked to the point of collapse this month. How dare you mess with me, you bastard? If you don't detoxify, when I return to the Spirit Hall, I will kill you all over the hall. By the way, don’t think I don’t know, you also have a little granddaughter.”

Bibi Dong pressed Dugu Bo's face against the stone and rubbed it hard, almost going crazy.

When Dugu Bo heard what Bibi Dong said, he knew the seriousness of the matter and had already planned to detoxify them. He couldn't afford to offend these people.

But at this moment, a faint voice came:

"Jiejie, you've administered this poison, I'm afraid it won't be able to be cured."

(End of this chapter)

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