Chapter 116 Immortal Mansion Cannot Die

This is a fairy mountain shrouded in clouds and mist, with beautiful mountains and rivers, rugged rocks, towering ancient trees, and extremely beautiful scenery.

According to the source technique, this is a sign of dragon veins underground.

However, such mountains and rivers are nothing in this ancient immortal world, not to mention that they can be seen everywhere.

Because this is the Qishi Mansion in Zhongzhou, a place of outstanding people, where there are many dragon veins, and the avenues are friendly, which is more suitable for cultivation than the East Wasteland.

Logically speaking, Qishi Mansion was not open to the public at this time, so no one should appear in this small world.

But at this moment, in this dusty little world, there is a figure stepping into it.

Every step the figure takes, a mysterious Taoist rhyme is generated, and the whole person almost turns into a ray of light.

This is the secret method of Xuantian Sutra that was born out of Xing Zi Mi - walking in the sky, taking one step, it is a place of heaven and earth.

After taking a few steps, Shi Xuan came to an ancient abandoned city. A large number of ancient trees surrounded the city. Each ancient tree was some years old. Some barks were cracked, and some trunks formed caves. .

The place is covered with trees and has a strong air of gloom. The ancient city is abandoned and in a state of panic. No one has been here for who knows how long.

Shi Xuan had no intention of entering the ancient city. He stepped in the void without any movement. He stepped out across the sky and crossed the land.

He looked up and saw dragons soaring, unicorns trampling the sky, and immortal phoenixes roaring. There was an ultimate power of law between heaven and earth that triggered the great avenue of heaven and earth. The law came to the world and possessed powerful power.

"The Immortal Emperor."

An ancient roar sounded. It was not in any language, just a divine thought, but it could travel through the ancient times, span the ages, and make the souls of ordinary people tremble.

"Do you want to fight against the Holy Emperor?"

Shi Xuan's eyes bloomed with bright divine light, penetrating through hundreds of thousands of years, and saw the roaring Holy Emperor fighting against heaven and earth at the end of the ancient times.

This is the grudge between two supreme emperors from ancient times, and it will surely be entangled for eternity.

"It's definitely here."

Shi Xuan stepped into the void and explored the depths of the Immortal Mansion world. Ripples appeared on the spot and then disappeared out of thin air.

In this brief moment, endless darkness enveloped him as he moved forward at great speed.

This is the way of space, which can span the two poles of heaven and earth.

In an instant, he came to a strange world.

The sky is high and the sky is blue.

There is no trace of impurities, it is like a delicate and transparent mirror turned upside down, extremely magnificent.


A roc bird flew across the sky, and for a moment it seemed to cover the sky. Its feathers were filled with five-color brilliance, casting a large shadow on the ground.

More than one.

There are similar clouds in the distant sky, but they are of different types. The only similarity is that they are all filled with five-color brilliance.


In the distance, the sky and the earth shook, and a green mountain ridge flew over and rushed towards the sky, exuding the energy of the Three Immortal Kings.

Where is the mountain? It is clearly a blue roc.

It didn't know how many years it had been dormant. It was covered with soil and many ancient trees grew out of it.

It rushed to the sky and started fighting with the giant bird that looked like colorful clouds.

Blue scale feathers flew, colorful phoenix feathers fell, and blood poured down, falling on the cliff, corroding large areas of rock.

Shi Xuan's footsteps did not stop, and he began to enter the depths of the mountains and rivers, and measured the place on foot.

Pieces of ancient formation patterns are appearing, and he is activating the dragon energy of the earth veins in the world of Immortal Mansion to arrange a formation.

Although the goal of his trip was just a shed skin, according to his character, he still had to make preparations.

In the distance, ancient trees tower into the sky, mountains and rivers are primitive, old vines are like dragons, mountains are towering, rivers are majestic, and many strange beasts are fighting each other, bloody and cruel, a prehistoric scene.

This is a primitive ancient world, and many ancient beasts that are rumored to have become extinct still exist here.

The terrain here is complex, surrounded by swamps, lakes, cliffs, abyss, etc., and various prehistoric beasts are rampant.Under Shi Xuan's shocking methods, everything in this world was reduced to a part of the formation formation.

Until the formation was completed, Shi Xuan was confident that even if there were any sudden changes in the process of recalling the Immortal Emperor's Dao Fruit, it would not cause much commotion.

Naturally, his purpose of this trip was not to travel, but to obtain the shed skin of the Immortal Emperor and the Mind of the Immortal God, and to merge the two into one——

See if you can briefly recall the Immortal Emperor's Path Fruit, and study the method of his transformation.

"This is it, the land that reaches the sky!"

After another step across thousands of miles of mountains and forests, Shi Xuan came to a fairy land.

Ahead, endless mountains stand in vast expanse, with auspicious clouds blooming, orchids growing, dragon grass taking root in the crevices of the rocks, and a dense purple atmosphere. This is a rare fairy land that is difficult to find in today's era.

It is surrounded by various complex terrains, including abyss, giant lakes, swamps and other deserts.

A huge shadow floated across a large blue lake, and a strange cry appeared in the dark abyss.

All kinds of ancient beasts are rampant here, murderous intentions are everywhere, and the aura is extremely terrifying.

Without any hindrance or pause, Shi Xuan directly landed on this land that reaches the sky. There are stretches of fairy cliffs here with steaming purple air. It is the legendary burial place for immortals.

The fairy land is divided into yin and yang, and this is a burial place.

It seemed that I could feel the breath of fresh blood, and there was a strong Yin energy permeating the vast underground.

Faintly, one could see ancient tombs one after another, with strange beings stretching out their pale palms, trying to climb out.

Shi Xuan stood quietly on the top of a cliff, without any movement, and endless fairy light hung down from his body.


Thunder rose in the clear sky, and the strange power slowly faded away.

A black figure wearing a raincoat was forced to appear in front of him, and Shen Zhuan Nian appeared.

He felt how scary Shi Xuan was, so he just stayed where he was, not daring to make the slightest move.

But in Shi Xuan's eyes, that figure seemed to have traveled from ancient times. It was a supreme god, existing forever.

"The Immortal God Zhuan Nian."

A special kind of Taoist charm flowed from Shi Xuan's body, which echoed the ten thousand laws of this world and stirred up a mysterious energy.

The sky shook and the earth shook, the rocky mountains surged like ocean waves, and a piece of rock undulated like waves, then shattered.

360 Five huge divine peaks collapsed at the same time, and rocks penetrated the sky!

The void shook violently like tattered paper, unable to withstand this terrifying power.


In that ruined land.

An ancient mountain rises slowly from the ground, like the bright moon rising from the sea. It is magnificent and magnificent, as if a divine peak in the fairyland has appeared in the human world.

Shenyue is not towering into the clouds, but it is majestic and majestic, giving people the wrong feeling of being an emperor in the mountains.

This is the real immortal burial place!
At the foot of Dayue Mountain, a pair of huge stone gates have two ancient characters on them, Immortality!

It is built with ancient divine inscriptions and has iron hooks and silver scratches. I don't know who carved it.

"The road to becoming an immortal was once upon a time!"

Shi Xuan raised his head and sighed, the Immortal Emperor really knows how to live.

He used such an amazing world of immortals as his own cemetery, and cut down enlightenment tea trees to make a burial coffin.

Regardless of his character, among the countless emperors and emperors in this world that covers the sky, the Immortal Emperor is also one of the best. After all, he is an immortal phoenix descended from the immortal world. He himself has spanned eternity and lived for millions. Years.

For such a long time, even a pig would become unfathomable, let alone an immortal emperor with a shocking bloodline.


(End of this chapter)

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