Chapter 8 Delicious Golden Crow

On the Tianzun Immortal Platform, the divine fire danced, extremely bright and dazzling.

A crystal clear golden divine egg was rising and falling, and he vaguely saw a golden crow sleeping in the divine egg——

Contains a hint of the ultimate law.

The fairy liquid in Lingbao Tianzun's immortal platform is slowly flowing, and the divine clouds are steaming and rising into the sky, nourishing the divine egg.

The Immortal Fire of Lingbao Tianzun has not been extinguished. It is the light of the primordial spirit, which may contain the hope of the ancient Tianzun's recovery.

In the original work, it is very likely that this kind of creation was stolen by this golden crow, so that it could defy heaven and live a second life and become an emperor.


Suddenly, a pair of terrifying eyes suddenly opened and shot out from the huge immortal platform, like two bolts of lightning, directly splitting the sky.

The sleeping fire crow revived.

"Who are you? Why are you disturbing my Qingxiu? Leave quickly. This place is not something you can covet!"

This fire crow had been sleeping for too long, and its body was covered with dust. At this moment, its consciousness revived, its eyes were like lightning, staring at Shi Xuan, with immortal flames burning in its pupils.

Of course, it is not a man of faith. If it were normal, it would have killed Shi Xuan long ago.

But if this person hadn't taken the initiative to speak out before, it wouldn't have sensed Shi Xuan's existence at all.

Therefore, for the sake of conservatism, it felt that it would be enough to frighten Shi Xuan away, otherwise a big disaster might occur.

"I'm here to borrow something from you."

Shi Xuan fell in one step, his face was calm, and his whole body was full of momentum. Beside him, streaks of chaotic brilliance spurted out, densely packed, like an immortal king coming through time.

Fire Crow felt great fear in his heart, and his whole body became stiff. Looking directly into those eyes, he felt that he would die soon.

His heart felt a little cold. With such terrifying power, he would probably be at least a quasi-emperor, or even a high-level quasi-emperor.

For such a strong person, it would be effortless to crush him to death.

The old quasi-emperor of the Golden Crow has reached the most critical point. Whether he can cross the realm of the extreme realm depends on this step——

Don't make any mistakes, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

His heart sank slightly. Now that this place of transformation is being targeted by such a powerful person, he is afraid that it will be in danger.

And in today's difficult times, why do such strong people still appear?

Could it be that God wants to destroy his Golden Crow lineage?
The underground world trembled, the sound of shattering resounded throughout the world, fiery red magma erupted, and a terrifying aura that made people's hearts tremble erupted——

It was as if the sun above the nine heavens had descended, possessing unparalleled majesty, causing the underground world to suddenly shake, causing landslides and tsunamis.

Every step that Shi Xuan takes is like following the great road of heaven and earth. Wherever he passes, the void twists and seems to have passed through all the heavens and realms.


There were waves of tremors in the void, cracking through gold and cracking rocks, and it turned out that the fire crow could no longer withstand the power and crawled to the ground.

The fire in Huo Ya's eyes was about to go out. This powerful man who suddenly appeared had an aura that was even more powerful than his own Majesty, and even incomparable.

In this way, there is only one explanation for the origin of the man in front of him.

"Your Majesty, spare your life. I would like to agree on behalf of my Majesty. Please tell me, Your Majesty, what you want to borrow?"

Fire Crow still remembers what this person said when he appeared before.

"Are you sure you can't guess it?"

Shi Xuan spoke calmly, but with a bit of irresistible power.


The sky was like a canvas, and there was a sound of turmoil. The underground world seemed to be completely torn apart by the terrifying power that Shi Xuan exuded.


He glanced at the fire crow gently, and immediately saw the chaotic brilliance obliterating the dark arrows around the fire crow and turning it into nothingness.Then, before the fire crow had time to react, it turned into a stream of pure life energy and was swallowed by Shi Xuan.

A small peak Saint King was indispensable to Shi Xuan at this moment.

But in line with the principle of not wasting it, he still let it contribute his essence.


At this moment, the golden crow divine egg floating on the Tianzun Immortal Platform moved.

Dense lines appeared on it, emitting a terrifying aura.

"I want to run! Can you run?"

Shi Xuan felt something in his mind, and a world evolved in his palm. The energy of chaos filled the air, and streaks of black light emerged, grabbing the Golden Crow divine egg that was about to escape into the void passage.

Black light gathered in Shi Xuan's palm, and boundless divine energy surged, giving the entire underground world a sense of oppression.

This aura was so terrifying that the sky was shattering one after another, the earth was shaking, and endless fire was spurting out.

Not only the underground of the Ancient Star of Heavenly Arms, but also the entire Ancient Star of Heavenly Arms, were shrouded in murderous intent, causing inexplicable palpitations in the hearts of hundreds of millions of creatures.

"what happened?"

"Is my ancient star of heavenly weapons about to collapse? What a terrifying power."

On the Ancient Star of Heavenly Weapons, countless powerful men raised their heads, looking at the sky and the earth, as if they wanted to find the source of this terrifying power.

A terrifying force filled the sky and earth, ripples emerged one after another, and thousands of avenue runes manifested, blooming into dazzling divine flowers.

The golden divine egg beats and exudes terrifying and boundless power. The divine flames surge across the sky and the earth, seeming to break away from the suppressive force in the void.

"Unfortunately, today's Qi is still far from enough."

Shi Xuan laughed, and pressed down with his palm, one after another divine chain of order appeared, tearing the heaven and earth apart and shaking the sea of ​​​​stars.


His big hand flew across the sky and directly grabbed the golden divine egg.

The golden divine egg vibrated and rolled up and down, becoming more and more terrifying.

The old quasi-emperor Jinwu was filled with hatred. Why did he attract such a terrifying existence while he was cultivating in this Tianzun Immortal Platform?

Who can tell him!
However, no matter how much hatred the old quasi-emperor of the Golden Crow had in his heart, in the face of this crushing terrifying force, no matter how he resisted, it was still of no avail.

In the end, all his spiritual consciousness could only be suppressed and turned into an unconscious divine egg, lying quietly in Shi Xuan's hands.

"It smells much more delicious than that Dragon Vein Holy Spirit."

He descended to Tianzun Immortal Platform in one step. The immortal liquid on Tianzun Immortal Platform was crystal clear, flowing with immortal divine essence, and obviously had amazing magical effects.

In other words, he guessed right.

He remembered that it was recorded in the book that when this Golden Crow once passed through the ninth heavenly tribulation, it played a clever trick and injured the Great Dao Immortal Platform.

In this life, he should have swallowed the immortal liquid in Tianzun Immortal Platform and created the peerless emperor foundation, but it was destroyed by Shi Xuan.

"After being swallowed by me and becoming a part of me, you don't have to live under that man this time."

He remembered that in the original work, the Golden Crow had been tortured for two lifetimes. In the first life, he could attain enlightenment, but he didn't dare.

In the second life, he attained enlightenment and became an emperor, but met that man again and lived under his lewd power all his life.

It wasn't until he was about to die that he breathed out the sweet fragrance, and then he died at the speed of light.

"This Lingbao Tianzun is indeed at the forefront of the great and ancient emperors."

Feeling the chance of resurrection contained in the immortal liquid in Tianzun Immortal Platform, Shi Xuan sighed sincerely.

Of course, he was confident, worked hard to catch up, and came from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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