Live broadcast to combat counterfeiting, starting with 800 pages of insurance and body protection

Chapter 152: Knowing it well, the matter is exposed [please support]

Chapter 152: Knowing it well, the matter is exposed [please support]

At this time, people were already crowding inside and outside the tea room.

Some people recognized Ye Xuan, and some recognized Chen Yafu, but no one recognized Lao Wang and Lao Li Tou.

The two people looked very simple, like two old people in the country.

They look harmless.

Some people have raised their mobile phones, but no one is live broadcasting. After all, the people here are involved in the tycoon. If they live broadcast rashly, they may cause dissatisfaction.

But it must be recorded, and if anything happens, it will be exposed directly.

Captain Jiang said: "Mr. Ye, you are talking nonsense. You said they were tricking you, but do you have any evidence?"

Lao Wang and Lao Li Tou were both secretly happy.


Lao Wang also raised his voice and said, "Yes, what evidence do you have to prove that we deceived you?"

Old Li Tou said: "Actually, I am also a victim."

Seeing how proud they were, Ye Xuan sneered: "If you want to prove whether you are cheating or not, all you have to do is prove that you two have known each other from the beginning."

Lao Wang hurriedly said: "Of course we know each other. We are all in the same group. I often go around to receive goods. He has goods in hand and I look for him. Isn't this normal?!"

Ye Xuandao: "Did everyone hear it?"

"Old Li Tou is the seller and wants to sell the fake goods. And Lao Wang is the buyer, buying things everywhere. They are all in the same group and it seems reasonable to know each other. However, if Lao Wang is not buying things everywhere, it is purely In order to find someone to partner with, if I bought this fake product, can I prove that they are working together?!"

Although it's a bit convoluted, the truth is this.

Everyone understands that it is indeed the case.

Captain Jiang said: "If Lao Li Tou really sells this one piece, and Lao Wang really only buys this one piece, and looks for people to join forces to buy it, then it is true that he went around collecting goods from everywhere and spent all the money as he said before. If there is only one million contradictions left, it means he is lying and suspected of fraud!"

Everyone nodded.

Both Lao Wang and Lao Li Tou felt guilty.

Team Jiang continued: "But, how can you prove this?"

Ye Xuan pointed at them and said: "He said he came here to receive the goods, and there will be an exhibition in two days. Many people will take out the goods and sell them. And he is the one who receives the goods, so he should have a lot in his hands. Cash is the right thing, but he doesn’t have it, which proves that he is lying!”

Lao Wang suddenly felt nervous and guilty.

He hesitated, unable to refute.

The one who received the goods actually had no money.

Moreover, more goods will appear in two days, but he doesn’t have enough money in his hand. He can’t explain it!
Ye Xuan continued: "The second thing is, if he receives other goods today, let him show them to everyone. Not only the goods, but also their receipts or invoices."

Lao Wang hurriedly said: "Our business settles in cash and does not have receipts or invoices..."

Sorry after that.

Although this is a private business, taxes are required for any transaction.

It's normal to have receipts and invoices, otherwise you won't be able to pay taxes, which is tax evasion.

Even if everyone knows it, if it comes to light, it must be made clear.

Lao Wang's face stiffened.

In front of so many people, if he can't produce the goods and harvest proof, then he didn't buy the goods, and he is lying from beginning to end.

If you say he's committing fraud, he won't be able to get away with it!
But if he took out some fake goods as goods, but he definitely couldn't produce the receipt, it wouldn't be able to prove that he received the goods himself and spent all the cash!
So, it still means that he is committing fraud and still can't get away with it!
In short, it doesn’t make sense!
Captain Jiang looked at the two old men and said, "Uncle Wang, please show me the receipts for the receipt of antique goods in the past two days."

Old Man Wang hesitated and said, "I, I, these are all business secrets, I can't tell them."

Ye Xuandao: "Then you are tax evasion!"

Old Man Wang got angry and said: "This is what this industry is like, you..."

