Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 95 Su Xie’s stimulation: leaving the heartbroken red of lovesickness to test whether you sti

Chapter 95 Su Xie’s stimulation: leaving the heartbroken red of lovesickness to test whether you still love each other?
"Dad! Daddy!"

"I've mastered it, I finally mastered the 81 hammer, hahaha!"

In the valley, Tang San's figure danced under the waterfall. The huge casting hammer smashed out a huge splash in the waterfall. It circulated for a week, returned to Tang San's head, smashed through again, and continued to cycle, like a circle under the waterfall. The barrier constantly blocks the impact of the waterfall water, causing large splashes of water.

As Tang San swung out the last hammer, his body rose into the sky like a cannonball, facing the impact of the falling waterfall, which went straight up ten meters.

Within ten meters around him, the waterfall flow was pushed back upstream. Driven by his figure, it made a huge roar. Even the rainbow across the pool was stirred and chaotic at this moment.

The boy finally burst out laughing. He was finally able to smoothly complete the 81 hammers taught by his father under the impact of this huge waterfall!

When all the Nine-Nine 81 Hammers were completed, the 81 superimposed powers gathered together. Even if he didn't use half of his soul power, the terrifying attack power at that moment surpassed his previous peak moment!Beyond the limit of what his body could bear!
In the valley, a middle-aged or elderly man wearing a tattered cloth and a messy green hair was walking by the stream.

Dugu Bo applauded and couldn't help but praise:

"As expected of Haotian Crown Prince's son, at such a young age, he can actually explode with such power. I'm afraid most of the Soul Lords will be defeated by this power. Even the Soul Lords may not be sure of victory."

Tang Hao stared at Tang San's figure in the waterfall, feeling somewhat relieved and relieved. This boy's understanding and hard work were higher than his own back then. If this continues, this boy is expected to become a Titled Douluo before the age of 40, breaking his own record. not a problem.

However, the next moment, Tang Hao's eyes became cold and stern.

Although Xiao San is extremely talented and has achieved some success in the Great Sumeru Hammer, so they should relax, but now is their most critical time and they must not slack off.

He already has the next destination for training in his mind.

"Xiao San, you did a great job. Come here, dad will introduce you, this is Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, a well-known existence on the mainland, the best poison soul master in the world, and a friend of ours."

Tang Hao waved to Tang San, and waited until Tang San swung the casting hammer out, smashed it on the ground, and ran over before introducing him.

Tang San bowed his head to Dugu Bo and said respectfully:
"I've seen Poison Douluo."

"Are you Tang San? You are indeed a young genius. You are better than that girl of mine. You will definitely achieve great things in the future."

Dugu Bo praised Tang San, and then said with a deep breath:
"My child, to tell you the truth, I came to you this time because someone mentioned to me that you might know how to detoxify."

Dugu Bo directly explained his intention.

"Someone mentioned it? Was it the teacher?"

Tang San thought to himself, the figure of the middle-aged man appeared in his mind, wondering how he was doing now.

Tang San took a deep breath and then said:

"Although I have not studied any poison techniques, I have also done some research on poison paths."

There are actually many poisonous weapons in Xuantian Baolu that he practiced. In addition, Xuantian Baolu is essentially a Taoist method, which follows the cycle of yin and yang in the sky. It is non-poisonous and cannot be detoxified, unless the poison has already caused death before detoxification.

Among them, the Tang Sect's hidden weapon, the King of Hell's Tie, is extremely poisonous. Once it enters the body, it will immediately break into pieces and disperse the poison. At the same time, the broken King of Hell's Tie will also follow the blood and attack directly into the heart. It only takes a few words. With just a few words, a person can turn into a puddle of black water, which is very terrifying.

In the face of such a poison, the jade phosphorus snake venom is indeed nothing.

"That's great. Even if there's only a little chance, I'm willing to give it a try." Dugu Bo had thought that Evil Immortal Douluo might lie and play with his feelings even after he swore. After all, what a person like Evil Immortal would say Not believable.

