Chapter 10 Lingbao Killing Array

"That must be the divine spring of Lingbao!"

Shi Xuan murmured to himself, looking at the spring in front of him.

That pure vitality made his body, which had been decaying for countless thousands of years, yearn for it even more.

The first realm of practice in this world is the secret realm of the wheel and the sea, and the wheel and sea refers to the human Dantian.

After the Lun Hai is the Dao Palace, the Lun Hai is the Lower Dantian, and the Dao Palace is the Middle Dantian, which refers to the five internal organs.

Behind the Dao Palace are the four poles, which correspond to human limbs.Later, Hualong refers to the human spine.

From opening up the sea of ​​suffering, opening the lower Dantian, to nourishing the five internal organs of the Taoist palace, and then to the limbs, and finally cultivating the spine, transforming into a dragon in one leap, ascending to the immortal platform, and forming the soul.

The title is different, but in fact the essence of practice is not much different from that of other worlds.

Starting from the lower Dantian in the lower abdomen, then the five internal organs and Dao palace, the body's limbs and spine climb up to the immortal platform to form the soul.

Starting from Sentai, the soul has continued to grow, comprehended the principles of Tao, and cut off the Tao self, step by step. Although it is different from other cultivation systems, in essence, it is not much different.

As for the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea, the first step is to open up the Sea of ​​Bitterness in the Lower Dantian, the second step is to create a divine spring in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and the third step is to build a divine bridge over the Sea of ​​Bitterness to reach the other side.

Once you reach the other side, you can lead to the Middle Dantian and enter the secret realm of the Taoist Palace.

The sea of ​​suffering of ordinary people is no more than the size of a palm, but the sea of ​​suffering of Lingbao Tianzun is the real vast ocean.

In the center of the vast sea, this spring is the sacred spring of Lingbao Tianzun. It is said to be a spring, but it is not a spring. It is clearly bigger than a lake.

In the center of the vast sea, the most powerful and holy essence rises, like a fairy glow, and like a divine cloud, gurgling out from the black seabed, making people's pores relax even from a long distance away.

If this Tianzun Wheel Sea is completely swallowed up, Shi Xuan feels that he can extend his imperial life for at least one more life.

At that time, you will have enough power and greater certainty to seek more blessings.

The spring of life emerges from the depths of the seabed. It is sacred and peaceful, full of white brilliance. This is the essence of the entire Tianzun Wheel Sea.

The sight before my eyes was splendid, and the incredibly rich essence of life was frightening.

No wonder in the original work, the Supreme Surprise who found this place in the dark turmoil, if he were allowed to refine the entire sea of ​​suffering and the spring of life, it would probably be enough for him to gain the imperial life for another life and regain the lost status of the great emperor in the past. Dominate the universe again and suppress an era.

Unfortunately, with the Immortal Killing Formation and the Four Swords guarding it, if you want to refine the Sea of ​​Bitterness and the Fountain of Life, you must first persuade this murderous weapon with reason.

They will not watch others refining Lingbao Tianzun's wheel sea.

And if you want to convince Lingbao Tianzun to leave behind this great murder weapon, I am afraid there is only one way, and that is to convince people with virtue.

There is an essential difference between him at this moment and the Supreme One who found this place in the original work. The Supreme Supreme One's blood was dry, the Immortal Platform was decaying, and he was severely injured after entering the Immortal Road, so he urgently needed to replenish his energy and blood.

If he continues to get entangled with the murder weapon left by Lingbao, he will probably make a wedding dress for someone else.

This is the Dark Supreme. Not only do you need to be careful of the current emperor, but you also need to be careful of the Dark Supreme who is always stabbing you in the back.

In this life, they only believe in themselves.

All oaths, promises, and sentient beings are all bullshit in their eyes. Only power and immortality are real.

Looking away, he penetrated the life spring, which was filled with boundless murderous intent and sword energy.

The sword energy was like billowing smoke, brewing in the life spring. Shi Xuan's eyes were focused, and he saw the four imperial swords!

This set of powerful weapons left behind by Lingbao Tianzun is very extraordinary. Even if no one is controlling it, it can still exert part of the power of the Ultimate Ultimate, which is enough to compete with ordinary self-destruction supremes.

The dark red immortal killing sword, the emerald green immortal trapping sword, the dark black immortal sword, and the dark purple immortal killing sword.

The four swords rose and fell, and there was a scene engraved on the dark red sword. A man looked down on the gods and killed until blood flowed out.

On the four swords, there are scenes of killing immortals, trapping immortals, destroying immortals and killing immortals respectively. The sea of ​​blood destroys the universe, and all the souls lie on the corpse, which makes people dare not look directly.The tall and tall young man with a beard on the sword should be the real Lingbao Tianzun.

Shocking murderous aura came from the four swords. Each killing sword had swallowed the blood of hundreds of millions of living beings. It was suspended motionless in the life spring, but there was an aura of the extreme that could destroy all ways.

The four killing swords represent the ultimate destruction. They are a whole and only gave birth to one god, who was born among the four killing swords.

The four swords are separated, each one is an imperial weapon, and together they are the real spiritual treasure killing sword.

Of course, even if the four swords are combined into one, they are not the strongest.

Because of the lack of the most critical killing array diagram, it was Lingbao Tianzun's natal imperial weapon and the core of this set of great killing weapons.

Only the Four Swords with the Killing Formation Diagram can compete with the Supreme.

Without hesitation, Shi Xuan stepped into the life spring and headed straight for the Four Swords.

After entering the life spring, the four swords swayed, and a supreme murderous intention burst out immediately.

The unparalleled energy that was not deliberately concealed stirred up the four sleeping swords to revive.

In an instant, the avenue lines engraved here crisscrossed the ground and emerged from the void, shining with immortal brilliance.

The sky-like murderous intention rose up, and along with the terrifying supreme power, the entire ancient star of heavenly weapons trembled.

Wisp after wisp of frightening chaotic sword energy, enough to tear the eternal blue sky, struck fiercely!
The void trembled, immediately disintegrating, collapsing, and turning into nothingness.

If it weren't for the protection of the Immortal Formation, and neither Killing Sword nor Shi Xuan wanted to break this Tianzun wheel sea, otherwise the entire ancient star of heavenly weapons would be reduced to nothing in an instant, and there would be no second result.

"Hmph..." Shi Xuan snorted coldly.

The bright black halberd, exuding terrifying power, was swept away fiercely.


The terrifying way of order appeared, the void was cut off, and the wisps of chaotic sword energy collapsed and disintegrated immediately.

The world seems to be reincarnated and returning to nothingness.

In the vast Tianzun Wheel Sea, there are undulating waves. The center of the Life Spring has a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Mountains collapse and the ground cracks, and bursts of roaring can be heard.

Terrible fluctuations could not help but seep out, but they were immediately suppressed.

The creatures on this ancient star were inexplicably frightened.

The hairs all over their bodies stood on end, and they felt that they had just walked away from the gate of hell, giving birth to a bone-chilling chill. They all couldn't help but look in the direction of Tianzun Lunhai with horror.

"How is this going?"

"It's the legendary forbidden area..."

"What exactly happened there?"

At this moment, even the lofty leader, the strong man in the saint realm, and even the giant in the saint king realm could only be suppressed by this vast and terrifying pressure, and were forced to crawl on the ground, unable to stand.

I was so frightened but had no idea what was happening!

A vast energy rose into the sky.

It was shrouded in a blazing and terrifying light, making it impossible to look directly at it.

It obviously sensed the terror and power of the coming person, and did not want to confront the opponent. Without saying a word, it wanted to escape from here with this Tianzun Wheel Sea.

"Want to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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