Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 99: Slap the ruthless man, and the imperial soldiers sublimate

Chapter 99: Slap the ruthless man, and the imperial soldiers sublimate

A loud noise that shook the world came from the top of the starry sky, exploding in everyone's ears.

At this moment, even many restricted area supremes felt that the loud noise was a bit loud.

When everyone came back to their senses, they saw that the white-clothed empress was directly knocked away by a brick from Emperor Xuantian, and then fell into the depths of the ancient forbidden land and disappeared.

The situation changed so quickly that it completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

I thought that the ruthless emperor who suddenly revived would attack all directions and directly confront Emperor Xuan Tian who had overwhelmed the ancient and modern universe.

Unexpectedly, he made the right move, and immediately the ruthless emperor who was rumored to kill without batting an eye seemed to have lost his mind and froze in place——

Then Emperor Xuan Tian was very careless and slapped the stunned white-clothed empress away, sending her flying into the ancient forbidden land.

Such a strange scene, not to mention the Forbidden City Supreme who has been quietly being a crowd-pleaser, even the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor who was waiting behind Shi Xuan was a little confused.

Regardless of what others thought, Shi Xuan's eyes fell through the endless void and landed on the golden figure deep in the ancient forbidden land.

At the same moment, Dacheng Holy Body felt a sense of crisis in his heart, as if the greatest terror in the world had descended upon his heart.

Just when he was about to wave his iron fists to meet the attack, that feeling disappeared again.

At the same time, the Emperor Xuan Halberd that was pressed against his forehead also crossed the void and disappeared.

At this moment, even the perseverance of the Dacheng Holy Body that had endured for countless years could not help but lose consciousness.

This Emperor Xuantian who came from the Immortal Mountain was indeed terrifyingly powerful.

The Dacheng Holy Body is said to be able to rival the Great Emperor, but in front of him, it is like a babbling baby, unable to fight back.

Under the vast starry sky, Shi Xuan's body was filled with chaos and mist, surrounded by endless holy spirit and celestial energy. His whole body was majestic and mysterious.

In the void are two blazing fairy lights, namely the Xuan Emperor Halberd and the Cangtian Monument.


The ancestral orifice between Shi Xuan's eyebrows glowed, and a supreme body of Emperor Xuantian flew out and stood between heaven and earth.

"Does he want to?"

In the restricted area, many supreme beings had some speculations in their minds, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a sudden roar.


Accompanied by a vast burst of Tao sound, it sounded from somewhere and echoed in the universe, everywhere.

next moment--


"Purple Dragon!"


"Blood Phoenix!"

Four roars resounded through the heaven and earth, spreading throughout the eight wastelands of the universe. Immediately in the eyes of the world, four supreme divine beasts appeared in the world.

At this moment, the four divine beast dharma bodies guarded the central dharma body of Emperor Xuantian, forming a mysterious magic circle, shrouding it with the fairy light transformed from the two supreme weapons, the Cangtian Monument and the Xuantian Halberd.

The next moment, the two groups of immortal light surged and surged vastly, and the endless laws burned.


The supreme magic formation formed by Emperor Xuantian's dharma body and the dharma bodies of the four divine beasts combined with the two groups of fairy lights, and a power of supreme law that overcame the emperor's domain was intertwined -

Brilliant and blazing, it illuminates the nine heavens and ten earths.

The shocking power of law was burning crazily, making the two groups of fairy lights so dazzling that it was unimaginable and impossible to look directly at them.

Even the supreme being in the restricted area felt a pain in his eyes and could only look away helplessly.

The monstrous law spread out uncontrollably and spread throughout the universe, making all living beings fearful. It also shocked many supreme beings in the restricted area and completely changed their colors.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, are you going to refine two weapons again and sublimate them into immortal weapons?"