Now it seems that the Evil Immortal is really helping him?

Dugu Bo had an exchange with Tang San about Poison Dao, and after what they said, he was sure that this young man was indeed proficient in Poison Dao, and there were some theories that even he had never heard of.

Therefore, Dugu Bo chose to tell the truth and let Tang San heal himself from the backlash of the Jade Phosphorous Snake Venom.

After having a certain curative effect, he also told Tang San the location of the Ice and Fire Eyes.

When they arrived at the Eye of Ice and Fire, Su Xie and the others had already left.

Most of the fairy flowers inside were picked by Su Xie, but he kindly left some fairy flowers and plants for Tang San to help him practice, and he also left a few words on the stone wall of the valley:
[Tang San, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I miss you so much. I have helped you test the strength of the Pope of Wuhun Palace. His strength is terrifying, even I am afraid. I am afraid that your sect’s great enmity and the revenge of killing your mother will never be avenged in your lifetime. I, the Evil Immortal, I have mercy on the world and leave fairy flowers for you. Picking them and absorbing them can enhance your physique and greatly increase your soul power.

One of the lovesick red flowers is a symbol of love. When picking (absorbing), you must be thinking about your beloved, sincerely, and sprinkle a drop of blood on the petals. If you are half-hearted, you will vomit blood and die. Pick the flowers.After the flower is removed, it will never wither as long as it is by the owner's side.

This Xiexian would like to see if you still love Xiao Wu deeply in your heart?Does she love you again? 】

These last words deeply hurt the hearts of Tang San and Tang Hao, and wisps of black evil aura emerged.

When they left the Star Dou Forest, they parted ways with Xiao Wu, and Tang San would never forget that look.

They all shouldered a deep hatred and wanted to destroy the Spirit Hall, so Tang San had been practicing hard for the past two months. He fell down from exhaustion and got up again and again, and then he broke through the limits of his body and perfected the 81 Hammer. .

Tang San swallowed the Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Tree to resist the invasion of the spring, and sure enough he saw a miserable red flower swaying around the spring.

Tang San quickly went up to pick, and sure enough, Xiao Wu's face appeared in his mind involuntarily, and all the past events came to his mind, but the images of what happened at Shrek Academy suddenly flashed through, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood and weaken his body.

Does he really still love Xiao Wu?
Do not!
This is impossible! ! !

Tang San watched the blood he spurted dripping from the heartbroken red leaves to the ground, as if it was bleeding.

"The conspiracy is all the conspiracy of that guy Su Xie!!!

He will probably irritate me and disgust me like this, but I won't fall for it. I will not only heal Dugu Bo and become a good ally with him, but I will also use this place to make myself stronger and not be irritated by you, haha . "

Tang San cheered up and realized that the Ice and Fire Eye was also a rare training ground for him. Ice and fire corresponded to Yin and Yang, which was very beneficial to his Xuantian Kung Fu training!

A week later, a lot of Dugu Bo's toxins were eliminated. Tang San also trained his body in the Ice and Fire Eyes, and also absorbed an immortal flower. His soul power increased to about level 38, and his Xuantian Technique also improved greatly. He even Create the legendary soul-chasing and life-killing Hell Sticker in the eyes of Ice and Fire!
If this King of Hell attack could hit Su Xie, Tang San was confident that he would be worse than dead. Even if he didn't turn into black water immediately, his internal organs would rot and he would become a useless person!
He regards it as an absolute trump card, because with his current level, he can only make one post with all his strength, which is very precious.

Tang Hao came over at this time and said lightly:

"The experience of 81 Hammer ends here, we are going to another place."

Tang San asked: "Where?"

"The City of Killing is a paradise for sinners. Everyone in it is more evil than Su Xie. It is a place where Su Xie dare not set foot easily."

(End of this chapter)

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