Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 155 Battle against the King of the Group; Against the Shadow of the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 155 Battle against the King of the Group; Against the Shadow of the Immortal Emperor

The expressions of several kings of strange creatures all changed drastically, and they all stared at Shi Xuan angrily.

By condensing the King's Dao Fruit, one has already entered the realm of the Supreme Immortal King.

Each of them was covered in blood and suffered minor or serious injuries. Naturally, it was because their arrival in this world was not smooth.

Even though the supreme Immortal Emperor Ancient Ancestor personally protected them, there were still three peerless kings and one giant king who died tragically under the backlash of the supreme law and order power of the sword light during the cross-border crossing.

Even they were all seriously injured, and it took them a long time to barely regain their fighting strength.

But he has been imprisoned in this city, like a prisoner.

Nowadays, a humble heretic in this world who has not yet become a king actually wants to kill the king. This is simply treason!
Shi Xuan has a majestic figure, his body is filled with chaotic dragon energy, and endless holy spirit is lingering around him. He is like a supreme king, overlooking the world.

"It's your turn."

Shi Xuan's eyes were indifferent as he stared directly at these furious and strange king creatures, charging out at the same pace as a dragon or a tiger.

Counting the eight-winged creatures killed by Shi Xuan's halberd before and the half-broken twelve-winged king just killed with one finger, there are a total of six strange kingly creatures trapped in the Imperial Pass.


The euphorbia glows, the ten-color brilliance is dazzling, billions of wisps of chaotic dragon energy fall down, and the divine glory fills the air.

On the body of the halberd, the endless totems were extremely blazing, and thousands of gods and demons roared in unison, causing the world to change color, as if they were faintly coming to life.


The euphorbia roared.

He directly hit the creature in front of him.

Void collapses.


A long bloody bridge whined and was split open.

The tiger's mouth was torn open and dripping with blood.

That strange king creature had long blood-colored hair and snow-white eyes, and the demonic flames on its head were beating violently and burning.

He was retreating rapidly with mysterious steps.

At the same time, he recited a series of strange and complicated mantras.

Different from any words in the history of Zhetian Universe, the mysterious notes that cannot be understood are chanting the true name of the supreme emperor among the immortals.

The sacred and terrifying shadow, hundreds of millions of feet tall, stood behind the tall creature.

The wisps of terrifying aura carried a terrifying majesty, as if standing on the long river of time, overlooking the eternal strong man.

This is a creature with bright red hair all over its body, standing on two legs, and looks like an elephant. It is ferocious and terrifying, and its two extremely long fangs are extremely frightening.

Wearing dazzling bloody divine armor, he possesses incomparable majesty and majesty, which makes people feel awe and fear in their hearts. Looking directly at him, he is almost astonished.

Even a powerful person like the Immortal King has the urge to kneel down.

The God of Prison!

The supreme place in the dark, a mysterious, ancient and powerful existence, overlooking one era after another, the years that have passed are so long that it is unimaginable and cannot be traced back.

Extremely brilliant and dazzling, it ranks among the many masters of that supreme plateau land.

The red and strange "river of blood" keeps gathering.

It poured into the phantom of the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor, making its power more and more terrifying and astonishing.

It becomes more and more real, as if it is really about to step out from the ancient times.

"Quasi Immortal Emperor? He's really powerful!"

Shi Xuan's pupils flashed slightly as he was wielding his halberd to kill.

Quasi-immortal emperor, such an existence is too extraordinary.

Just a wisp of breath may directly destroy the entire Zhetian Universe.

But now, the projection of the quasi-immortal emperor summoned by strange creatures seems to be abnormal, and the aura is a bit weak, as if some powerful force has isolated the power of the supreme immortal emperor's law.

Therefore, the current projection of the quasi-immortal emperor is only in form, without its spirit. Its power has already been reduced to billions, and it is only slightly stronger than the average peerless king.

Shi Xuan didn't even look back. The peerless halberd abruptly broke off the incoming demon sword, the terrifying divine chain of order, and the bloody curse power.

Pieces of sparks flew and annihilated large areas of the star sea.

The power of a halberd makes these strange king creatures change their colors.

This is simply chilling.


The void collapsed and a large sea of ​​stars was destroyed.

The monstrous blood energy is as vast as the long river of heaven and earth, and the invincible tribulation light of the heaven sweeps across the sky, shaking the ancient and modern times.

Without any hesitation or fear, Shi Xuan directly waved the halberd in his hand and killed the shadow of the quasi-immortal emperor.


As if being angered, the shadow of the prison-suppressing elephant roared into the stars, shaking the heaven and earth.

One after another, the sun, moon and stars all shook violently and exploded into pieces.


The huge fangs covered with crimson hair and incomparably fiery, pierced through the eternal sky.

It collided with the pitch-black halberd in Shi Xuan's hand.

The phantom that covered the sky and the sun was pushed backwards, and its huge fangs were shattered. If it wasn't just a phantom, it would have been dripping with blood.