Above the Ancient Emperor of Beidou, Gong Yangchen kowtowed to the supreme Dharma Body of Emperor Xuantian with great respect, thinking this in his heart. "Emperor Xuantian, with his great courage, actually wants to refine two supreme immortal weapons at once."

In the Taichu ancient mine, a Supreme Being sighed.

"Gathering together the Nine Immortal Golds, and adding the Chaos Dragon Qi Root, that halberd may have already attained the power of the gods."

"That ancient stele is even more extraordinary. The suppression of the ancient stele can destroy everything in the world just like where that guy steps!"


Immortal light surged, chaos surged, billions of strands of chaotic holy spirit energy fell from the dazzling light group, and two world-shaking energy energy suddenly filled the air.
The Shixuan body combines with the Dharma body of Emperor Xuan Tian, ​​commanding the power of the ancient emperor of the Four Spirits, standing under the vast sky——

The hands moved continuously, evolving a supreme magic technique, intertwining millions of laws and chaotic orders, all of which penetrated into the two groups of fairy light.

This kind of weapon refining method is truly astonishing.

It is an eternal miracle that cannot be replicated.

Because in all the ages, there has never been an era like this, where a supreme heavenly emperor was born to control four ancient emperors.

No one can be like the current Xuan Tian Emperor, who can get the other four ancient emperor-level figures to willingly donate their ancient emperor's Dao Fruit to help him refine weapons.

Even the mythical emperor who once created the world of emperors can only look forward and sigh.




The sounds of forging and hammering one after another kept coming from the supreme magic circle, like beating drums——

Every sound coincides with the supreme avenue, like the pulse of the universe, and seems to strike in the hearts of all living beings in the universe.


A halberd light streaked across the sky and the earth, as if it could pierce the river of eternity. It contained supreme killing power, making all living beings tremble in fear.

Ten-colored brilliance soared into the sky, and billions of strands of chaotic dragon energy were surging. The terrifying energy that had crushed eternity and reversed the years was flowing throughout the body.

The bright and dark halberd body is engraved with ancient totems.

Gods and demons crouch over corpses, true immortals bleed, all spirits are sacrificed, and the world is vast and chaotic.
Even the supreme imperial pass that appeared in that shocking catastrophe, the tragic battle, and the blood-stained scenes of nine heavens and ten earths were all engraved on the body of the halberd.

All kinds of ancient and amazing totems are shocking and inexplicable.

In another direction, a thick ancient monument hung in the sky, hanging under the cold and dark starry sky, every inch of it shining brightly and brightly.

On top of the monument, 49 supreme palaces emerged, with terrifying aura flowing from them, and wisps of supreme fairy light spurting out.
And above the 49 supreme palaces, there is a forbidden palace hidden by the fog -

Among them, a cyan imperial shadow carries a purple-gold sun on its back, surrounds one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings, and stands above a forbidden palace.

At the feet of the cyan emperor's shadow, four supreme divine beasts bowed their heads.


The ancient stele and the war halberd lingered, and the world was shaken.

Two supreme immortal weapons hung in the sky, humming continuously.The supreme laws of immortality suppress the world forever, announcing their birth to the world.

The ancient stele swayed, earth-shattering, and the entire universe seemed to burst apart and return to nothingness. Wisps of the supreme secret that created the world burst out, and immeasurable fairy light spurted out, making people's skulls tremble.

The war halberd flickered, destroying the heaven and the earth. The bright halberd light cut through the sky, seeming to pierce the sky of time and destroy the endless world.


The vast universe, countless sentient beings, and even the supreme beings in the restricted areas were all shaken in their hearts and took a breath of cold air.

"The Emperor Xuantian has indeed refined two supreme immortal weapons. Such methods are truly unbelievable!"

All the supreme beings in the restricted area were silent at this moment, once again understanding the gap between the two sides that was so big that even the supreme beings were despairing.

PS: I have been on a business trip these days, so there have been a few updates. I hope all readers will understand me.Thank you for your support. Thank you! !
(End of this chapter)

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