Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 100 Praise to Emperor Xuan Tian in Ancient and Modern Times

Chapter 100 Praise to Emperor Xuan Tian in Ancient and Modern Times

The name of Emperor Xuantian shocked the ancient and modern universe and spread throughout the world.

In the endless universe, in the vast sea of ​​stars, there are earthquakes in every corner.

The human world was shaken violently, and countless creatures on all the major ancient stars of life were trembling in fear.

Millions of years have passed, and one ancient emperor passed away one after another, and many ancient emperors came to an end sadly.

However, in this era, there was a former ancient emperor who left the restricted area, just like the emperor in the mythical era, cutting off all the fruits of the past and rebuilding.

He pioneered a new method, and then single-handedly led the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor to use the new method to prove the Tao, creating another avenue for the world that was different from the method of the secret realm.

Now he is refining his two imperial weapons and sublimating them into supreme immortal weapons! ! !
"This Emperor Xuantian, who came from the Immortal Mountain in the Forbidden Zone of Life, is really too powerful, surpassing the emperors of ancient and modern times. This kind of fighting power can almost defeat immortals in reverse."

"With arrogance over the past and present, and astonishing combat prowess, will Emperor Xuantian conquer the restricted area and protect all souls?"

The world is restless, and countless monks are shocked. At the same time, they are wondering whether the Xuantian Emperor who has dominated the past and present will continue to incarnate in the restricted area?

Or will he protect all beings in the universe as before?
No one knows what the supreme Emperor Xuantian is thinking?

But there is no doubt that the era of Emperor Xuantian has come.

This will usher in a period of indescribably dazzling glory, and the biggest change in eternity will take place.

In this world, power means the right to speak.

And this Emperor Xuantian, who has absolute power, even a casual attitude or action is enough to shake the entire universe.

Beidou Donghuang, Southern Territory Ji family.

As an ancient family that has inherited the Void Emperor for tens of thousands of years, and possesses the ultimate emperor weapon, the Void Mirror, as its foundation, the Ji family has been at the pinnacle of the universe for countless years, no matter how things change.

But on this day, the ancient Ji family, known as the immortal, seemed to be shrouded in mist.

Knowing that the Heavenly Emperor stands above this world, the Ji family members seem to feel that the power of the supreme emperor's bloodline inherited from the Void Emperor in their bodies has fallen into deathly silence.

"Although Emperor Xuantian from the Immortal Mountain will not do anything to the Ji family, I'm afraid."

In the ancestral land of the Ji family, several gray-haired old guys had wrinkled faces full of worry.

The Emperor of the Void can be said to be the human emperor who has the most enemies with the Immortal Mountain.

The Ji family is the bloodline inheritance of the Void Emperor.

Although as Emperor Xuantian, he would not do anything to the Ji family.

But there is no need for Emperor Xuantian to express anything. Some forces will find ways to deal with the Ji family overtly or covertly just because of the three words "Emperor Xuantian".

Don't overestimate the bottom line of this world's major forces. Naturally, many people are in awe of the Void Emperor.

But the Ji family is the Ji family, and the Void Emperor is the Void Emperor.

Even though the Ji family has the Void Mirror, the Ji family is not the only one in the world who has imperial weapons.

It is even possible that there will be big forces in the human race secretly targeting the Ji family.

The resources in this world are limited, and the greed of major forces is unlimited. The Ji family has been standing for hundreds of thousands of years, so there will naturally be no shortage of enemies——

Now the Lord of the Immortal Mountain dominates the past and present, and is known as the Emperor of Heaven.

Some people are willing to take a gamble and target the Ji family. If Emperor Xuan Tian takes his fancy, it will definitely be the greatest opportunity in the world.

And now that the supreme Xuantian Emperor is commanding the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor to dominate the universe and is sitting in the East Wasteland, he has scruples about using the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers, especially in the Beidou East Wasteland and the Ji family.

Therefore, based on these tacit understandings, some forces are willing to deal with the Ji family overtly or covertly.

"Sneak some members of the Ji family out of the Ji family"

As an old and sad voice sounded in the ancestral land of the Ji family, within a few days, an outstanding descendant of the Ji family secretly sent him out of the Ji family, leaving Beidou and heading to other ancient stars.This is a great storm that shakes the ancient and modern universe. It is unparalleled and surpasses everything in the past.

