Chapter 101 There are three lives in the Three Lives Pool

On the top of the Immortal Mountain, under the tea tree of Enlightenment.

Shi Xuan has been sitting here for 300 years.

Shi Xuan closed his eyes tightly and pressed against the inner space. He restrained all the turbulent air and blood that covered the ancient and modern universe, but behind it was the manifestation of a supreme purple-gold sun, surrounded by one hundred and eight chaotic Holy Spirit rings.

As he breathed in the essence of heaven and earth, the sea of ​​stars outside the territory was disturbed, emitting an uncertain brilliance.

The vast and boundless energy emanated from his body, and after continuous evolution, it merged again and returned to his flawless Dharma Body of Emperor Xuantian.

Repeating this process over and over again, the Taoist charm of Shi Xuan became more and more lofty.

At this moment, the Dharma Body of Emperor Xuantian is combined with his own illusory Dao Fruit, controlling the nine-level bridge of heaven and earth, independent of the ten thousand paths of heaven and earth. Countless Dao marks are intertwined and become the nourishment of Shi Xuan's own Dao.

The Chaos Holy Spirit is born with the ability to command all the ways of heaven and earth, coupled with the new magical properties——

Even if Shi Xuan didn't do anything, he just sat there, and the original power of heaven and earth surrendered on his own, revealing everything he had to him without any reservation.

I saw that within Shi Xuan's body, the heavenly veins, divine bones, acupoints, and the nine orifices of the human body, including the eyebrows and ancestral orifices, were all blooming with brilliance, and divine power was surging. It was as if the heaven and earth were to be reopened, and it was like chaos was reappearing, and all the ways were returning to their source.

The supreme Dharma Body of Emperor Xuantian is derived from it, riding the nine-level divine bridge of heaven and earth to cross the other side of nothingness.

The next moment, Shi Xuan opened his eyes, and the power of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly bloomed, overwhelming the universe.

After 300 years of practice, he finally succeeded in one day, his meritorious deeds were perfect, and his whole body cultivation was completely perfect.

It can be said that Shi Xuan has surpassed the peak of the human realm at this moment. In terms of combat power and cultivation alone, it has far exceeded the realm of emperors and emperors. He is not afraid of even immortals.

Unfortunately, he could still feel his life passing, albeit slowly.

If he is unable to make a true leap in life level, transcending the realm of humanity and entering the realm of otherworldly immortality, he will once again enter a state of withered blood and vitality in less than 6 years.

This is terrifying. Considering that he once spent his energy and blood to extend the life of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, his life span in this life will be no less than 7 years.

It is more than six times that of an ordinary great emperor.

But even so, he still couldn't reach the immortal realm.

He could feel that there was an almost insurmountable chasm standing in front of him.

If he cannot transcend the past, he will never be able to transcend the realm of humanity and enter the realm of immortality.

At the same moment, deep in the Immortal Mountain——

There is a grand and ancient hall.

In the main hall, an ancient and desolate atmosphere flowed out, filling the entire hall. In the four directions of the hall, there were 49 rising dragon jade pillars made of unknown materials and carved in a dragon style.

Above the main hall, ancient and mysterious murals are engraved. There are various extraordinary scenes such as four spirits surrounding, dragons and tigers worshiping the heavenly king, gods and demons kowtow, and all spirits worshiping.

At the top of the hall, it was as if a piece of the universe was condensed here, full of stars, dark and boundless, full of coldness and loneliness.

The pure and blazing power of faith came from all directions in the universe and turned into a vast ocean of faith in this magnificent hall.

It is surging with willpower, endless and endless.

In the vast ocean of faith, there are endless voices of Zen chants and worship, which are vaguely consistent with the truth.

A pool about two meters long and half a meter wide floats in the middle of the vast ocean of faith, crystal clear and shining with the frightening auspicious colors of the three lives.

Mysterious runes are all over it, and there is a vigorous aura of chaos, and the aura of Taichu is permeated, as if it connects the past, present, and future.