After saying that, I regretted it again!Antique trading is very rough, and some people even use it to wash it, but there are receipts and invoices, otherwise it is not formal!


If he can't come up with a basis, he really can't escape tax evasion!
For a while, I was at a loss.

Between a dilemma and a dilemma.

Old Li Tou said: "When we collect something, we keep it secret and wait for the value to increase. Now that it is exposed, won't we lose money?"

Lao Wang quickly said: "That's right, that's right."

Captain Jiang said: "But now I ask you to take it out and let us take a look to prove that you have indeed spent all your money on your work these days, so you found someone to partner with you to buy this pen holder."

"As long as this is proven, even if the pen holder is fake, and you don't know it, if you persuade others to buy it together, it is just cheating, not fraud."

Lao Wang hesitated, but still couldn't take it out.

Old Li Tou didn't know how to defend himself.

Ye Xuan snorted coldly and said: "Also, the hotel has surveillance and can check. They are not guests of the hotel, but they went to the hotel's executive suite to argue. It is obvious that they are looking for someone to partner with and commit fraud!"

Chen Yafu finally spoke and said: "If there is a need to check surveillance, our hotel will fully cooperate."

Team Jiang quickly said: "Thank you very much, Mr. Chen."

After saying that, he immediately sent someone to investigate the surveillance, and soon the staff came back with the information about the two old men entering the hotel.

As expected, they were not guests of the hotel. After entering, they went directly to the executive suite floor and started arguing.

They were downstairs at first, but no one paid attention. They went up a floor and arrived at Ye Xuan's floor. After a few words of quarrel, Ye Xuan appeared!

The following story happened.

Seeing this, Captain Jiang frowned and said: "You are not guests, why did you enter the hotel directly and even come to the executive suite?!"

"Moreover, when you were arguing on the next level and no one responded, why did you go up to the next level and continue to argue?"

The two of them hesitated and couldn't argue!
Lao Wang was extremely helpless and had no choice but to quibble: "We want to move in, and I do have my thoughts. I think there may be rich people here, so I want to attract attention and partner with me to buy the pen holder!"

"But this is my original intention. What does it have to do with us working together? Why should we be considered a fraud?!"

When everyone heard the words, they nodded.

"It makes sense. This is just a way for Uncle Wang to raise money, but it doesn't prove that they are playing a trick!"

"It seems so. Although they are very suspicious, they cannot prove it."

"But why did that old Mr. Li cooperate with Uncle Wang in the quarrel and then find someone to collect money?!"

People are puzzled.

Ye Xuan has already seen the end of the road for the two of them.

He sneered and said: "Leader, this has proven that he is lying. At least their motives are impure. You can invite them to drink tea and then check their chat records. You will definitely find clues."

"And Lao Wang can't prove why he only has 50 in cash and 50 in checks. It's unreasonable for him to ask me to join forces to raise money. This is Lao Wang's flaw. I hope you will notice it clearly!"

Lao Wang was shocked, angry, and very guilty.

Ye Xuan added: "There is also this old Li Tou. If he really spent 80 yuan to buy it, let him issue a receipt, otherwise he is evading taxes! If he does it, it will prove that he is also a victim. , I directly admit my mistake and apologize directly to them!"

Captain Jiang looked at Old Li Tou.

Old Li Tou was confused!

Chen Yafu said from the side: "If you bought it through formal channels, there will be invoices and receipts. This is recognition and respect for the treasure. If it is passed down from your ancestors, it is easy to say that there is no receipt or anything, but you said you bought it. , but you can’t get the receipt, that’s a private transaction and tax evasion.”

He added: "Bring it out, Mr. Ye will apologize to you, and I, Chen Yafu, will uphold justice for you and compensate you!"

Everyone is looking at Lao Litou!

How could Lao Litou get it! !
 Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes. Let’s have a high energy tomorrow and the excitement will continue.
(End of this chapter)

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