Even the mortal world, which was isolated from the monks, also knew about this world, and a supreme Emperor Xuantian appeared.

The world is in a commotion, and the world is trembling.

Unlike monks, the life of mortals is too short. Their lives in this world are as humble as weeds on the ground.

They don't know what the Dark Supreme is, what the restricted area of ​​​​life is, and they don't know what the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, the greatest source of darkness in ancient and modern times, is.

They only knew that a supreme Emperor Xuantian appeared in this era.

This Emperor Xuantian is particularly powerful and is an immortal in the sky who can protect them.

Therefore, every household began to enshrine tablets engraved with Emperor Xuantian to satisfy their expectations for the gods.

On the top of the Immortal Mountain, under the tea tree of Enlightenment.

In the eyes of Shi Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged here, the billowing power of human will came to him from all directions in the endless universe, and it had even turned into a vast ocean of faith.

The power of faith in the mortal world can be said to be one of the most powerful and mysterious forces throughout the entire Zhetian universe.

Not to mention, in the future, the road to immortality will be opened, and there will be Emperor Amitabha who studies this path intensively. He wants to use relics to carry endless faith, and wants to imitate the emperor and teach him to become an immortal.

In the ancient times, the Supreme God respected by all races, the Immortal Emperor, also studied this way, and forged a god who was no weaker than the Wuque Emperor to conquer the world, and was even able to fight the most powerful Emperor Wu Shi in an hour. Not weak.

Even in that perfect ancient immortal era that was buried, the ancient immortal ancestors still relied on this way to create a spiritual practice method, attained the status of the Immortal King Giant, and entered foreign lands seven times and seven times out.

Each and every one of them shows that there is absolutely great potential for studying the way of faith.

It's just a pity that Shi Xuan has the same attitude as the ancient Emperor of Heaven when it comes to cultivation, and they seek everything from themselves.

However, it was a pity that so much power of faith was wasted. With such a mysterious power presented to him, Shi Xuan naturally had no reason to let it slip away.

Time is always the most ruthless force in the world.

It makes the world change, mountains and seas become easier, black hair turns into white bones, and genius turns into dust.

No matter how charming the mortal world is, time always flies, as the world often says -

Time is like flowing water, and time is always like a never-ending river, rushing towards the future in a mighty way, never stopping for anyone.

It has been 300 years since the supreme Emperor Xuantian was born to rule the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor.

In the past 300 years, some geniuses have begun to rise to the sky in the universe, and there seems to be a trend of restoring the grandeur of the universe in the past——

However, they are as gorgeous and short-lived as fireworks. No one can reach the heights of Gai Jiuyou or even the Emperor Xuan of the Immortal Mountain.

300 years ago, Emperor Xuantian controlled the Ancient Emperor of the Four Spirits, and used his peerless magic power to refine many Xuandi Towers, which were distributed in every corner of the universe.

Today, where the Xuandi Tower is located is the absolute core of the entire star field.

Every moment, monks come to the tower to seek Dharma and seek the invincible inheritance of Emperor Xuan Tian.

In the world of mortals, there are always countless creatures who prostrate themselves in front of their homes every day, worshiping the Xuantian Tower that stands in the center of heaven and earth and pierces the sky, praising the name of Xuantian Emperor.

The billowing power of thoughts in the mortal world turned into boundless faith, rushing towards the numerous Xuandi Towers in the universe, and then flowing towards the Immortal Mountain in the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou.

PS: Regarding the battle between the protagonist and the ruthless man, some people think that the protagonist's combat power exceeds the standard.However, I think that the ruthless person is still far away from the ninth world immortal at this time, and his own condition is incomplete and confused.

In the original work, even a sublimated Supreme cannot be killed instantly, so how can we talk about the Red Dust Immortal?

The protagonist is at least a third-generation Dao Fruit, plus the Chaos Holy Spirit Body, as well as the new method of enlightenment. And if you know the protagonist's enlightenment, you can bring the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor to break through the ten thousand blocks to achieve enlightenment.

I think it's normal for such a protagonist to fight someone who is not completely ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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