Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 102 9 Immortality comes to you, and the dead are buried in ice coffins

Chapter 102 Jiuyou is on the verge of death, and the dead are buried in ice coffins

Realizing that it was temporarily impossible to capture the true meaning of the bursts of Taoist sounds coming from Sansheng Pond, Shi Xuan no longer struggled -

Instead, he used the Sansheng Pond as a carrier to carry the power of faith. Shi Xuan transformed into thousands of bodies, combined with those ethereal thoughts of faith, and once again entered the world and realized the thoughts of the mortal world.

Originating from the Xuandi Tower on the major ancient stars of life, the dense and thick human mind power lingered on it. At the moment when Shi Xuan transformed into thousands of bodies, he followed the causal connection and rushed towards Beidou Immortal even more crazily. Deep in the mountains——

In that magnificent ancient palace, a vast sea of ​​faith evolved.

Since then, Shi Xuan has taken on thousands of incarnations, and countless figures have appeared in major life sources——

Sort out the earth's veins, regulate the vitality of heaven and earth, open up the world of chaos, and promote the recovery of all things.

For a time, traces of Emperor Xuantian appeared in the endless corners of the vast universe.

As a result, the voices praising Emperor Xuantian continued throughout the world, turning into an overwhelming power of faith, gathering from Emperor Xuantian Towers all over the universe, and then rushing towards the Immortal Mountain in the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou.

During his journey through thousands of incarnations and the world of mortals, Shi Xuan saw a more real side of the world.

In his previous life, he was enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

Now he possesses the body of the Chaos Holy Spirit, which is unique in all time, and creates new methods. With his own power, he leads the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor to prove the Tao with new methods and create eternal myths.

It can be said that no matter in his previous life or now, Shi Xuan is an absolute genius who is at the top of the world.

However, geniuses are few after all.

The most common people in this world are the ascetic monks who spend their whole lives seeking cultivation without being able to get started, or the kind of casual cultivators who spend their whole lives practicing hard just to break through the sea of ​​suffering and become life spring monks, or the ones who work hard to mine in the mines of those holy land families. , but cannot exchange for a single source stone for the working people.
Cruelty and darkness are the facts of this era.

The Seven Forbidden Zones of the Beidou East Wilderness are the restricted areas of life that are above the heads of countless practitioners, including those ancient families, holy lands, dynasties, and great religions.
Similarly, those big forces in the spiritual world are also restricted areas that are superior to ordinary monks and ordinary people.

The Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone regards all the spirits in the universe as ants, so why don't those big forces regard the ordinary people and those casual cultivators as ants.

The Forbidden City Supreme doesn't care about anyone's life or death, so why would the Holy Land Family care about the life and death of casual cultivators and ordinary people?

Right and wrong, white and black are all illusions. Only power is the reality of this world.

Years go by and time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed.

On this day, with a soft sound, in the magnificent ancient palace deep in the Immortal Mountain, the endless sea of ​​faith stirred up, and the majestic figure holding the Sansheng Pond in his hand slowly woke up.

This hundred years of traveling in the world of mortals gave Shi Xuan many different insights.

Most of his previous impressions of this world came from the memories of the former Stone Emperor and the original books he read before traveling through time. Now this vast world has truly emerged in his mind.

He has transformed into a great monk and walked through the most dangerous places in the world;
I once transformed into a mortal, pursued the rise and fall of dynasties, and only wanted a few yellow and white things in my life.
As he took on thousands of incarnations and traveled around the universe, many unknown secrets were exposed before his eyes, including some buried ancient wonders.

At the same time, these hundred years of travel have also brought him great benefits. He has taken another step forward in terms of cultivation alone.

Although he was still far from the illusory realm of immortality, this step also gave him a lot of combat power. According to him, he almost increased the appearance of a half-cover Jiuyou.

In short, the harvest is considerable and the benefits are huge.

At this moment, a familiar aura appeared outside the Immortal Mountain, and Shi Xuan was still a little surprised by his arrival.

