Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 117 Endless Qi and blood turn into the sun, and the Tao Fruit descends!

Chapter 117 Endless Qi and blood turn into the sun, and the Tao Fruit descends!
In the place where immortals are buried, endless immortal energy rushes towards them, seeming to be able to make people soar into the sky.

Ahead, there is a bright world, a vast and boundless world, with tens of thousands of dragons circling, covering the sky, endless brilliance lingering, and the fairy mist being misty.

There is a high platform like a huge pyramid. The top is very flat and made entirely of five-color jade, blooming with precious light.

This high platform can be ten thousand feet high, and the jade platform can lead to the top step by step, and it can lead to the top from anywhere.

"As expected of the Immortal Emperor, the pomp is grand enough!" Shi Xuan said.

However, the Immortal Emperor made too much of a show, and was attracted by the later Emperor, who even lifted the coffin board.

Of course, the Immortal Emperor was not the one who suffered the consequences. The Emperor in his later years was secretly killed by him, leaving no trace of his body.

It can be regarded as revenge for the former emperor lifting the board of his coffin.

The high platform is ten thousand feet high, and it is made by melting a space with supreme magic power.

The ten-thousand-zhang-high jade platform is incomparably magnificent, chaotic and turbulent, filled with immortal energy, and tens of thousands of dragons are coiling around, which is extremely magnificent.

An ancient coffin lay across the jade platform thousands of feet high, almost crushing it forever.

On the stairs made of divine jade, dragons soar and phoenixes dance, and the energy of chaos fills the air.

There are thousands of real dragons soaring into the sky and divine phoenixes crossing the sky. They are transformed into immortal energy, adding a mysterious energy to the five-color jade platform.

Above, there is an old and ancient coffin, exuding endless vicissitudes. Although it is not more than ten feet long, it seems to have carried the ages and pretended to be over the years.

The vicissitudes of the sea, the vast earth, and the boundless starry sky are all not worth a corner of the coffin. It seems to condense the past, present and future, running through millions of years.

In a misty land next to it, there are five colors of glow flowing, and a piece of solid ice has existed for who knows how many years. There is an ancient corpse sealed inside!
This piece of ice is very special. Although it is cold, it is not biting. It flows with five kinds of brilliance and exudes amazing vitality and vitality.

However, this peaceful atmosphere was completely destroyed by the corpse in the ice——

He seems to be standing on the pinnacle of eternity, looking down upon the past, present and future, and everything in the universe is crawling at his feet!

When he came here, the body of Immortal God Nian began to glow involuntarily, the five-color divine blood almost boiled, rumbling, and the nine divine rings glowed with great brilliance!
On the jade platform, the supreme power of heaven shrouded the place of immortal burial, and the frozen corpse seemed to sense something——

Faintly, there was a terrifying aura resurrecting.

In other words, this is not a corpse, just a piece of human skin stained with five colors of blood.

The long purple hair, smooth skin, flashing treasure, still has luster, there is a crack on the back, the immortal emperor is transformed from here, the flowing blood is dreamy, divided into five colors, and the brilliance is gorgeous.


Five-colored beams of light shot into the sky, the avenue revived, cracks were broken through the ice, and the human skin gradually swelled, as if the Immortal Emperor had really come to the world, the waves of the ocean were vast, and wisps of supreme aura filled the air.

Thanks to Shi Xuan's preparations, he used his supreme supernatural power to connect the earth's power to the entire fairy world and set up a large formation to seal off the world.

Otherwise, everyone would have known about the huge commotion at this moment.

"The Tao rushes into it, but when you use it, it may not be full. The abyss is like the origin of all things; the abyss is like it may exist..."

The Immortal God Nian has completely changed, his whole body is glowing, his crystal purple hair is flying, and he is dazzling.

Then, lines appeared on the body surface, and the sound of ancient chanting resounded in his body, blending with and attracting the avenues in the human skin.

Billions of wisps of fairy light are falling, and a vast law is surging, as if we have arrived at the beginning of the world and the birth of all things.

After being blessed by this great avenue, the Taoist sound that echoes between heaven and earth becomes vast and boundless, as if God is reciting the Taoist Heavenly Sound, and then turns into five-color runes one after another, shining brilliantly across the void, blooming with eternal brilliance. , all submerged into human skin.

"Boom!" The ice exploded, and the human skin turned into a human form. He stood up, with his purple hair falling to the ground. He looked majestic and stepped down the jade steps step by step like a living creature.

Around it, scenes of miraculous scenes appeared, including the prayers of all races, the worship of gods, and the supreme temple towering in the vast universe.

These are scenes from the past, things that really happened, and were imitated by the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.

This piece of human skin moves slowly, like the reappearance of the immortal emperor, commanding the power of the past and present, and the aura of swallowing up the stars is indescribable.

It was like a living creature at the moment, with wisps of terrifying Ji Dao Qi that seemed to be crushing the world, but it would automatically disappear without a trace before it reached Shi Xuan, leaving him unharmed.

It stepped down from the high platform until it walked in front of the immortal god Nian, making the avenue wail for it, but its eyes were very hollow and lacked brilliance.

"Forget it, let me help you!"

Suddenly, a bright ray of light emitted.

At this moment, in the entire Immortal World, all the creatures felt a great terror rising from the bottom of their hearts, and a rich shadow of death shrouded the hearts of the countless creatures in the Immortal World.


One after another, the ultimate rays of light bloomed, roaring, and the entire small world began to resonate.

Things were changing rapidly, and in the next moment, all the energy and blood of the endless creatures in the entire fairy world disappeared instantly, and they all turned into white bones.

At this moment, a red sun emerged from Shi Xuan's hand, and terrifying blood spurted out.

"The total number of creatures in the entire Immortal World should be enough for you."

Shi Xuan looked indifferent, the red sun trembled, and the entire world of Immortal Mansion trembled.


The moment the red sun left Shi Xuan's hand, it rushed directly to Shen Nian's body, causing him to roar, and the rich demonic energy in his body was immediately dispelled.

With an explosion of "bang", the divine thoughts directly turned into a colorful fairy light, rushed towards the figure made of colorful human skin, and merged into one.

"Unparalleled spiritual thoughts, all living beings work together!"

"Welcome to the return of the Emperor!"

A loud voice seemed to have sounded from ancient times.


At this moment, a ray of overwhelming immortal power spread out.

In an instant, with the blessing of Shi Xuan's blood that smelted the endless creatures in the entire Immortal World, the immortal human skin and the thoughts of the gods merged and became one, leading the Immortal Emperor's former Dao Fruit to cross the eternity and come to the world again.

Finally, a supreme law spanned the eternity of time and space and came to the world!

The void exploded in an instant, and the energy of chaos surged.

In Shi Xuan's eyes, a supreme figure like an eternal god slowly emerged.

"Get up!"

At the same time, with Shi Xuan's sharp shout, dense divine patterns and principles rose up in the entire world of Immortal Mansion, evolving into a great formation that sealed the sky and locked the earth, isolating this extreme divine power.

(End of this chapter)

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