Chapter 14 Supreme Battle

"Finally out?"

Shi Xuan spoke coldly, with undisguised murderous intent.

His whole body was filled with divine radiance, filled with chaotic energy, exuding the aura of the most powerful, extremely majestic.

Like an invincible immortal king, nothing can shake his will, shining with immortal eternal light, illuminating the sky forever.


As the ancient bell swayed, it turned into a pitch-black and blazing halberd, exuding a terrifying aura of coldness, and fell into his hand.

It's incredibly thick.

This piece of void seemed to be unable to bear it at all. It was crushed and collapsed, filled with chaos.

The blazing figure stepped forward, extremely majestic and powerful.

He is like the master of heaven and earth, overlooking the past, present and future in the long river of time, and thousands of people are wailing.

The mighty coercion could no longer be concealed, making everyone in the universe tremble and couldn't help but kneel down. The cold voice had no emotion at all, just like billions of years of ice:

"I didn't expect that you were still discovered by you!"


"Supreme Qingcang?"

"An ancient supreme being active in the age of mythology..."

"Didn't he already sit down and die back then? The fluctuations of the transformation path shook the whole world, there can be no mistake!"

Throughout the universe, deep in the starry sky, and in those restricted areas, people cannot help but lose their voices.

The Qingcang Supreme in their mouth is an ancient supreme who was once invincible for an era and overwhelmed the world's geniuses.

"This air machine..."

"Okay, it turned out to be you!"

"When I became enlightened, I made some secret attempts to seize the destiny!"

"One day, I have to settle things with you!"

At this moment, the restricted areas in Beidou Donghuang were all bursting out with unparalleled Qi energy. Vast beams of light shot into the sky, and the sound of the Tao shook the galaxy, filled with shock and fury.

More than one person was attacked and killed on the eve of becoming an emperor and taking charge of the Tianxin Seal.

Now that they recognized the other party's aura, they were all furious and wanted to immediately come out and deal with it.

"Wait, let them fight and find out the result!"

There are cold openings in restricted areas.


Qingcang snorted coldly.

He looked extremely young, but his hair was gray and he was not full of vitality.

The Tao is full of order, blazing throughout, and dazzling, making it difficult for people to look directly at it.

He really didn't want to be born unless necessary, because he often took action secretly and offended too many people.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to survive until now.

This time it was also because he wanted to secretly plan to seize the creation of Lingbao Tianzun.

Otherwise, he would be very unwilling to be born at this critical juncture when the path to immortality was about to begin.

As an ancient supreme being from the age of mythology, he understands the horror of Lingbao better than people of this era. If he can seize the creation left behind by Lingbao——

It is very likely that he will completely improve the decaying situation of Sendai, seize the opportunity when the immortal road opens ten thousand years later, and achieve the unparalleled opportunity of immortality.

The age of his enlightenment is extremely long, even 10 years earlier than the time when Emperor Zun established the Heavenly Palace. He can be regarded as the supreme being at the end of mythology.

But he is scheming enough and his actions are extremely secretive.

In the long years, they have secretly successfully attacked and killed the unparalleled geniuses who have reached the eighth and ninth realms of quasi-supremeness and are expected to become emperors. They have taken away the opponent's destiny, and there are more than one or two.

He has endured until now, and even his vitality is not inferior to that of Shi Xuan when he swallowed the Dragon Vein Holy Spirit of the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level.

It can be seen that it is powerful.

"Fellow Taoist, why don't we regard harmony as the most precious thing and share the good fortune left behind by the Lingbao equally between you and me? Is that feasible?"

Supreme Qingcang stared at Shi Xuan at the edge of the universe, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

This was a formidable enemy that forced him to be born. "Old thief, today I will kill your body and spirit, and destroy your body!"

Shi Xuan's face was cold. He worked hard to suppress the Lingbao Killing Formation. As soon as this old guy came out, he wanted a piece of the pie without contributing. It was simply wishful thinking.

A golden divine egg appeared in his hand.

"A Golden Crow that is almost on the verge of enlightenment?"

Qingcang Supreme's expression changed drastically. Originally, he was watching a battle between Shi Xuan and Lingbao Killing Formation, and suffered a severe loss of vitality——

He then decided to be born and seize the fortune left by Lingbao Tianzun. Unexpectedly, he was tricked by a junior.

"Damn it! He actually captured such a golden crow that was about to become enlightened."

"This guy, why didn't he have any intention of bloodbathing the entire universe from beginning to end?"

"It's hidden too deeply. In the previous battle with the Lingbao Killing Formation, I was unwilling to use it."

At this moment, even the taboos in other restricted areas were a little shocked and inexplicable.

He couldn't even calm down, his breath suddenly became hot, and he felt even more envious and jealous.

A Golden Crow that is about to attain enlightenment and can be said to have half a foot in the realm of the Ultimate Realm is definitely more beneficial to them than initiating a dark turmoil sweeping the universe.

Such a Golden Crow can definitely replenish most of the Qi and blood they lack, allowing them to have enough Qi and blood to maintain sufficient combat power to fight on the Immortal Road when it opens in the future.

However, even if you are really tempted, you can't really be born.

Who can snatch something from the hands of a Supreme Being?

And when the Stone Emperor swallows the Golden Crow to replenish his energy and blood and regain his former fighting strength, he may be in trouble.

These Forbidden City Supremes are all human spirits, especially at this point where the Immortal Road is about to open, no one wants to cause trouble.

Therefore, at this moment, these supreme beings can only say one thing to the supreme being Qingcang who has been born:
Old thief, you are in trouble.


Vast fluctuations erupted directly from the edge of the universe, sweeping across the entire starry sky. Blood energy surged and rumbled, turning into a grand melting pot of heaven and earth.

The vast and boundless supreme pressure swept across the eight wastelands of the universe, overwhelming the sky for eternity, as if it had crushed eternity, and shocked the entire human world.

This is the Supreme Being repairing his former Dao Fruit!

The terrifying supreme pressure made billions of creatures in this universe tremble, and they couldn't help but kneel down and kowtow in the direction from which the pressure came.

"Qing Cang has revived the Ultimate Realm, and the war has begun."

The Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone cast his gaze on the outer starry sky, paying attention to the upcoming battle.

In ancient times, the emperor and the emperor never met each other, and they argued endlessly about who was stronger and who was weaker.

Maybe today, the outcome of this battle will be decided.

One is the ancient Supreme One who once attained enlightenment in the era of mythology, and the other is the Supreme Ancient Emperor whose Holy Spirit attained enlightenment in ancient times. Who is stronger and who is weaker between these two people?
Even the existence of taboos in the forbidden area cannot be explained clearly.

Only through a great battle can we see the outcome.

"My merits are eternal, but junior, you can't do it!"

Qingcang Supreme's expression did not change.

The voice was cold, as if it could freeze everything in the world.

"Rumble..." The heaven and earth roared, and auspicious colors soared into the sky.

A vast and blazing track paved by Tao directly extends to the extraterrestrial starry sky battlefield.

"You talk too much!"

The overbearing and powerful voice fell.

After swallowing the Golden Crow Divine Egg, Shi Xuan acted in shock as if he had been reborn.

The endless black, crystal-clear euphorbia, shining with colorful brilliance, crushed the eternity and burst out with the most brilliant light.

The sharp halberd blade split the starry sky.

The cold light shines on the world, and the world is trembling.


One big star after another trembled and exploded one after another, as gorgeous and poignant as fireworks.

The war begins immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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