Chapter 11 The picture comes and the formation appears

Shi Xuan's eyes turned cold.

Not to mention that Tianzun Lunhai here is one of his hopes for rebirth. How could he give up so easily just because he was eyeing something?

A big black hand came out, and the Divine Chain of Endless Order rumbled, sealing the sky and the earth, blocking its way.

"Stop struggling in vain. Even if you are for the Supreme Weapon, in the end you are just a weapon refined by our Supreme. Even if I don't repair the old Dao Fruit and return to the Supreme Position..."

Staring at Ning Ning's four-handled sword that exuded fairy light and wanted to take Tianzun Lunhai to escape, Shi Xuan said coldly:

"You can only make me splash some blood!"

The four killing swords kept shaking there without saying a word.

Weird and mysterious fluctuations rippled out one after another, seeming to be summoning some big killer weapon.

At this moment, it is located deep in the starry sky not very far from here.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!..."


The power of the Jidao filled the air, and streaks of crimson sword light circulated, exuding the power of the Jida, making the sun, moon and stars in the sky tremble.


At this moment, far away on a continent called God’s Domain——

A divine picture crosses the sky, rising and falling from the sky. It rotates slowly, and its momentum is extremely majestic. It seems to be able to shatter the heavens and all realms. There is a hazy mist flowing, which is extremely terrifying.


The Lingbao array trembled slightly, and the runes swam like tadpoles, flashing endless brilliance, tearing the void from the altar, turning into a stream of light and disappearing!
This sudden change left everyone in God's Domain dumbfounded, unable to believe what they saw.

The divine picture that they had supported for generations actually left without any warning?

Are they dreaming?
The people in the Divine Realm are weeping, kneeling down to plead, and calling out, as if they want to see the divine plan that has protected them for generations to come back!

At this moment, far away in Tianzun Lunhai——

The imperial energy circulates, and the power shakes the nine heavens. A divine map falls from the sky, the chaotic sword energy fills the air, and the stars and rivers circulate.


The star field collapsed, many big stars were knocked down and smashed into the black ocean, and the entire star field trembled.

The Lingbao array emerged, hazy, and the terrifying Ji Dao Qi flowed out.


The four immortal swords below vibrated with a strong killing intent, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths, shaking the past, present and future.

The billowing sword energy is like wolf smoke, and like thousands of stars falling down, boundless, standing in the sky and destroying the earth, attacking Shi Xuan.

"Contains the true meaning of the secret word combination!"

Shi Xuan waved his hand to block the blows of the four killing swords. Two brilliant divine lights burst out from his eyes, looking directly at the formation map in the center of the sea.

As an ancient emperor who once ruled the universe, he naturally has nine secrets, and there are more than one. He immediately understood the secrets of the Lingbao Array.

This formation map contains the highest secret of Lingbao Tianzun's formation. It can evolve into a large killing formation. With four killing formations, it can indeed compete with ordinary supreme beings.

There is a huge murderous intention rising into the sky.

Although Shi Xuan and the Lingbao Emperor soldiers had deliberately suppressed it, the terrifying Ji Dao Qi still spread out and swept across the sky and the earth.

The murderous intent of the mountain of corpses, like a sea of ​​blood, was so intense that it chilled people from head to toe.

"Ah ah ah..."

The Tianzun Wheel Sea has a radius of millions of miles, and the flesh bodies of those creatures who are too close will begin to explode without any warning under this terrible murderous intention.

There is no doubt that this is a great terror and a great disaster!

It made countless monks feel chills all over and their hair stood on end!
Incomparably terrifying fluctuations, with an aura that seemed to be able to suppress the Eight Desolations, gradually radiated around the entire star field.

The war has not started yet, but even if it is just like this, it is almost going to cause the ancient star of heavenly weapons to collapse together with the surrounding star field.

Shi Xuan didn't feel anything about this.

His own problems haven't been solved yet, so how could he still care about all the people in the wilderness?
The whole person's aura is as powerful as the abyss and the sea, and the blazing divine light blooms all over his body, like an incomparable king coming into the world, full of great majesty, and cannot be blasphemed or offended.Staring directly at the celestial light that was so bright that it completely submerged the Heavenly Wheel Sea, even a quasi-emperor did not dare to look directly at it. He would only feel his eyes stinging and shed tears. He said indifferently:
"Lingbao Tianzun has passed away, how long are you going to guard it? Why not follow this emperor to witness the peak of the immortal road -"

As the supreme being who rules the world and overlooks the world, he certainly cannot be afraid of anything.

Since he decided to take action, Tianzun Lunhai naturally could not hold on.

Even if the killing weapon left by Lingbao Tianzun in the end is really unique.

At most, it would make him cough up blood and get injured. Do you really think that the ancient emperor who was enlightened by the Holy Spirit was a vegetarian?

Even a set of unmanned imperial soldiers can't do anything!
The blazing and dazzling Lingbao formation controlled four killing swords, and the whole body was surrounded by hazy fairy light, rising and falling there.

There is a sad and nostalgic mood.

After losing its master, it has been waiting here for countless years, and for what purpose?
Fate person?
Sensing the countless weeping souls on the Shixuan Immortal Platform, they were clearly the source of darkness that had deprived them of the supreme status and started the turmoil.


The world was turned upside down and everything collapsed.

The Lingbao Formation seemed to have come to life, and at the same time, the blood on the four killing swords became more and more terrifying, as if it could melt all spirits.

In a daze, he seemed to be able to compete with Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan sighed, it had to be said that Lingbao Tianzun was really talented and talented. It was only a set of imperial weapons he left behind that could have such power.

Four killing swords flew across the sky, shaking the heaven and earth, revealing the ultimate immortal power, and sword energy swept across the four directions one after another.

The Lingbao Formation is so special. Its existence is equivalent to borrowing part of the power of the Lingbao Tianzun in the past to dominate the four killing swords.

"The secret of forming words is really wonderful, and it can actually exert such power!"

Shi Xuan sighed lightly, this is the highest expression of the formation. Combining the most powerful weapons in the world, arranged together, carrying supreme power, can destroy everything in the world.

"In that case, let's fight outside the territory!"


The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, with tens of thousands of swords rising up together, slashing across the sky. A large crack spread in the void, directly entering the outside of the territory. It was terrifying and boundless, swallowing up some asteroids.

Shi Xuan also took one step and went outside the territory.

No matter Shi Xuan, Lingbao Formation Diagram or Killing Sword, they don't want to destroy this Tianzun Wheel Sea because of a big battle.


Shi Xuan didn't restrain himself anymore!
At this moment, the terrifying supreme power swept out, no longer reserved.

That vast and incomparable Qi machine seems to be able to suppress the nine heavens and ten earths and sweep across all heavens and realms.


Not to be outdone, the Lingbao Emperor's weapon had completely revived in an instant, emitting immeasurable light.

A blazing red glow rose into the sky and penetrated the sky.


"To...the Supreme!?"

"how is this possible?"

"It's him! The Supreme Lord of the Immortal Mountain who walked out of the Immortal Mountain before and has been silent since then!"

The vast power of the Ultimate God overlooks the entire universe. On countless living ancient stars, many creatures have cracked flesh, vomiting blood, and are paralyzed on the ground, unable to remain standing.

They felt as if their bodies were cracking and their souls were about to burst into pieces. They could not bear the terrifying power.

At the same moment, Big Dipper.

A mighty river flows endlessly, named Jishui.

Just because here is located an ancient family famous in ancient history——

Ji family!

(End of this chapter)

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