Chapter 7 Tianzun Xiantai Golden Crow
"No wonder, with such a general trend of heaven and earth, there is great luck in it, and it is no wonder that such a quasi-emperor, the Holy Spirit of the ninth heaven, can be born..."

The dark eyes shone with complex symbols, like two blazing sky lanterns that illuminated the human world. They swept over every place here, and Shi Xuan couldn't help but express his admiration.

The journey of cultivation begins with opening the sea of ​​suffering and ends with the realm of the Great Emperor.

This is something that many people can only hope to achieve in a few lifetimes.

However, as soon as the Holy Spirit is born, the quasi-emperor will be perfected, and if he takes another crucial step, he will be able to achieve the great emperor status that the world strives for but cannot achieve.

"Although it is impossible to really move here, the creation of heaven and earth here is where the ancestral lineage of Zhongzhou in the Five Domains of Beidou is. It condenses luck. If the transformation is carried out in this fairy pond, the chance of success may be higher. !”

Shi Xuan's eyes were piercing, and his vast and majestic mind was constantly scanning this ancient world, unwilling to miss any detail.

This place is definitely a treasure trove.

There is also a natural formation to protect it, isolating the outside world and covering up all aura fluctuations.

If there is a final fight in the future, this must be one of the best choices and can be used as an alternative retreat.

A killing array was set up here, and Shi Xuan turned around and left without staying too long.

Outside the Eternal Dragon Cave, after Qing Emperor Sha Nian stared at Shi Xuan's leaving figure for a long time, a hint of color seemed to flash in his originally calm eyes.

The next moment, Qingdi's figure disappeared from the same place, and no one knew where he went.

In just one day, the news of the emergence of the Dragon Vein Ancestral Land in Zhongzhou spread throughout Zhongzhou.

The world shakes!

Immediately, hundreds of scholars and four immortal dynasties from Zhongzhou went to the ancestral land of Dragon Vein in Zhongzhou.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, he encountered a peerless killing array, causing countless casualties.

If the four major dynasties had not brought the imperial troops there, the entire army would have been destroyed.

"how can that be?"

"Is there an emperor's killing array hidden in the dragon's veins? Except for the four major dynasties, no one came out alive?"

Those immortal forces and supreme sects could not help but be stunned. They were shocked inexplicably and could not believe their ears.

This makes people feel cold all over and some of their scalps are numb.

This can't be a coincidence, it can only be a terrifying existence that has taken away the greatest creation, leaving behind a killing array to protect the treasure land.

"Is it the Supreme who woke up before but didn't wipe out the whole world with blood?"

Many forces who know the truth about those forbidden areas of life can't help but make some vague guesses.

Someone immediately connected the origin of the killing array with the Supreme Being who suddenly woke up but did not initiate any turmoil.

Only those of the same level can fight against the imperial soldiers.

Moreover, not long ago, the terrible aura that swept across the wasteland and made all living beings tremble and fear is still making people uneasy.

For a time, everyone in the five Beidou regions was in a daze.

I am afraid that if these supreme taboos exist, they will suddenly start a turmoil and brutally slaughter the universe.

Likewise, no one dared to mention the sudden emergence of the Zhongzhou Dragon Vein Ancestral Land.

No one dares to steal things from the Supreme, unless they think their life is too long.


Shi Xuan didn't care about this at all and continued to walk in this universe.

After successfully obtaining the first planned item and improving his own condition, his goal is no longer Beidou, but
A vast ancient star surface.

Shi Xuan, who was surrounded by fairy light and as blazing as a rainbow, landed here in an instant.

In his eyes, there was a strange star, slowly rotating in the void.

This star is called Heavenly Soldier, and it is the rumored place where Emperor Zun trains soldiers. If you look closely, you will see that it is an irregular star.

Upon closer inspection, it actually looks like a huge head.

It stretches across the void, with thousands of paths turning, and a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere is constantly permeating it, making people feel that this place is extraordinary at a glance.

Even in this difficult era, the great avenue of heaven and earth above the stars is extremely active. Many Taoist laws are revealed, and Tao and principles are permeated here.This place can truly be described as a supreme place of spiritual practice.

