Chapter 6 Swallowing the Holy Spirit

In an instant, dense cracks appeared!
The ancient emperor, who reigns over the nine heavens and ten earths, looks down upon the past and the present, and is the only one who is supreme.

They all have an invincible heart and firmly believe that they are the strongest and nothing can stop them!

No ordinary quasi-emperor can compete with it, nor can the holy spirit of the quasi-emperor's ninth heaven.

Unless it is an ancient holy body or a heavenly hegemonic body that is rare in the world and has reached the state of great achievement——

Or it is extremely amazing. He has once again taken a half-step to the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor's ninth level, and is even expected to fully step into it. It can be said that he is already a half-step to the supreme power.

But it can only compete, and it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the Supreme.

Other creatures simply cannot compete.

Even if Shi Xuan's blood energy is now withered, and he has lost his supreme status and fallen into that realm, strictly speaking, he cannot be regarded as an emperor in the extreme realm!

But his Taoist order, extremely tyrannical Emperor's physique and laws are all still there, which is far beyond what ordinary quasi-emperor Nine Heavenly Powers can contend with!

Not to mention Shi Xuan, who was enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and his combat prowess was ranked high among the Supremes.

Now it is even easier to deal with the holy spirit of the quasi-emperor from the ninth level.


The entire void was crushed.

The terrifying supreme-level fluctuations were overwhelming in an instant.

Fortunately, there is not only a mysterious formation here, but also the Qing Emperor's murderous thoughts. This power cannot sweep away to the outside world.

Otherwise, most of the billions of living beings in the entire Beidou Five Domains would be crushed.

Dragon Vein Holy Spirit doesn't care about these things, Shi Xuan doesn't care either, but Qing Emperor Sha Nian should still care.

After all, when the Qing Emperor sent out this murderous intention, he was still a complete emperor, and like the former Stone Emperor, he was an emperor who protected the nine heavens and ten earths.

The nine-story ancient tower of chaos flew out with cracks. The dragon-veined Holy Spirit was swept away by the terrifying Supreme God, and most of the body that should have been extremely powerful collapsed.

In an instant, he vomited blood and fled in terror into the Eternal Dragon's Cave behind him.

A quasi-emperor, even one from the first heaven, must be extremely old and exhausted.

Otherwise, the life energy they contain can be said to be better than the billions of living beings in a huge life star.

And the life energy contained in the holy spirit of such a quasi-emperor from the ninth level can be said to be only equal to that of a great emperor, and even not inferior to some self-destruction supremes.

"It's really unusual!"

If it were an ordinary quasi-emperor weapon, even if its cultivator was a being from the quasi-emperor ninth level, it would not be able to block Shi Xuan's palm.

Even though he did not use all his strength, he did not restore the true supreme Taoism.

But it is enough to show how amazing this ancient tower is.

It is true that together with the Dragon Vein Holy Spirit, it has withstood the gestation of millions of years of Zhongzhou Dragon Vein Ancestral Qi.

In terms of power alone, I'm afraid this ancient pagoda should be almost the same as the wholesale cauldron in Yaoguang Holy Land.

Shi Xuan thought this way.

"A humble insect has the delusion to defy heaven. Man said that you are not qualified to take that step. Even if you are truly a different kind of enlightenment, what if you have reached a half-step to the supreme state?"

Shi Xuan walked among them, confident and calm.

As the ancient emperor who once ruled the world and dominated the world forever, he was extremely conceited and did not take the Dragon Vein Holy Spirit seriously.

The whole body is surrounded by blazing fairy light, like a supreme monarch standing in the long river of time, overlooking the past, present and future.


The Dragon Vein Holy Spirit roared and rushed into a formation.

There was panic and unwillingness in his eyes, as well as deep resentment.

If he can escape today, when he defies heaven and achieves the status of a great emperor, he will pay him back a hundredfold to wash away today's shame.

"Heaven Finger!"

With cold eyes, he stared at the Dragon Vein Holy Spirit who rushed into the ancient world in a hurry, trying to use the mysterious formation here to block it and tear the void apart to escape.