After all, ever since his identity as the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, one of the greatest sources of darkness in ancient and modern times, was exposed, Gai Jiuyou had been avoiding meeting him.

Unexpectedly, he actually came to the door today, and it seemed that he brought someone who was about to die.

Beidou East Wasteland, in the vast void, the great energy of the great road is permeated.This is an absolutely forbidden place in the entire universe, and even the supreme beings in the forbidden area keep it secret and dare not approach it.

Here, the avenues are constantly changing, the heavenly secrets are suppressed by a supreme law, and the power of ten thousand avenues turns into substance, surging forward.

However, today, a sickly old figure traveled through the void and came to this place.

With the arrival of the sick old man, the vast ocean in front of him was continuously pushed away, and scenes of astonishing scenes came into Gai Jiuyou's eyes.

The continuous ancient sacred mountains are endless, and it seems that there is a supreme immortal sitting in them:
The towering ancient palace seems to be inserted into the nine heavens, and the flowing light on the palace walls seems to span the past and the present.

"Now that you're here, come in."

The fairy mist is misty, as if there is a big universe covering it.

On the top of the central sacred mountain, a tall figure wearing a blue imperial robe was looking calmly at the visitor.

And with the appearance of Emperor Ying in Tsing Yi, this piece of divine land glowed faintly, and there seemed to be a sound from the sky in the chaos, interweaving a piece of fairy music, and a refreshing fragrance wafted between heaven and earth, giving people a sense of wonder. The feeling of becoming an immortal.

Looking at the face on the other side, which was still the same as when he first met a thousand years ago, Gai Jiuyou felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Thousands of years ago, when they first met, he was majestic and majestic at that time, his heart was full of endless vitality, and he exuded the strong ambition of a young man who dared to make the sun and moon change the sky.

A hundred years ago, he forcefully triggered the Great Tribulation of Enlightenment. Although he barely managed to jump over the Emperor's Realm, he had no choice but to suffer from Dao injuries, and he already looked very old.

When you are young and frivolous, you always think that there is nothing you can do in the world. It takes time to understand the world, and your manpower will eventually be exhausted.

The Emperor Xuan of those days is now the Emperor Xuantian who has surpassed the ancient and modern emperors and emperors, and has dominated the eternity of time and space——

And he is still just Gai Jiuyou, not the great Emperor of the human race Jiuyou who he imagined when he was young, succeeding the Qing Emperor of the demon race!
"Gai Jiuyou has met Emperor Xuan Tian!"

After coming back to his senses, Gai Jiuyou bowed his hands and said.

This gift is also a tribute to Gai Jiuyou, who competed with Emperor Xuan thousands of years ago.

Shi Xuan looked at Gai Jiuyou and saw that his current condition was not much worse than good, because he still had a lot of time to live.

His talent is indeed rare, even ordinary emperors and emperors are not as good as him.

In this most incredible age of the end of the law, under the suppression of the double buff of the Qingdi Dao, he has reached this point. Although he has extremely serious Dao injuries, he is already considered a strong man in the realm of the emperor. .

If it hadn't been for the birth of a supreme heavenly emperor in this era to control the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, he would have been the Jiuyou Emperor who lorded over Yunei.

It's a pity that in this era, everyone is destined to be dim.

All the splendor of this era will only gather in this place called the Immortal Mountain.

"You came to the Immortal Mountain because you wanted me to save him?"

In Shi Xuan's eyes, he could see a huge ice coffin with a man lying quietly inside.

His hair was disheveled and his eyes were closed, but at the age of Dancing Elephant, he was still very powerful, but at this moment, he was lying silently in the ice coffin, motionless.

In the museum, Shenxi shines brightly, echoing the purple gold lock on his neck, reflecting the brilliance of the sky, shocking the world by actively absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

There are no Dao patterns on the purple gold lock, and there is no fluctuation of divine power. It looks very ordinary. There is only a picture of longevity engraved on it, with an old monk sitting cross-legged under the bodhi tree.

"Amitabha's stuff?"

(End of this chapter)

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