Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 115 The God Emperor generously helps the Emperor of Heaven

Chapter 115 The God Emperor generously helps the Emperor of Heaven

The No. 11 transformation of the God Emperor gave Shi Xuan a feeling that it was a living being but seemed not to be. It also seemed to be the integration of the Nine Transformations and the Tenth Transformation of the Divine Silkworm.

The figure was blurry, covered in mist, and there was an aura that transcended this universe flowing on it.

Shi Xuan had a lot of insights. Immediately, he raised his right hand lightly, and all the worlds gathered together on their own, and the majestic divine power surged, turning into a nine-level divine bridge of heaven and earth.

Afterwards, a Supreme Heavenly Emperor's dharma body emerged and stood between heaven and earth, immobilizing the boundless power of the four phenomena of earth, fire, water, and wind, recreating a chaotic world.

The Supreme Emperor crossed the other shore of nothingness and stepped on the chaotic world. As the sound of the Tao sounded, a vast world evolved out of it.

On the top of the Great Thousand, the supreme Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body stands. Billions of living beings in heaven and earth worship him. They chant endlessly, just like the Emperor of Ten Thousand Dao, the Lord of Heavenly Dao, who is immortal for all eternity.

Looking closely, the face of the Supreme Emperor's dharma body looks exactly like Shi Xuan's.

The dharma body of the Heavenly Emperor carries a purple-gold sun on its back, filled with chaos and mist, surrounded by the spirit of the Holy Spirit, and the power of thousands of laws surrenders on its own, evolving the scene of the great world of the heavens.

In a single thought, all the heavens and worlds came and went, and countless more worlds were born.

There are terrible ways covering it, and before people move, all the ways of heaven and earth surrender on their own initiative.


In an instant, bursts of thousands of heavenly sounds sounded, shaking the nine heavens, as if there was a heavenly way taking form, surrendering to the merits and virtues of the supreme heavenly emperor's dharma body.

Gradually, the purple-gold sun trembled, the purple-gold light soared into the sky, and the original power of the three thousand avenues gathered again. The next moment, a purple-gold true dragon jumped out, and merged with the Nine Heavens and Earth Divine Bridge, evolving into a purple-gold three-dimensional dragon. Thousand Avenues Ancestral Dragon.

The three thousand ancestral dragons gradually became clear, no longer hazy, and their eyes shone like the sun and the moon, breaking through the huge ancestral dragon body of the universe.

The dharma body of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor has its feet on the three thousand ancestral dragons of the great avenues, and will return to the world for thousands of years, and its imperial power will shine through the ages——

Standing above this world, with a swipe of his sleeves, thousands of worlds are reflected in it.

The great ancestral dragon shook the sky.

There is a supreme emperor of heaven who carries a purple-gold sun on his back, steps on three thousand ancestral dragons of the great road, crosses the long river of time, ascends to heaven and becomes the only immortal.
Three thousand avenues are surrendering, the world of chaos is opening up, one finger cuts off the long river of time, and the only immortal in all eternity appears here.

At the same time, on the top of the Immortal Mountain, the divine light in Shi Xuan's eyes bloomed, and the Chaos Heavenly Eyes could see into all the laws of the world. The laws of the three thousand avenues surrendered at his feet, and he seemed to be the incarnation of the avenue.

Slowly, there was an inexplicable power coming, and Shi Xuan began to slowly rise into the sky, and then he merged with the Supreme Emperor's dharma body.

The Supreme Emperor of Heaven steps on the ancestral dragon of the Three Thousand Avenues, with the world of chaos opening up behind him, the sun and moon rotating in his eyes, and all the rules being reversed.

The yin and yang of heaven and earth, the void of the universe, and all living beings will rise and fall behind this statue, which is like three thousand great gods.

In a daze, this supreme being like a chaotic sky was obscured by the black and yellow energy.

In this way, we stand in the beginning of chaos, in the prehistoric world.


With a huge roar, the sky-shaking dragon roar resounded through the sky, and the dragon energy of the great avenue fell down from all over the sky. Three thousand ancestral dragons of the great avenue tore through the void and broke time and space.

