Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 96 Tang Hao: Enter the killing city, seize the opportunity, Su Xie will definitely die!

Chapter 96 Tang Hao: Enter the killing city, seize the opportunity, Su Xie will definitely die!
More than a month later, after eating and sleeping all the way, Tang Hao brought Tang San to a small town outside the Killing City.

Because of absorbing the Immortal Flower and with the help of the Ice and Fire Eyes, Tang San's soul power reached around level [-] ahead of schedule. He tried his best to help Tang San break through level [-], and hunted the fourth soul ring nearby in the Sunset Forest before they set off. Come to the city of killing.

The age of Tang San's fourth spirit ring is about 8000 years, which has exceeded the limit mentioned by the master, and is second only to the ten thousand year spirit ring.

The town doesn't look big, but the atmosphere around it is a bit strange.

There is a special chill between people.

Tang Hao took Tang San to a tavern in the town.

The two found a seat in the corner and sat down.

A waiter in black with an indifferent face came over, "What do you want?"

Tang Hao said coldly: "Give me two Bloody Marys."

This is one of the most popular drinks among the strong men in and around the Killing City, and it also symbolizes the blood and sin of the Killing City.

But this time, after Tang Hao ordered the Bloody Mary, the cold-faced waiter looked strange:

"you sure?"

Tang Hao glanced over with indifferent eyes, and the waiter nodded:

"Come here, you will compete with the people at the previous table who ordered Bloody Mary. The winner will use the loser's blood to make Bloody Mary."

"What? Why is there such a rule?"

"Dad, Bloody Mary is going to be made with human blood?"

Tang San couldn't help but stood up and said in shock.

"Bloody Mary is indeed human blood. However, I have never heard of using the blood of a PK loser to make Bloody Mary."

Tang Hao said, frowning, is this a new rule?
"Where did this chick come from? She doesn't even know Bloody Mary?"

"If you want to drink Bloody Mary, you can only kill. This is the rule left by the evil fairy. If you don't dare, just go home and drink milk, hahaha!"

Tang San's surprised voice broke the tranquility of the tavern and aroused the laughter of many people.

One of the names caused Tang Hao and Tang San's expressions to change instantly, "Evil Immortal?"

"A week ago, a man who called himself Evil Immortal came to the tavern with women. The women were very beautiful and aroused the covetousness of many people. Someone came up to chat with them with two glasses of Bloody Mary. The woman refused to drink and ignored those Someone struck up a conversation, so a conflict broke out.

In the end, the Evil Immortal took action and suppressed everyone. Even the seven-ring and eight-ring strong men were no match for him. He conquered everyone and held a Bloody Mary PK feast. Everyone who wanted to taste Bloody Mary must start from Others took it off themselves, so the Bloody Mary PK was born, and the pub continues to use it. "

The waiter introduced lightly, pointing to the venue in the center of the tavern stage. It was a medium-sized PK venue.

In the PK field, there was a tough man who raised his middle finger at Tang Hao and Tang San and said provocatively:

"Boy, it looks very tender. Making Bloody Mary with your blood should be very sweet."


His words caused laughter in the tavern, and someone whistled.

"If you have to kill to drink a Bloody Mary, then it doesn't necessarily have to be PK. Just kill all the people who are unhappy."

Tang Hao's face was cold, he raised his hand and pointed at those who were laughing at him, and said to Tang San, "Your new round of training has begun, go and kill them."

The ridicule stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at Tang Hao with strange eyes.

Tang San looked at Tang Hao in surprise, somewhat doubting that he heard wrongly.

Tang Hao's voice continued: "To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself. There is no one who can come here who has no way to die. Including you and me, kill them and leave no one behind." "

Soon enough, before Tang San could take action, those people had already taken the lead and killed Tang San and Tang Hao.Tang San took a step forward with his right foot, his eyes had turned cold, and an icy chill was released from his pupils.

The Blue Silver King's martial spirit bloomed, and every blue silver vine was as tough and sharp as iron, piercing the enemy's body and penetrating the enemy's chest.

Plop, plop, plop... corpses fell to the ground one after another, blood staining the floor of the tavern.

But at this time, Tang San's expression was very calm.

He is not a kind person to begin with, and he has no regard for the lives of aliens and enemies.

Tang San was so calm that even Tang Hao was surprised. He didn't look like a child who was killing someone for the first time.

He had even prepared a lot of educational rhetoric, ready to help him at any time. Unexpectedly, Tang San's performance exceeded his expectations.

Tang Hao gave Tang San approval: "It seems that I still underestimated you. Remember, in the trial of the Killing City, you can only rely on yourself. I will not be by your side at any time, let alone protect you. There are no friends or partners there, only enemies. Kill all those who can threaten you and win the annual championship in the Hell Killing Fields, which is your ultimate goal."

The waiter in the tavern didn't panic because dozens of people died, he was as calm as Tang San, and seemed to be used to this scene.

Moreover, he took out two cups, took two cups of still warm blood, and approached Tang Hao and Tang San:

"Your Bloody Mary."

However, Tang San had already gone crazy with murder. He had suppressed it for too long, and the murderous aura aroused by Su Xie had been hidden in his heart and never been released. Now that it broke out, he didn't care who it was.

Oops -, the sharp bluesilver grass emerged from the waiter's chest and fell to the ground. Tang San did not turn around to look, but said lightly: "If you want to drink, we will get it ourselves."

He caught the blood cup before it hit the ground and drank the warm blood inside.

The strong smell of blood instantly filled Tang San's taste and smell, making him want to vomit, but he could only hold it back.

He has already figured it out. His father brought him to this world full of killing. The only choice he can make is to kill, otherwise he will be killed.

"Very good. Son, you are stronger than I was before."

"This way, I can take you in with confidence."

Tang Hao said: "This is the entrance to the Slaughter City. After entering the Slaughter City, you will not be able to use any soul skills, only the purest strength and skill collision, do you understand?"

"Dad, do we still want to go in? Su Xie..."

This was Tang San's only concern.

"This is our chance to kill him. Don't let me meet him in the killing city, otherwise he will definitely die!"

Tang Hao's eyes showed murderous intent.

Tang San understood at this time, yes, if soul skills cannot be used in the Killing City, Su Xie's strength will be greatly damaged, and he doesn't know that the arrival of himself and his father is the best time to kill him. !
Tang San stood up and strode to the bar of the tavern without looking at the other two waiters who were already stunned behind the bar.

He raised his hand and slapped it heavily on the bar.

Amidst the loud bang, the bar counter was shattered into pieces and flew in all directions, exposing the ground.

Then he twisted his calves and exerted force. The small black hammer turned into a black light and hit the ground heavily.

A big hole appeared, and Tang Hao jumped in with Tang San appreciatively. When they landed at the bottom and took a thousand, four hundred and sixty-two steps, a cold voice suddenly came from all directions:
"Welcome to the City of Killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing. Here, you can get everything you want, and the price is your life!"


"They came too."

Inside the Slaughter City, Su Xie, who was dressed in black, raised his head slightly, absorbing the evil energy from all directions, and looked at the entrance of the Slaughter City, showing a half-smile.


(End of this chapter)

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