Chapter 151: Eye-punching?Scam! 【Ask for support】

Ye Xuan called the police.

Old Li Tou struggled and wanted to leave, but how could he break free from Ye Xuan's restraints.

Lao Wang stood next to him with a flashing look on his face and did not run away. He also accused Lao Litou.

"I didn't expect you to lie to me. I misjudged you."

"I hit you in the eye and almost hurt you, young man, don't blame me, I didn't mean anything bad."

Lao Wang quickly explained that he also wanted to clear up the relationship with Lao Li Tou.

Ye Xuan sneered and said, "Stop pretending, you guys are in the same group."

Lao Wang said: "Don't talk nonsense. He and I just know each other in the group. I want to buy his things, how can we be in the same group?"

Ye Xuandao: "Isn't that right? We will know when the police arrive."

When Lao Wang saw that Ye Xuan was serious, he was also scared.

The guilty ones also want to run away.


This time the monkey blocked him, and the phone kept filming.

"You can't leave until the police come." Ye Xuan suddenly shouted.

A roar made Lao Wang and Lao Li tremble with fear.

Even Boss Chen and others were startled, their eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe that Ye Xuan would suddenly roar.

Monkeys are used to it, this is Ye Xuan.


He still hadn't received the instruction, so he just filmed the video and didn't turn on the live broadcast.

The roar also called the staff, and several waiters and security personnel hurriedly came to check the situation.

"Boss Chen, what happened?"

They knew Chen Yafu and quickly asked about the situation while protecting Chen Yafu.

Chen Yafu said: "It's okay, I just found two dishonest friends, and then Mr. Ye roared when he saw injustice."

He didn't say who his dishonest friend was.

The waiters and security didn't know what was going on, but they protected the scene and prevented people from walking around casually.

Lao Wang was also afraid that something would happen and wanted to leave, "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Ye Xuandao: "You can't leave."

"I was blinded. This is very common in this industry. And you haven't lost anything, so why don't you let me go?" Lao Wang scolded.

Ye Xuandao: "If you are buying and selling antiques normally, there is nothing wrong with prying eyes, but if you cheat people, it is fraud. That is not prying eyes, it is real fraud!"

He couldn't let anyone use his eyes as a cover.

Chen Yafu and others did not speak.

Just look at it.

Lao Wang and Lao Li insisted on leaving, but Ye Xuan blocked the door and refused to let them out.

Lao Wang hurriedly said: "What's going on in your hotel? Why don't you quickly get him out of the way and let us out? Do you want to become his accomplice and imprison us?"

The waiters and security were a little embarrassed.

The security captain wanted to persuade Ye Xuan, but after seeing Chen Yafu's hint, he immediately stood still.

Ye Xuandao: "Don't slander me. I was just deceived by you. I want you to wait with me for the police to come and let them judge."

Lao Wang and Lao Li couldn't rush out at first sight, and the people in the hotel refused to help them.Suddenly anxious.

Yelling again, hoping to get someone else's attention.

as predicted.

Many people in the tearoom on this floor, as long as the door was open, were attracted and looked over. Some people came specifically to see what happened.

Those who can come here are all guests of the hotel. They are either wealthy self-employed people, Internet celebrity anchors invited by Douyin, high-level intellectuals, or bosses!

Everyone looked around and asked what happened.

The waiter and others couldn't explain it at all.

But someone recognized Chen Yafu and quickly said hello.

"Boss Chen, what's wrong?"

Chen Yafu shook his head calmly. There were two dishonest friends playing a game. Mr. Ye was very angry. They had a dispute and were waiting for the police to arrive.

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone who recognized Chen Yafu was very surprised. They didn't understand who Mr. Ye was, and he was able to let Chen Yafu personally stand up.

There were many people present, and they didn't know who the two dishonest people were.

Just when I was wondering, the police came.

After all, it is a five-star hotel, and there is a duty station nearby. People have been sent here as soon as they receive the notice.

The captain who took the lead recognized Chen Yafu and quickly said hello, "Mr. Chen, what happened?"

Chen Yafu said: "Captain Jiang, it wasn't me who made the call, it was Mr. Ye."

He gestured to Ye Xuan.

The middle-aged man in the lead, Captain Jiang, was a little confused about the situation at the scene, so he said as usual: "Mr. Ye, what happened?"

Before Ye Xuan could speak, Lao Wang rushed over and said, "Comrade, I'm not feeling well and wanted to leave first, but he blocked the door and refused to let me go. He wanted to imprison me. Catch him quickly." !”

As he spoke, he held his chest as if he couldn't breathe.

Captain Jiang and others immediately frowned and looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan had already moved away from the door, but still blocked it sideways, absolutely not giving Lao Wang and Lao Li the chance to escape.

After all, it’s about the superpower Golden Eyes and a 5000 million cash reward!

Seeing that Captain Jiang and others saw that there were more people watching, Ye Xuan said: "Sweetheart, I didn't imprison them, but they set up a trap to defraud me!"

As he spoke, he recounted what happened.

Lao Wang quickly explained: "You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense. I don't know him at all. Anyone who makes antiques knows that everyone has their eyes opened. I did it and looked at the wrong pen holder. It's because I have no eyesight." I almost lost 100 million!"

Old Li Tou said: "When I bought it, this bottle was worth 80 yuan. I was also blinded. I am also a victim. I want to sell it at a high price. This is very reasonable. If you don't buy it, forget it. Why? Are you saying I'm cheating on you?!"

The two of them sang together and cleared up the matter!
Monkey whispered to Ye Xuan beside him, "Do you want to start a live broadcast?"

Ye Xuandao: "Don't open it yet. If it is opened, everyone will know it. There will be an exhibition of the National Treasure Gang the day after tomorrow. I want to get them out to prevent more people from being harmed. So, let's send them in first." .”

The monkey understood and continued filming, but the live broadcast was not started yet.

Captain Jiang looked at Ye Xuan and said: "What they said makes sense. As a layman, I know that there is a risk of fake antiques. You need to test your eyesight."

Ye Xuandao: "If neither party knows about it, this is naturally reasonable. If the seller knows it is fake and still sells it as if it is real, or even plays tricks on the buyer, that is fraud."

He said seriously and solemnly: "The antique industry tests your eyesight, but you cannot use it as a protective color, and antiques cannot become a paradise for scammers!"

Captain Jiang frowned, this matter is very difficult!
He looked at Chen Yafu, but Chen Yafu had already sat down with a few friends, and it seemed that he didn't want to get involved in this matter.

He had no choice but to say: "Mr. Ye, what reason do you have to suspect that they are playing a trick?"

(End of this chapter)

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