Unlike other ancient stars, in this difficult era, this ancient star still has saint-level experts.

Shi Xuan stood on the Divine Light Platform and looked down. The ancient mountains looked like giant skulls, which corresponded to the position of the human body on the Immortal Platform.

This area is indeed very vast and boundless. It is home to many ancient beasts and is the territory of many primitive tribes of the demon clan. Generally, few people set foot there.

Shi Xuan speculated that the golden crow recorded in the book that would later attain enlightenment was most likely secretly hiding here as well.

It is very likely that the peerless creation left by Lingbao Tianzun here has long been discovered by the little Golden Crow.

Otherwise, it would be unexplainable that in this age of Dharma Ending, two beings like Gai Jiuyou and Xiao Jinwu who could reach the realm of alternative enlightenment could appear at the same time.

In other words, this little Golden Crow has now obtained the creation left by Lingbao Tianzun, and with this, it has reached the point where it is about to achieve greatness——

Later, he was born to overcome the tribulation, played a trick, came back to kill the previous life, and lived in Nirvana for the second life.

The purpose of his trip was to see the Golden Crow Emperor, who was recorded in the book and had lived a life of humiliation under the protagonist.

As for whether the Golden Crow had left any back-up plan, he didn't even bother to care.

Even though he should be close to the Yakuza realm at this moment.

But at most it is a little stronger than the quasi-nine dragon-veined holy spirit.

As for the backup he had left behind for the enlightened Little Golden Crow, he probably couldn't even cut Shi Xuan's fingers.

"I hope this Golden Crow can live up to his expectations and make himself fatter, so that I don't have to go all the way in vain."

Shi Xuan walked in the air, not deliberately rushing, but he was already a hundred thousand miles away with one step.

In the ancient wood and wolf forest in the mountains below, tigers roared and apes roared, and all kinds of auspicious beasts could not react before Shi Xuan floated over their heads.

"The Immortal Platform of Lingbao Tianzun"

Shi Xuan thought silently, his pupils shining brightly, as he surveyed the geographical location of this area.

In an instant, some unusual places were discovered. The underground mountains looked like the blood vessel walls of the human body, with veins to be found.

After a few breaths, he found an extremely secret and powerful vitality hidden in the underground world, full of divine power.

"Little Golden Crow, you hid it pretty well."

Shi Xuan sighed slightly, that is to say, his realm is too high. If it were anyone else, even if he was at the realm of Yuan Tianshi and Quasi-Emperor Ninth Heaven, it would be difficult to detect the powerful vitality buried deep in the underground world.

But this is normal, and who can achieve enlightenment is simple?

Not to mention a Golden Crow that can achieve nirvana and live a second life.

You must know that the ancient fighting saint emperors relied on the elixir to live out their second lives before attaining enlightenment.

Shi Xuan's body shape changed, and the next moment he appeared directly in the underground world.

When he entered the underground world, he suddenly felt a warm and comfortable feeling.

"Lingbao Tianzun's Immortal Platform!"

Shi Xuan's pupils were slightly condensed, looking at a huge immortal platform in the distance, with immortal flames burning blazingly.

It was a high platform, extremely huge, like a continent suspended in the void, brilliant and dazzling, with divine fire beating.

A fire crow is as huge as a mountain, with black feathers all over its body flashing, flowing and bright fairy light, standing in the flames, motionless, as if in a deep sleep.

This fire crow has good moral character, every feather on its body is flowing with divine brilliance, and it possesses a kind of great wave that seems to be able to suppress the endless starry sky.

The Fire Crow of the Holy King Realm.

Maybe Shi Xuan came a little early. He remembered what was recorded in the book that this was a fire crow of the highest level of the Great Sage.

Of course, none of this means anything to Shi Xuan, whether he is the Saint King or the Great Sage, he will stare to death at a glance.

At this moment, his eyes were focused on the golden divine egg guarded by the fire crow.

“It’s okay, I can eat a few bites.”

(End of this chapter)

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