Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 94: Hunting the Ten Thousand Years Twin Ghost King Vine; Dugu Bo and Tang Hao meet

Chapter 94: Hunting the Ten Thousand Years Twin Ghost King Vine; Dugu Bo and Tang Hao meet
Five days later.

In a closed-loop valley in the Sunset Forest, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing climbed up from the bottom of the valley with difficulty, panting.

Ning Rongrong was speechless. Su Xie was really not a gentleman at all. He actually asked an assistant to climb the cliff of the valley. She almost fell to death.

It was better for Bibi Dong and Zhu Zhuqing to help her, otherwise she might have died in the valley.

You must know that the soul masters of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial arts are the focus of the team's protection and the priority for the enemy to kill.

But here with Su Xie, she had no status at all.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing's soul power had reached level [-].

The Soul Sect, who is over 12 years old, is probably one of the best in the entire continent.

Su Xie hunted the fourth soul ring and the third soul ring for Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong respectively in the Sunset Forest.

Ning Rongrong's third soul ring is easy to find. The soul skills of Qibao Glazed Pagoda are fixed. You only need to absorb the optimal soul ring age. There are no attributes or strength requirements. Su Xie killed the first 2000-year-old one for her. Blue Silver King Cub.

She has absorbed Qiluo Tulip, and her martial soul has transformed into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. There should be no problem in exceeding her life span for hundreds of years.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, Su Xie found a twin ghost king vine for her, which was exactly 1 years old.

Seeing that Su Xie planned to absorb the fourth ten thousand year soul ring for Zhu Zhuqing, Bibi Dong and Ning Rongrong both widened their eyes and expressed disbelief.

"The fourth soul ring absorbs the ten thousand year soul beast. Isn't it a bit risky?"

Bibi Dong swallowed. She also had an apprentice. She thought her apprentice was very talented, but she didn't dare to let her absorb the third soul ring for more than 2000 years, and the fourth soul ring would reach ten thousand years.

"Are you taking risks? With her current physical condition, she should have no problem absorbing the ten thousand-year soul bone. It won't be a problem to leapfrog and defeat ordinary soul sects."

Su Xie said lightly, Zhu Zhuqing now has three soul bones to protect her body, she has also absorbed an immortal flower to improve her physique, and there is also an immortal flower to protect her body. Even the genius soul masters in Wuhun Palace can compare with her. No more.

While speaking, Zhu Zhuqing had already killed the twin ghost king vines, and a black soul ring emerged. After making eye contact with Su Xie, he crossed his legs and began to absorb it.

After the ten thousand year soul ring entered her body, the soul power surged like a river, crashing in her body.

Bibi Dong also observed attentively. She wanted to see how a pervert like Su Xie cultivated a perverted servant of Tathagata.

If a soul master's fourth ring can absorb a ten thousand year soul ring, then the optimal soul ring ratio recognized by the whole continent will change, from yellow, yellow, and purple to yellow, yellow, purple, and black, or even yellow, purple, purple, and black!
After several hours, the breath in Zhu Zhuqing's body gradually stabilized and his complexion improved.

After another hour or two, a black soul ring actually appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's body. The ratio of the soul rings was: yellow, yellow, purple, and black!
The 12-year-old Soul Sect.

Even Bibi Dong showed admiration. If Zhu Zhuqing wasn't Su Xie's cat slave, she would have wanted to accept another apprentice.

"The fourth soul skill, twin ghost ghost slaying!"

The black fourth soul ring under Zhu Zhuqing's feet flashed, and the ghost civet possessed her. Her figure was split into two and hidden in the forest. After about 20 seconds, the two Zhu Zhuqings worked together to kill the one in front of them. An iron tree was instantly cut in half!
"My fourth soul skill can summon a clone that mirrors all my actions. It has 90.00% of my own attack. The speed of the clone and the main body is increased by an additional 40.00%. The transparency of the body is reduced to 20.00%. It can be controlled at Launch Ghost King Slash at the target within 20 seconds, causing huge damage."

Zhu Zhuqing told Su Xie the effect of his fourth soul skill, which combines clone, acceleration, concealment, and attack into one. It is worthy of being a ten-thousand-year soul ring!
And her level has also reached level 41. Once the body completely absorbs the effect of Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone, and then absorbs the Eight-petal Fairy Orchid, she will be able to break through at least Level [-]!

Su Xie also nodded, this cat slave had not let him down.

"Let's go to the killing city."

"Even I can't control the crisis there. Bibi Dong, lead the way."

"Yeah." Bibi Dong walked a few meters in front of Su Xie, her eyes lit up. Although she didn't know why Su Xie wanted to go to the Killing City, since he went, his chance came!


On the other side, Dugu Bo listened to Su Xie's advice and began to search for traces of Tang Hao and Tang San on the mainland.

But what is very strange is that since the Star Dou Forest, Tang Hao and Tang San seemed to have disappeared from the world, and there was no news about them again.

Finally, he found Tang San, still in the Sunset Forest!

Tang Hao just came down from a valley and was going to the town to buy wine.

Dugubo recognized him and followed him immediately.

Then he was beaten violently by Tang Hao.

"The Poison Douluo, who is said to be the most poisonous person in the world with one poison, turned out to be a stalker."

Tang Hao bought a dozen jars of spirits from the wine shop and put them in to store the soul guide, and said calmly.

Dugu Bo endured the pain of being beaten by the Haotian Hammer and chased after him and said:

"Haotian Douluo, I have been looking for you for a long time."

"You also joined the Wuhun Palace and became its lackey. Want to take action against me?"

"No, Haotian Douluo, I have something to ask of you. Only your son Tang San can help me now. If he can do it, I am willing to tell him about a treasure land where there are many precious medicinal herbs."

Tang Hao looked at Dugu Bo doubtfully. Can the mistress help him?

A soul master can help a titled Douluo, isn't that a joke?
"Go away, otherwise my Clear Sky Hammer will not warn you this time."

Tang Hao said coldly.

In order to cure his little granddaughter's phosphorus snake venom, Dugu Bo could only bite the bullet and catch up:
"Your Majesty Haotian, I have absolutely no ill will towards you, not to mention that with you here, I dare not do anything to your son. On the contrary, I have a request from him. If you can take me to see him, I am willing to When the Haotian Sect is in trouble, I will help you, and in return, I swear on my green phosphorus blood."

Dugu Bo said.

Only then did Tang Hao stop and look back at Dugu Bo:

"Is what you said true?"


"Okay, then come with me. Remember, don't let others know about this matter, otherwise I, Tang Hao, will not let you go."

Tang Hao took Dugu Bo to their mountain stream.

Dugu Bo's promise and his help are still very important.

According to rumors, although Dugu Bo is moody and acts heresy, he is very trustworthy and is trustworthy once he makes a promise.

Moreover, his poison can easily kill thousands of people. If there is a war with Wuhun Palace one day, then this Dugu Bo will be very useful. It can be said that one can defeat a million!
(End of this chapter)

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