Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 13 The killing formation is broken, and the Supreme comes out

Chapter 13 The killing formation is broken, and the Supreme comes out

The Lingbao Killing Formation whines.

The dazzling brilliance of the whole body has dimmed a lot.

There were even clearly visible cracks.

The red light swept through the universe, and it flew out of the starry sky in an instant, smashing into huge and ancient stars one after another.


The gods of the Lingbao Killing Formation were ashamed and angry, and roared.

The terrifying divine power caused the sky in all directions to rumble, as if it was about to collapse.

The killing sword with shocking murderous intent erupted with an incomparably bright light and struck directly at the supreme master Shi Xuan.

"Even though the Ji Dao Emperor Armament was forged by our powerful men and contains my principles and order, which is equivalent to the reappearance of a Supreme Dao, if there is no one to control it, it will ultimately be impossible to withstand the Supreme's attack..."

In the restricted area of ​​Xianling, someone spoke indifferently, without any emotion, which made people feel chilly.

"But if it tries its best, it can also make the Supreme Blood splatter..."

There was a taboo and he was not calm. There was surprise in his tone, and he was guessing what Shi Xuan wanted to do.

After being born, not only did he not initiate turmoil, but he also caused a bloodbath.

Instead, he quietly fell silent and even stared at the killing array left by Lingbao Tianzun.

And seeing that the two sides are fighting to this extent, could it be that
This time, the Supremes in the restricted area thought of many things.

There are many good things in this world, but there are not many that can be admired by a supreme being, unless it is a great creation related to another supreme being.

Extraterrestrial starry sky——


Shi Xuan's divine power was so powerful that it shook the entire universe.

That knife-like face was cold and ruthless, and he struck down with another halberd without hesitation.

The galaxy burst, and the terrifying void was shattered directly. The terrifying black cracks swallowed up the surrounding stars one after another, as if the world was destroyed!
Under the desperate force of this set of powerful weapons left by Lingbao Tianzun, even Shi Xuan was shocked to the point of being torn apart.

However, the Lingbao Killing Formation screamed and screamed. It was originally as brilliant as a divine flame, but now it became increasingly bleak.


On the four killing swords, there are clearly visible cracks appearing vaguely.

Obviously, even if it is enough to defy the heavens, it is not the opponent of the Supreme at all, and it is impossible to completely block the attack of a Supreme.

"Keng!", "Boom!"...

The universe and starry sky are horrifying, and the eight ancient worlds are trembling.

This huge fluctuation is simply frightening and makes your scalp numb.

It made many creatures uneasy, fearing that this earth-shattering battle would really affect them.

The power of the Lingbao Killing Formation was indeed astonishing. He fought hard at all costs and even caused Shi Xuan to splatter blood on more than a few occasions.

However, it is not limited to this.

From this point on, Shi Xuan didn't even frown.

The whole person's face was cold and cold, and the battle clothes emitted immeasurable light, shimmering with divine brilliance, carrying a terrifying majesty.

The majestic figure is like a peerless monarch who will stand forever in the long river of time. His every move reveals the unparalleled domineering power of suppressing the world and swallowing up mountains and rivers. He is the only one who dominates!
The attacks became more fierce and terrifying each time, overwhelming the Lingbao Killing Formation until it could no longer breathe.

"The halberd rules the world!"

The bright and cold euphorbia stroked, and the light illuminated Liuhe, shaking the eight wastelands, and the void was annihilated.

In the turbulent chaos, it seems that it is going to destroy the nine heavens and ten earth, and truly reopen the world, making all living beings in the universe tremble and fear.

Even those in the restricted area couldn't help but look solemn.

This method is very terrifying, it can make existences like them splatter with blood!


Terrible sparks splashed out, annihilating all the galaxies.

The Lingbao Killing Formation was immediately blasted away, detonating large stars.

In the fierce collisions, it became darker and darker, and the cracks were shocking.

As time goes by, this war that shook the universe will eventually come to an end.

"Roar——" The Lingbao Killing Formation roared as it slowly became filled with cracks and became extremely dim.

The gods in the killing array are burning their divine energy, their murderous intent is shocking to the world, and the cold light moves the sky.

The incomparable blazing light seems to have rushed across the river of time from the ancient wilderness era.


The world-shaking blow directly scattered the Lingbao Killing Formation, which was filled with unwillingness and anger, with dense cracks and shocking gaps, and turned into streams of light that flew towards the edge of the universe and fell into chaos.

In an instant, Shi Xuan was the only one left alone in the vast outer starry sky.

The Lingbao Killing Formation was indeed extraordinary, so in order to prevent it from being destroyed, Shi Xuan only knocked it down into the boundless chaos, but did not kill it all.

After all, this killing array is indeed amazing. It is said that he has killed immortals before, and Shi Xuan's current state does not allow him to be unscrupulous. He must leave enough combat power to deal with the next battle.

After all, he didn't think he was the only smart person in the world. Those restricted area supremes should have guessed why he was facing off against the Lingbao Killing Formation.

In other words, this battle is not over yet.

Even the main event has not yet begun.


He opened his mouth and took a breath, and the galaxy dimmed.

It turned into the most original essence of heaven and earth, like a torrential stream from the nine heavens, and was led over.

Directly submerging Shi Xuan, whose body was stained with blood, the "Innate Creation Art" in his body, which belongs exclusively to Shi Xuan, operates independently, and the treasure body shines brightly again, just like before the war.

Under the vast sky.

The majestic figure stood tall, with a knife-like face, handsome and cold, majestic hair, and a black halberd hanging in the air.

The movements of his hands and feet reveal the unparalleled aura of suppressing the Nine Heavens and overpowering the past and present.

His cold eyes looked directly at the Taichu Ancient Mine Restricted Area in the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou.

"Could it be that you want to come out and fight with me?"

Shi Xuan's eyes were cold and murderous.

Shi Xuan's entire body glowed, and the shocking wounds had disappeared.

But his blood energy has more than doubled compared to before.

"Do you really think you are invincible?"

"It's just a weapon that was defeated, it's nothing..."

There are taboos in those ancient restricted areas.

Especially the existence of the restricted area that had a problem with Shi Xuan could not help but show murderous intent and coldness.

In the restricted area of ​​the Taikoo Ancient Mine, there was even a blazing beam of light that shot into the sky, and the unparalleled fluctuations shocked the world.

If the blood energy like the oven of heaven and earth penetrates the sky, the sun, moon and stars will change their trajectory and rotate around it.

The unparalleled supreme pressure made countless creatures frightened and fell to the ground, unable to remain standing.

"I never expected that you, the Supreme Being, would actually learn to hide your head and show your tail..."

Shi Xuan suddenly struck out with a palm.

Directly across the endless sea of ​​chaos and the vast starry sky, it struck into the infinite void.

Without any warning, a terrifying aura emerged, covering the nine heavens and ten earth.


A huge and boundless hand, covering the sky and the sun, poked out from the face of the ancient star.

The sun, moon and stars all become insignificant in front of it, which is shocking.

With the same strength, he directly faced the attack.


The fluctuations are shocking.

The terrible collision caused large swaths of the surrounding galaxies to explode and the void to collapse.

The overwhelming pressure made Bahuang shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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