The nine claws twine around the endless laws of the avenue, like a supreme immortal soldier, tearing apart the eternal blue sky, carrying the Supreme Emperor of Heaven, ascending to the sky, hoping to become the only immortal in all eternity!
In the Immortal Mountain and the Enlightenment Tree, there is a person who merges with the Supreme Emperor of Heaven, opens the sky with one stroke, ascends to heaven and becomes an immortal.

At the end of the discussion, perhaps because he admired Emperor Xuantian's supreme morality, the Emperor generously let go of his Tao Fruit and allowed him to observe the evolution of his No. 11 transformation.

Therefore, many of the mysterious truths in the previous shocking confrontation were instantly understood by Shi Xuan.Shi Xuan gained a lot and was filled with emotions. He also had greater confidence in his future path to immortality. It seemed that the road to immortality suddenly became clear at this moment.

Similarly, the God Emperor was also very enlightened. Emperor Xuantian controlled the power of three thousand avenues and his transcendent state beyond the rules, which shocked him greatly and served him well throughout his life.

Otherwise, he would not be so generous and directly open his Dao Fruit, allowing Emperor Xuantian to observe the evolution of his No. 11 transformation.

This was definitely done voluntarily out of gratitude for Emperor Xuan Tian's great help to him.

Absolutely no other reason than that.

By the time the two men finished their discussion, thousands of visions gradually calmed down, and the top of the Immortal Mountain also returned to calm.

Outside the central sacred mountain, the figure of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor stands tall, filled with the laws of the extreme, and surrounded by fairy lights.

Here, the discussion between Emperor Xuantian and the Emperor of God, although they only stopped outside the central sacred mountain, they also gained a lot, and it can even be said that the avenue was somewhat smoothed.

Of course, after reaping the rewards, in addition to lamenting that Emperor Xuan Tian was as unfathomable as ever, I was also lamenting the extraordinary nature of the God Emperor.

Now that the God-Emperor has just begun to see the light of his No. 11 transformation, he is so powerful. It is hard to imagine how terrifying it will be when he truly transforms and completes his No. 11 transformation.

The God Emperor at that time must have been an immortal, right?

However, the transformation of the God-Emperor is too difficult, so this time may not be short, at least it will be several hundred thousand years later.

At that time, they should have followed the footsteps of Emperor Xuantian and entered the realm of immortality.

Deep in the Immortal Mountain, in the magnificent ancient palace.

The vast ocean of faith was surging. Shi Xuan held up the Sansheng Pond exuding an ancient mysterious atmosphere with his right hand, and there was endless Taoist charm flowing out.

Shi Xuan stood quietly, with his eyes slightly closed, his whole body filled with immortal energy, and the power of three thousand avenues of law gathered together, like an innate god who came out of the Kaitian era, majestic, ancient and noble.

Around him, there are thousands of rays of light, millions of auspicious colors, and the power of endless faith has evolved into billions of living beings, praising and worshiping Shi Xuan.

During this period, there were bursts of Zen music and Taoist chants mixed in, which made Shi Xuan even more majestic, solemn and profound.

The next moment, Shi Xuan's aura began to transform. The aura that was originally as tall as the Lord of Heaven changed in an instant, possessing the principle of endless change.

The Tao and Dharma of the nine, ten and even eleven transformations of the divine silkworm circulated in his heart.

As Shi Xuan changed, the sound of the Tao in the Sansheng Pond in his hand changed, exuding bursts of deep fragrance.

The avenues converged, Shi Xuan Qi changed again, and the power of the entire Immortal Mountain's earth veins was moved by him. In the blink of an eye, a majestic aura burst out from him,
Shi Xuanming held the Sansheng Pond in his hands and stood quietly in the ocean of faith, but his figure seemed to suddenly become tall, reaching the sky and the earth, spanning the past and present, like an ancient divine mountain that spanned eternal time and space——

It's so deep and vast, it's actually the same as the Immortal Mountain at your feet.

At this moment, Shi Xuan's aura was calm, but it seemed that he was going to crush eternity, suppress all time and space, and the terrifying will of heaven and earth gathered on him.

The divine power in the body is so strong that it seems like it can collapse a large world with just one breath and create a new universe.

In this way, after repeating the cycle eleven times, Shi Xuan opened his eyes, and everything returned to calm.

(End of this chapter)

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