Shi Xuan's white fingers shined with immortal light, tapping out slowly across the infinite void.

The crystal-clear and gorgeous chains of order are intertwined, and the brilliance is so dazzling that it is impossible to look directly at it. It will drive the power of heaven and earth and crush the nine heavens and ten earths.


Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

The Divine Chain of Order clanged, directly penetrating the nine-story ancient pagoda that was enlarged rapidly and was the size of a mountain.The unparalleled pressure shattered the void passage in an instant, hitting the dragon spirit body with cracks all over its body and a look of despair on its face.


"I hate it!!!"

Vicious and unwilling screams echoed.

As the dragon-veined Holy Spirit of the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level, he has no qualifications to die with an ancient emperor, or would rather die directly by transforming into a Tao.

His soul was completely destroyed under the terrifying power of the Supreme Finger.

The void collapsed, becoming so black that it could not be recovered in a short time.

The space passages formed by the mysterious and complex lines with shining divine light also disappeared in an instant.

It can be seen that the gap between the two is really too big.

Immediately, the essence of flesh and blood and life energy that it had nurtured for millions of years rushed out, and the brilliant divine flower soared into the sky, with various colors, all perfecting Shi Xuan, nourishing the supreme body that still looked majestic, but was actually quite old.

The cultivation of the Dragon Vein Holy Spirit may have been too smooth, and in addition, it was tampered with when it was still in the dark -

As a result, it was born from this ancient dragon vein and should have gathered the aura of heaven and earth. Its future achievements may not be weaker than those of the emperor and the emperor, but it was unable to take the last step.

"This alone is enough to trigger a catastrophe that sweeps the entire universe. It seems that you are really lucky..."

Shi Xuan felt that after devouring the holy spirit of the quasi-emperor Ninth Layer who was in his prime, Shi Xuan was now in twice as good condition as before, and couldn't help but smile.

You must know that they are both Holy Spirits. The effect of the Holy Spirit of such a Quasi-Emperor in the Ninth Level has really surpassed the bloodbath of hundreds of millions of creatures.

He could feel that his originally decayed Sendai was rarely full of life, and he felt like he had regained his former self.


An ancient tower filled with chaotic dragon energy and filled with shocking cracks screamed and wanted to fly away.

But it was intercepted directly.

A terrifying big hand captured it directly.

"Do you still want to go?"

Shi Xuan's eyes were cold, and a gorgeous divine flower appeared in his palm, and the endless divine chain of order flooded the quasi-emperor ancient tower.


The divine chain of order trembled, carrying unparalleled power.

Each one is sparkling and brilliant, so gorgeous that people can't help but be stunned by it, but it can suppress the heavens for eternity, and nothing can stop it!


The weapon spirit inside whined, panicked, and wanted to struggle.

The entire quasi-emperor ancient pagoda was shaking, but it couldn't be useful.

In front of the Supreme Being, it couldn't even self-destruct and was directly obliterated by force.

After all, this ancient pagoda was not refined by him. After he regained his life as emperor, he would have time to refine his own unique godless weapon.

Now, he only needs to collect some of these magical materials and fairy gold when he encounters them.

The fragments that had previously broken and fallen were collected directly.

Shi Xuan focused his attention on the interior of this eternal dragon cave.

It is said to be a dragon's cave, but it is actually a magnificent ancient world.

A majestic and vast aura came oncoming, shocking people.

Nine huge dragon heads, each tens of thousands of feet long, poked out from the ground.

Guarding the central building, the building is filled with mist, auspicious air, glow, and vitality to the extreme——

The dragon energy that couldn't help but overflow was so strong that it turned into countless small creatures flying around, occupying the fairy pool that was hundreds of feet in radius.

The nine-headed behemoths are formed by the condensed power of heaven. They are like the real dragon Turui——

Even the golden dragon scales that sparkled with crystal light were lifelike, as if they were really living ancient dragons. The majestic and surging dragon energy could not help but wash out from the dragon's mouth.


The dragon's energy was so strong that it even turned into a liquid state. The strands of dragon's energy turned into flying creatures, like a fairyland.

One can imagine how far one will advance if he practices here.

(End of this chapter)

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