Chapter 4 Qing Emperor Dragon Emperor Xuan Emperor

A shocking roar came out, and at the entrance of the ancient cave, countless dragon auras were dispersed and danced in the air, as if welcoming some supreme existence.

There was a clear creaking sound, like an ancient chariot rumbling along.

Sure enough, an ancient dragon chariot slowly drove out of the dragon cave.

The body of the dragon chariot is full of sword marks, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of atmosphere.

On top of the dragon chariot, stood an emperor-like being. He was as tall as an ordinary person. He wore a great dragon emperor's crown and ancient emperor's holy clothes. He looked like a supreme god, overlooking the earth.

"The gods are disillusioned, and as many sands as there are in the Ganges, I am the immortal emperor of Zhongzhou."

Cold words possess indescribable power, shattering the void and shocking the mind.

Soon, we saw again——

At this moment, the lake water made a splashing sound, and the little green lotus swayed and transformed.

An extremely majestic man in green clothes walked out step by step, walking on the water waves, and came to the shore. The mottled green copper hung above his head and followed him to the shore.

There was no earth-shattering aura or coercion in his whole person. Every move he made was very natural.

However, everyone could not help but tremble in their hearts, as if they were facing a god and wanted to worship him.

This is the true power of the ancient emperor.

"There is a lotus in the eternal blue sky."

Wan Qing was dressed in green clothes and spoke plainly. The green copper blocks floated quietly above his head, and there was no ripple in the ancient well.

As soon as Qingdi appeared, his eyes were not on the powerful dragon-veined holy spirit——

Instead, he looked directly at Shi Xuan who was aside.

"I am Emperor Xuan, and I should suppress all the enemies in the world!"

Shi Xuan naturally announced his existence at this moment.

As the supreme being who rules the world and is the only one in the world, he has an invincible heart and firmly believes that he is the strongest one in all eternity, so what if the Qing Emperor is resurrected.

Let alone a mere murderous thought.


When the two people's eyes came together, the unparalleled energy that was not deliberately concealed caused the ancient formations on the land to revive.

In an instant, the lines of the avenue engraved between heaven and earth emerged on the ground and in the void.Shining with immortal brilliance.

The monstrous murderous intent rose up, accompanied by the terrifying power of the extreme power, which seemed to crush the entire sky.

Wisp after wisp of terrifying chaotic sword energy is enough to tear the sky apart forever.

The void trembled, immediately disintegrating, collapsing, and turning into nothingness.

If this place wasn't really extraordinary, I'm afraid it would disappear in an instant, and there would be no second outcome.


Shi Xuan snorted coldly.

With a light wave of his right hand, he exuded a terrifying divine power, directly disintegrating the Qing Emperor's power.

Deep in the dragon's cave ahead, a dragon's veins are undulating. The center of the dragon's cave has a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Mountains are falling and the ground is cracking, and bursts of roaring sounds are endless.

Terrible fluctuations kept seeping out, but they were immediately suppressed.

It makes the creatures in the five Beidou regions frightened and inexplicable.

The hairs all over their bodies stood on end, and they felt like they had just walked away from the gate of hell, giving them a bone-chilling chill. They all couldn't help but look in the direction of the dragon's lair in horror.

"How is this going?"

"The direction of Zhongzhou's ancestral line"

"What exactly happened there?"

At this moment, even the lofty Holy Lord of the Holy Land and the elders of the ancient family could only be suppressed by this vast and terrifying power, and were forced to crawl on the ground, unable to stand.

Frightened and nameless, but had no idea what was happening. "I don't want to fight, but if you want to have a fight, I will accompany you."

Shi Xuan, who was stepping in the void, sensed that there was a powerful force in the universe arising from Emperor Qing's desire to kill, but he didn't care and didn't want to stop it.

The shocking killing energy in the void is still dormant, ready to revive at any time. The terrifying power has not completely exploded, but is more likely to frighten Shi Xuan, the supreme being.

But even just like this, it almost caused the Eternal Dragon Cave and the entire land of Zhongzhou to collapse.

"The Qing Emperor has passed away, so what if you can't do anything more than a single blow!"

Shi Xuan's whole person was as powerful as an abyss or sea, with blazing divine light blooming all over his body, like a supreme king coming into the world, full of great majesty and not allowed to be blasphemed or offended.


Qing Emperor stared at Shi Xuan, his eyes filled with horrifying scenes of the birth and death of the universe.

After a long time, the aura around him suddenly calmed down. It seemed that in an instant, he changed from a supreme demon emperor to an ordinary middle-aged man.

"I'm here for you"

Seeing that Qing Emperor had no intention of taking action, Shi Xuan looked at the Dragon Vein Holy Spirit over there.

"You are the ancient supreme being in the restricted area."

The Dragon Vein Holy Spirit, who was full of majesty before, now has a sad look on his face and his pupils are constricted.

Staring directly at Shi Xuan in shock, the hairs on his hair stood up uncontrollably, and his expression suddenly changed wildly.

There is no great emperor in this world who holds the Tianxin Seal.

Therefore, there is only one possibility for the existence that is qualified to confront the Qing Emperor, and that is the sleeping Supreme Being in the restricted area.

"I have reached the ninth level of the quasi-emperor, but I have never been able to achieve perfection. Is it because someone has cut off the opportunity to achieve enlightenment?"

As someone who was once enlightened by the Holy Spirit, when it comes to his understanding of the Holy Spirit, Shi Xuan can be called the second best, and no one dares to call him the first.

From his perspective, the dragon-veined holy spirit in front of him had been gestated for countless thousands of years.

Logically speaking, he has already been born successfully, but he has been stuck at the ninth level of the quasi-emperor, unable to take the most critical step——

It seems that someone has tampered with him before, and those who can achieve this step are at least alternative enlightened beings.

"It just so happens that since we are the Holy Spirit, there is no hope for you to achieve perfection in this life. You might as well dedicate yourself to pave the way for me to become immortal."

Shi Xuan showed a serious smile.

His intense eyes made the other person feel cold.

The Holy Spirit bred from the supreme ancestral lineage of Zhongzhou not only gave birth to spiritual intelligence, but also reached the ninth level of quasi-emperor, which was definitely a great benefit to Shi Xuan.

It is definitely hundreds of times more effective than the previous third-generation Yuan Tianshi's divine elixir that had been incubated for tens of thousands of years, and will improve his condition by more than half.

Let him be in sufficient condition to complete his subsequent plans.


"Senior, for the sake of being the Holy Spirit, please return the favor."

The expression of Dragon Vein Holy Spirit changed drastically.

Being treated as meat on the chopping block, he should have been furious, but at this moment he only felt horror, uneasiness and fear.

It was as if he had encountered something terrible. He was so frightened that he immediately retreated, subconsciously wanting to stay away from this place.

However, despite the fact that he had already reached the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor, he was only one step away from the perfection of the Holy Spirit. However, this step created a gap between the two sides that was like heaven and earth.

Shi Xuan didn't bother to listen to the other party's nonsense.

Without any hesitation, he took action immediately.

The white palm covered the sky and sun, and directly grabbed the Dragon Vein Holy Spirit.

The endless blazing Divine Chain of Order emerged, gorgeous and terrifying, and descended in panic.


(End of this chapter)

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