Chapter 153: Got the reward, three fucks [please support]

Ye Xuan's words were sharp and well-founded.

How could Lao Li Tou get the receipt, and Lao Wang couldn't prove it either.

Suddenly, a security guard ran to the team leader and whispered a few words. The team leader hurriedly said: "Boss Chen, Team Jiang, everyone, my colleague said that he saw these two uncles lingering at the entrance of the hotel for a long time. They were there yesterday and the day before yesterday. They appeared in the corridor of our hotel and were driven away.”

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone was in an uproar.

Captain Jiang suddenly looked fiercely at Old Li Tou and Old Wang, and scolded: "Tell me, if you don't know each other, why did you appear in the hotel the day before yesterday and yesterday, and make loud noises in the corridor like today? ?”

Lao Li Tou and Lao Wang felt as if they were mourning for their heirs, and their bodies became weak.

The two looked at each other, both a little at a loss.

Captain Jiang angrily scolded: "Okay, you don't need to say any more. Come back with me, and you will slowly be able to say everything!"

Lao Wang said in shock: "No, no, I won't go, I'm just buying things. I buy things in partnership with others. If you don't buy, forget it. Why should you arrest me?"

He begged Ye Xuan and said, "Young man, I just want to make a fortune with you. I don't want to lie to anyone at all. If you don't want to, forget it. Why did you let people arrest me?"

Ye Xuan shouted: "You still dare to talk nonsense? You are deceiving me, you are a fraud, you are bad people, and you still dare to say that you will make a fortune with me?!"

There was a roar, a roar.

Lao Wang was so frightened that he almost had a heart attack and backed away in horror.

Staring at Ye Xuan's face, he was afraid that he would eat him!
Old Li Tou was also startled, terrified and horrified.

Ye Xuan's veins popped out and he glared angrily, wanting to eat them, which shocked many people around him.

However, some Internet celebrity anchors understand Ye Xuan's character and know that he has zero condolences for criminals. During the live broadcast, he also roared at profiteers!

Captain Jiang frowned. As a peace officer, he certainly could not tolerate others shouting or intimidating others in front of him.


It was Ye Xuan who was roaring, and he was the victim, so it seemed natural to roar.

It was normal for two old men to get yelled at when they were cheating, so he just turned a blind eye.

Chen Yafu was also a little surprised, how could someone be so unable to control his emotions and yell loudly at every turn, but after thinking about it, it seemed pretty good to be with such a person, and there was no need to worry that he was a sinister villain!
This kind of person yells when he sees injustice, so he saves his daughter!
Lao Wang and Lao Li Tou still wanted to quibble, but Ye Xuan was very angry and stepped forward to yell, "Are you still quibbling? You are committing fraud. Let me tell you, the amount of money you defrauded is extremely huge. Just wait until you go to jail!" "

Lao Wang and Lao Li Tou were very depressed, but they still argued.

"I just punched in the eye."

"I was also blinded, and I was also deceived."

However, no one paid attention to them, everyone could see that they were working together, and when they were taken away, everything would be clear to them.

Ye Xuan even pressed forward and glared angrily. The two old men were so frightened that they hurriedly hid behind Captain Jiang and others.

"Come on, come on, this man is crazy, crazy."

"Let's go."

Captain Jiang waved his hand, and his men quickly took away the two old men. They also took away the pen holder evidence in Ye Xuan's hand, and also took away some surveillance content.

"Mr. Ye, please find a time to come with us to record a statement. This matter must be completed from beginning to end."

Ye Xuan restrained his ferocity and became calm and said: "Okay."

Captain Jiang was stunned. He was already prepared to appease Ye Xuan's emotions. He didn't expect that after the two old men left, Ye Xuan changed his face so quickly and regained his stable mood.

He was stunned.

Everyone was also taken aback.

Chen Yafu was a little surprised.

Monkey looked calm. He understood that Ye Xuan was passionate, but he also had a calm mind and was not the kind of person who gets angry without thinking.

He yells when he sees injustice in order to scare off criminals, but he will also handle things calmly, even calm down, which is scarier than anyone else.In other words, his roar was to scare the two old men into confessing.

But in fact, Ye Xuan himself is as angry as a king on the surface, but calm as water in his heart.

When Team Jiang saw that Ye Xuan had calmed down, he didn't have anything to say, so he led the team away, and everyone gradually dispersed.

The anchors and Internet celebrities who can come here are all famous experts and authorities, or real Internet celebrities and anchors, and they will not curry favor with Ye Xuan because of this.

What's more, they all saw that Ye Xuan knew these big guys, and he obviously didn't intend to communicate with outsiders.

After such a commotion, several people brought by Chen Yafu lost interest and left each other.

It was Chen Yafu, Ye Xuan, and monkey drinking tea in the tea room.

Ye Xuan, on the other hand, has already received the Golden Eyes and a 5000 million cash reward.

At this time, Ye Xuan, with his golden eyes, could see the essence of any object, and could also judge the value of specific items.

For example, Ye Xuan used his golden eyes to look at the situation in the tea room and found that all the tables, chairs, benches, etc. were very ordinary, exuding a light vulgarity.

But when I saw a jade ring on Chen Yafu's hand, I saw the essence of the ring, which exuded a faint radiance. Looking through the radiance, I could see layers of emerald green crystals inside the ring.

Top quality jade!

Ye Xuan has never seen such beautiful jade, but he can understand that it is the best jade, but he does not understand its value.

He just thought it was good, but he had no wrong reference and had never learned the value of specific jade gems, so he didn't know how valuable such a thing was.

Chen Yafu noticed Ye Xuan's expression and glanced at the ring in his hand, then smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, do you like this ring?"

Ye Xuandao: "The best jade, the dark green inside is so beautiful."

As he spoke, he stepped forward, pointed to a corner of the ring, and said, "Especially this place, it should be the most expensive part of the entire ring."

Chen Yafu was a little surprised and said: "Mr. Ye, it seems that you also understand jade."

Ye Xuan was stunned and said: "I don't understand, I don't understand, I'm just talking nonsense."

Chen Yafu smiled, took off the ring, handed it to Ye Xuan, and said, "Since Mr. Ye likes it, just play with it."

Ye Xuan was stunned and didn't take it.

He hurriedly shied away: "Boss Chen, don't be ridiculous, I don't dare accept such a valuable thing."

Chen Yafu said: "It's not expensive, it's not expensive."

Ye Xuandao: "Although I don't know much about this industry, I can see that this ring is of extraordinary value, and it looks very noble at first glance."

Chen Yafu saw that Ye Xuan was really evading and admired the ring very much, but without any greed, so he knew that he had misunderstood.

I admire Ye Xuan even more!
He nodded slightly, put the ring back on, and said: "I spent 300 million on this ring at Christie's the year before last. It is not my most expensive ring, but the color matches my lucky color this year, so Wear it all the time.”


300? !

Ye Xuan was dumbfounded.

300 million for a ring? !

He cracked.

He looked at the watch in Chen Yafu's hand again and couldn't help but use the Golden Eyes again.

The whole watch exudes nobility, and when you enter it and watch the turntable rotate, you feel as if you are immersed in the long river of the universe.

Ye Xuandao: "This watch is very expensive, how much is it worth?"

Chen Yafu said: "Not much, three of them."

Ye Xuan: "Huh???"

(End of this chapter)

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