Chapter 5 The Holy Spirit—The Son of God

The avenue runes kept shining, thousands of them.

The unparalleled aura fell down with the glistening white palm and bloomed out, as if it was going to suppress the eternal blue sky and sweep across the nine heavens and ten earths!
"Ah!! You self-destructing old guy, how dare you despise me like this!"

While despairing and frightened, the dragon-veined Holy Spirit was also roaring.

Since the other party is determined to eat him, he will also break out the other party's teeth.

The violent momentum can't help but sweep out, seeming to suppress the universe and make all living beings tremble:
"Even though I have not yet become enlightened, I may not be able to do it even if I have to pay a huge price for you. Can you really ascend to the highest level without any scruples and return to the supreme fruition?"

As a quasi-emperor in the ninth heaven, he did not believe that he could not even stop the Supreme Being who had lost his Supreme Attainment, was unable to reach perfection, and whose blood had dried up.

I don’t even believe that the other party really dares to return to the supreme fruition status without any scruples.

That would be too costly!

If not, you will perish yourself.

"Break it for me!"

The other party will devour him, and he cannot sit still and wait for death.

This majestic and unconcealed extreme power directly alarmed those in the restricted area.

"It's him!"

"This guy has not started any turmoil since he left the Immortal Mountain. What does he want to do now?"

"Hmph, you actually left Donghuang silently. Are you trying to demonstrate or provoke us?"

Huge spiritual thoughts passed through the endless void and swept from the Eastern Wasteland to Zhongzhou.

At the first moment, he understood everything that happened here, and he was a little surprised.

As a supreme being who was once the only one in eternity, if they are willing to investigate, there is nothing in this world that can be hidden from them except for beings of the same level.

"This guy actually found a Holy Spirit that is about to reach perfection?"

In the restricted area of ​​Shenxu, there is a vibration from the Supreme Being:
"That's the Qing Emperor? No, it's a wisp of the Qing Emperor's murderous thoughts."

As a restricted area that was once taken care of by the Qing Emperor, the sleeping Supremes inside were deeply impressed by the figure in Qing Yi.

"The Qing Emperor has passed away long ago, so what can a trace of murderous thoughts do?"

"If you don't become an immortal, you will always be vain."

Within the restricted area of ​​the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, an ancient voice came out:

"The birthplace of the ancient Holy Spirit has always been extremely secretive. There is even a natural formation that isolates the heaven and the earth and obscures the secrets of heaven. How on earth did he know the birthplace of this Holy Spirit of the Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens?"

For countless years, many people have thought about searching for the Holy Spirit, and want to take advantage of the Holy Spirit before it takes shape.

After all, the Holy Spirit is so outrageous that he claims to be the Son of God.

However, the birthplace of the Holy Spirit has always been hidden. Unless it is discovered by chance, it is almost impossible to find any trace of it.

And for such a Holy Spirit who has reached the ninth level of the quasi-emperor, it is probably more difficult to find traces of it than to find the tomb of a supreme being.

If not, how could this Holy Spirit of the Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens grow to this level under the eyes of many restricted area supremes?

Yes, although Donghuang and Zhongzhou are hundreds of millions of miles apart, to the Supreme, this distance is insignificant, and it is no different from the doorstep of his own house.

Could it be that this Lord of the Immortal Mountain, who was enlightened by the Holy Spirit, really had some unique means?
"Hey, I said you didn't plan to bloodbath the universe. Could it be that you have fallen in love with the Holy Spirit family? Tsk, tsk, tsk, we are both Holy Spirits."

There was a voice that was extremely cold and filled with deep hostility.

I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Putting aside everything else, just such a Holy Spirit from the Nine Heavens of Quasi-Emperor is enough to make the Supreme heart move.

A creature like the Holy Spirit is too unique.

If there were one or two more Holy Spirits in the quasi-emperor realm, I'm afraid they would be able to gain the emperor's life for these self-defeating people.

There is absolutely no need to be much different from the Nine Transformations Elixir. "Chi——"

At this moment, the murderous intent soaring into the sky shocked the world, and the atmosphere in the restricted area was turbulent, making the heaven and earth rumble, as if they were about to collapse.

But there is clearly still some hesitation or hesitation, with inevitable fear.

The Holy Spirit of the Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens is indeed delicious, but if you really risk your life to snatch it, the price you need to pay is not small.

Moreover, even though the blood displayed by the Stone Emperor was not abundant, it was still better than that of many supreme beings.

In addition, it was not long before the predicted path to immortality would open. At this critical moment, rashly making a grudge against an ancient supreme being was a bit of a loss.

"Don't be too impulsive, you may not be able to get anything!"

In the restricted area of ​​Xianling, someone reminded the Supreme who almost couldn't help but take action.

"It's only ten thousand years before the Immortal Road opens. There's no need to let him take away half of your life now. The gain outweighs the loss."

"When you become an immortal, you can settle matters with him."

The major restricted areas are not monolithic. On the contrary, many people have conflicts with each other because no one agrees with others.

Just because of the desire to become an immortal in their hearts, these supreme beings can suppress all emotions.

At this moment, in Zhongzhou, in the cave of the ancient dragon——

I saw the dragon-veined holy spirit's eyebrows emitting immeasurable light, and something flew out of the immortal platform!
Chaos dragon energy permeates the air, surging with more than billions of strands.

Every wisp of chaotic dragon energy seems to be as heavy as an eternal mountain, which can directly crush the sky.

It was an ancient pagoda, crystal clear and simple, with nine floors in total.

The ancient totems engraved with it seem to have come alive. Countless gods and demons are worshiping and offering sacrifices, with a distant and desolate atmosphere.

On each floor of the pagoda, there seemed to be countless creatures sitting cross-legged and reciting ancient scriptures.

The terrifying divine power is constantly blooming, and the energy is shocking to the world.

The endless ripples were blocked by the inexplicable formation between heaven and earth and could not spread out.

Otherwise, it will be a disaster.

There will be no life left in the billions of miles of mountains and rivers, and they will be completely turned into powder!

This is the accompanying pagoda of this dragon-veined holy spirit. Together with him, it has withstood the erosion of dragon-veined energy for millions of years. Its power is probably not weaker than that of ordinary imperial soldiers.

Now, in the hands of the Dragon Vein Holy Spirit, the power of the true ultimate imperial weapon has been exerted.

However, Shi Xuan seemed to be unable to feel the power. His palms pressed down horizontally, and one chain after another of the Divine Chains of Order intersected. The dazzling light shot into the sky, and the violent bombardment fell towards the front.


His eyes narrowed.

A smile flashed in Shi Xuan's eyes, and his big hand that was pressing down couldn't help but relax, staring at the nine-layered pagoda that was constantly pouring out chaotic dragon energy:
"The treasure is pretty good, but you're just a little bit worse."

As a Holy Spirit who became enlightened, he was naturally not surprised that the Dragon Vein Holy Spirit could own such a nine-story pagoda with extraordinary power.

Because this is the standard equipment that every Holy Spirit has from the beginning.

As long as the Holy Spirit can be born satisfactorily, he will simultaneously have the most suitable Ji Dao Imperial Weapon.

Not to mention other creations, just this kind of treatment, the Holy Spirit calls him the Son of God, which is definitely not too much.

Under the horizontal pressure of Shi Xuan's giant palm, the terrifying fluctuations of the avenue completely shook the void.

The big palm carries the power of terrifying order, and the scene of the collapse of the universe is looming, and it suddenly collapses!


The entire Chaos Tower whined and shook.

(End of this chapter)

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