If anyone could see this scene, they would definitely be shocked and speechless.This is simply like a divine pool born before the creation of the world, swallowing chaos, filled with the breath of the supreme Holy Spirit, and with ancient and mysterious Taoist runes flickering.

The sacred light rain kept washing away, as if it was transforming people into flying immortals. It looked very holy, but also extremely weird.

He reflects the past, present, and future, making people feel in a trance, as if they have entered reincarnation, indulged in it, and cannot extricate themselves.

It is extremely sacred, and there are faint hints of aura, without the slightest hint of evil, darkness, violence, or murderous intent.
This is the Sansheng Pond that was born after Shi Xuan's transformation in the past. It is the Supreme God Pond that was born together with Shi Xuan.

As a carrier of Shi Xuan’s endless power of faith, after 300 years of baptism by the power of faith, rich blessings gathered on it and became even more magical——

In a trance, it seemed that the past, present, and future were connected, and there was an ethereal and mysterious sound echoing in it.

It seems that a supreme being is about to cross the long river of time and space and descend here.

When Shi Xuan walked into the grand ancient palace, there was an atmosphere of thousands of people worshiping and reciting the name of the Emperor of Heaven.

With his right hand, he held up the Sanshengchi, which was floating in the ocean of faith, and a strange feeling arose spontaneously in Shi Xuan's heart.

For a moment, through the Sansheng Pond in his hand, he seemed to have established some strange connection with all living beings, and the power of faith flowed through his fingertips——

Scenes were also appearing in front of Shi Xuan's eyes, some were crying, some were angry, some were calm
All the phenomena of the world and the various states of living beings were deduced, flying past Shi Xuan's eyes.

Holding the Sansheng Pond in his hand, Shi Xuan's senses were also infinitely amplified, and he could already feel the thoughts of all living beings, and their prayers were all heard by Shi Xuan one by one.

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven bless you, I hope the weather will be smooth this year and you will have a good harvest."

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, please allow my wife to give birth to a big fat boy for me this year."

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of Heaven! Please bless me to make a fortune this year and have lots of money!"

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven bless you."

Some of these powers of faith come from monks, and some come from ordinary people.

With the birth of the Supreme Xuan Emperor, the Xuan Emperor Tower has become a holy place in the hearts of monks, and the Heavenly Emperor's Immortal Palace in the eyes of ordinary people.

At this moment, relying on the Sansheng Pond to carry this endless power of faith, Shi Xuan seems to be able to incarnate into thousands of bodies, feel all kinds of things in the world with hundreds of millions of mortal bodies, and experience the world that is completely different from the world in the eyes of the monks. .

It is a strange feeling that is subtle yet vast, lofty yet plain, encompassing everything in the world, yet primitive and simple.

Although he is transcendent above heaven and earth, he still seems to be trapped in the mundane affairs of the mortal world. It seems that he is truly immortal in the mortal world and exists forever.

At this time, Shi Xuan's state is somewhat similar to that in the original work, when the road to immortality in later generations opens, Emperor Amitabha merges with hundreds of millions of living beings, returns against the will of heaven, and conquers the road to immortality.

Similarly, Sanshengchi, which had been baptized by the power of faith, also completely attracted Shi Xuan's attention.

He had a vague hunch that this sacred pool born after his transformation might contain a big secret——

Holding the Sansheng Pond in his hands, mysterious Taoist sounds echoed in his ears, although he could only capture a few words because they were too ethereal.

But just these words shocked him, because if he felt correctly, these bursts of Tao sounds seemed to explain the new method he created, and the degree of perfection was far beyond the new method he mastered today.

Unfortunately, there was a strange force in the dark that blocked the bursts of Dao sounds, making it difficult for him to capture the true mystery.

After searching to no avail, Shi Xuan had no choice but to give up and turn to further research on the belief in the world of mortals.

If he remembered correctly, such a change in Sansheng Pond occurred after 300 years of baptism by the power of faith.

So what if it is 3000 years, or even 3 years?
(End of this chapter)

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