Chapter 9
If the divine liquid in these immortal platforms is not touched by anyone, in a million years, new life may really be born.

Shi Xuan was silent, it was fate that played a trick on people after all.

Lingbao Tianzun spent a lot of time in the wheel and sea, blending into the mountains and rivers with a magic circle, waiting for the day when the secret of the formation of words will show its power and return against the will of heaven.

But I didn't expect that this was a wrong node, and all the arrangements were false.

On the contrary, this Sendai in the head is not carefully laid out, but it contains vitality, and it seems that there is really hope of resurrection.

In the book, this golden crow was blessed with heaven-defying fortunes and attained nirvana with the divine liquid of the God of Heaven before he was able to attain enlightenment.

Without this immortal liquid, how could he, who was just an ordinary emperor, be able to defy heaven and live a second life and become an emperor?

After sighing slightly, he turned his attention to the remaining Tianzun Immortal Liquid.

Although a lot of it has been swallowed by this golden crow, the remaining immortal liquid is probably not inferior to an ordinary quasi-emperor of the ninth level.

"It actually took millions of years for the fairy liquid in this Sendai to grow to its present size."

Shi Xuan guessed a result,
But this is normal. If there had always been so much fairy liquid, Emperor Zun would have taken away the fairy liquid as early as when he discovered this place and used it as a training ground.

You must know that even with the foundation of Ancient Heaven, it should be impossible to ignore so many divine objects.

Immediately, Shi Xuan triggered the fire of heaven and earth, preparing to refine the immortal liquid here.

The old quasi-emperor Jinwu could not take away the fairy liquid here, so he could only turn it into a divine egg and slowly refine it, but Shi Xuan was different.

As the Supreme Ancient Emperor, there are few things in this world that they cannot do.

Not long after, all the fairy liquid rose into the sky and turned into a crystal clear jade bead.

Shi Xuan moved his palm, and the jade bead that gathered the essence of all the immortal liquid appeared on his palm, flowing with dreamy brilliance.

"It's as good as one-third of a golden crow."

Shi Xuan swallowed the jade bead into his belly and suddenly felt the astonishing fluctuation of divine energy.

This kind of divine liquid is very strange. It is crystal clear and looks like a divine flame. It jumps and jumps.

In some respects, this divine liquid is no better than elixir, and can even repair Taoist injuries on the Immortal Platform.

And its applications don't stop there. It's an excellent choice for tempering the soul, forging the soul, and improving cultivation.

The reason why the Golden Crow Emperor in the original work was able to make further progress and defy the heavens and live a second life of enlightenment and become an emperor probably has a lot to do with the Tianzun Immortal Liquid in this place.

At this moment, an idea came to Shi Xuan's mind.

Sendai elixir, which is not taken seriously, has such effect.

And Tianzun Lunhai, who had all kinds of arrangements and even left behind four killing swords, might have a big secret.

If he could refine and devour it, I'm afraid he would be able to recover at least half of his condition and regain the lost Ji Dao combat power.

Just do it!

Shi Xuan's eyes traveled through the endless void and looked at the mysterious Tianzun Lunhai.

In the roaring sea of ​​​​wheels, he saw four red fairy swords rising and falling, each guarding one side, seemingly capable of strangling all invading enemies.

"Although it's tricky, it's nothing more than a minor trouble. It's worth a try!"

In an instant, across the star field where Lingbao Tianzun was, a dead star field appeared in Shi Xuan's eyes——

There is no life, not even a planet to settle on, and the vast starry sky is depressed and barren.

Coldness and silence were the main colors of this star field. Shi Xuan looked forward and could feel the strands of Lingbao Tianzun's breath seeping out from the void.

In the original work, the reason why the protagonist and others were able to find the secret treasure of Lingbao Tianzun was because there was a great sage-level Tianji divine master who gave up his life and burned his life in exchange for Tianji.Although Shi Xuan was not good at divination and calculation, with his supreme vision and knowing the general location of Lingbao Tianzun's secret, he found it easily.

casually tearing apart the void, Shi Xuan stepped in.

In the void, there is a star field hidden, which is called the dark sky field in the original work.

This dark sky is boundless, so vast that it is thousands of times larger than the Milky Way. The key point is that it is not naturally formed.And the body of Lingbao Tianzun fell into the star field formed here.

Shi Xuan's heart was shocked, this is the top powerhouse in this world.

After death, the body evolved into a star field, giving a sense of déjà vu as if the legendary god Pangu had incarnated into the prehistoric times.

Of course, this dark sky is far less exaggerated than the great god Pangu's incarnation on the ancient land, but it is already very shocking.

Today's Shi Xuan, although he can incarnate a star field, may not be able to be as vast as Lingbao Tianzun.

This is a question of boundaries.

This Lingbao Tianzun has gone very far in the realm of the Great Emperor, and Shi Xuan is still far behind him.

Shi Xuan walked in Tianzun's sea of ​​suffering, and heard the rumbling sound of sea waves in his ears.

Generally speaking, the color of sea water is dark blue, and the black ocean is a bit weird.This is a sea of ​​suffering. The real meaning of the sea of ​​suffering is the one in the belly of Lingbao Tianzun.

The waves pushed against each other, making a deafening sound.From time to time, stars fall and hit the sea of ​​suffering, splashing waves hundreds of thousands of miles high, shocking people's eyes.

Stars are rising and falling in the ocean. There are many big stars rotating in the sky, and from time to time, big stars will fall down.

Some people say that Lingbao Tianzun once entered the immortal realm. For some unknown reason, he was blocked by the supreme being in the immortal realm and his body fell out.
Some people also say that Lingbao Tianzun did not enter the immortal realm, his longevity was exhausted, and he sat here.

No life was born in the dark sea water, not even a single aquatic plant, let alone other shrimps, soldiers, and crabs.

This vast sea water is the essence of life in Lingbao Tianzun's sea of ​​suffering, and it contains Lingbao Tianzun's murderous way.

If your cultivation level is not enough, if you touch this sea water rashly, you will be dissipated into blood water in a moment and merge into this boundless sea of ​​suffering.

That is to say, Lingbao Tianzun has disappeared, and the killing path contained in the sea of ​​suffering is not strong enough. Otherwise, no one can come here.

On the black sea, ancient ships are scattered scatteredly. People who come in can only cross this boundless sea of ​​suffering with the help of ships.

Of course, Shi Xuan doesn't need these.

Walking in this vast sea of ​​suffering, he felt as if he had waded through a mountain stream in his previous life. The dark water gave him a fresh and comfortable feeling.

There was a body lying in the water ahead.This corpse was very extraordinary. It was tall and stalwart. The clothes on its body were rotten. The skin was about to turn into black as the sea water. The eyes were half-open and half-closed, emitting purple light.

The heavenly body!

This is a person who is about to reach the peak of his heavenly hegemony and quasi-emperor.

It's a pity that he died for too long, and the origin of his domineering body has long since disappeared, leaving only a withered skeleton.

It is estimated that he built the ship in order to seize Lingbao Tianzun's formation diagram and four imperial swords, but he died here.

According to common sense, his corpse, which had been lying in the sea of ​​suffering for such a long time, should have been turned into blood by the killing intent in it.

But he accidentally turned into a corpse spirit and was assimilated by Lingbao Tianzun's sea of ​​suffering, becoming this guardian spirit.

When he is needed, he will revive and regain his unparalleled fighting power.

Walking forward, a spring appeared in Shi Xuan's eyes, gushing out divine flowers, which was shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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