The shadow of the huge prison-suppressing statue dimmed a lot in an instant.
"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The very tall and majestic red-haired man with snow-white eyes turned pale and couldn't help but turn pale in horror:
"How can you be so powerful?"

He comes from the Divine Elephant Mountain in the supreme plateau, and he is the most respected prison-suppressing divine elephant with the purest bloodline. The end of his bloodline is the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor who is one of the many masters.

And the shadow of the prison-suppressing elephant he summoned with the power of his blood was naturally even more terrifying.

But even like this, they can't shake each other. This is too terrifying and amazing.

"How is that possible?" "That is the phantom of the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor."

"Stop hiding him. Even if he is killed by the sword light, he will still be killed."

The other strange king who sacrificed the broken ancient bell was tall and cold, and he looked up to the sky and roared angrily.

I felt great crisis and uneasiness.

Those supreme beings spent endless efforts to send them from the shield of that sword light to this world of this era. Naturally, they were not allowed to travel.

On the contrary, each of them has a major mission.

"Great Heavenly Demon Quasi-Emperor, we sincerely pray to you, please use your boundless divine power to destroy the heretics in the lower realms before the world, and praise the emperor's true name."

It is obvious that behind these people there are at least two supreme beings of the level of quasi-immortal emperors.

Before these people came, they were given the supreme means to summon the phantom of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. If it weren't for a supreme forbidden power in the dark, which blocked the power of the Immortal Emperor's law in the shadow of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

I am afraid that even if it is difficult to exert one billionth of the power, it is still enough to directly kill Shi Xuan.


The sky is rumbling, all roads are wailing, and the long river of time is being cut off.

An extremely huge phantom emerged.

With terrifying majesty, it towers between heaven and earth.

A pair of cold and ruthless eyes, without any fluctuation, extremely cold and majestic, makes people feel heartbroken.

I couldn't help but kneel down.

God is like a prison!

For such existences, just calling out their true names will cause terrifying phantoms to appear across eternity of time and space.

If there is any blasphemy, it may even directly attract big money.

Not to mention, the kings of these weird creatures used forbidden methods to summon the shadow of the supreme quasi-immortal emperor to kill the enemy in front of them.


The light of time is blazing and dazzling, and the supreme Zongtian has no shortage of troubled years, avoiding the ruthless killings of those who attacked and killed.

The domineering and majestic figure is as powerful as a blue dragon emerging from the abyss, unstoppable.

"Quasi Immortal Emperor? In the final analysis, it's just a shadow that was cut off by someone's sword, so what does it mean?"

Holding that thick and terrifying peerless war halberd that shone with ten colors of brilliance and surged with chaos, he violently smashed directly onto the phantom of the huge prison-suppressing elephant.

Let it fall apart and turn into endless rain of light.

The strange and terrifying power of the area started to burn, burning down the sky.


The creature of the prison-suppressing elephant tribe staggered after suffering the backlash.

He vomited blood and looked pale.


Whether it was him or other creatures, their faces were full of shock, their expressions changed drastically, and they looked at Shi Xuan in disbelief.


The cold man from Tianmo Mountain felt strong uneasiness in his heart and roared angrily:

"Hand of the Heavenly Demon!"

The majestic and indifferent figure behind him, which made the people tremble and fear, and made the peerless immortal king change his color, suddenly moved.

His right hand evolved into a giant demon palm and suddenly struck towards Shi Xuan.


The monstrous giant palm of the demonic cloud submerged the entire sea of ​​​​stars.

With the terrifying destructive energy, it makes people's soul and body collapse, and they kill them brazenly.

"Suppress the prison and conquer the sky!"

At this moment, with the combined efforts of several people, the red figure once again summoned the shadow of the prison-suppressing elephant.

The next moment, the vast and terrifying shadow behind him, like a god or a demon, stared at Shi Xuan with cold eyes, as if it had wiped out all emotions.

Two huge elephant hooves suddenly came towards Violence.


The void collapsed and collapsed, chaos surged and raged endlessly.

The euphorbia was thick and heavy, with billions of chaotic dragon energy hanging down from it. The ten-colored divine flowers were dazzling and swelled suddenly.

He actually blocked the terrifying and terrifying desperate killing attack.

Shi Xuan reverses the chaos of time and space, and his body is disillusioned and uncertain.

Killed in front of a strange king creature.

"Ah!! I am the supreme king, how could I lose to you?"

The violent and tall creature was furious, and violently swung its fist to kill it.

Somewhat hysterical, full of ferocity and ferocity.

But the body of the Immortal King, which was said to be immortal for all eternity, was immediately shattered and turned into blood mist.

The huge head flew out and smashed stars.

If several other kings hadn't attacked again, that tall creature would have been torn apart by Shi Xuan.


The shadow of the majestic and ruthless Quasi-Immortal Emperor strikes again, like a peerless emperor overlooking the eternity. With a single move, he can destroy eternity and massacre all living beings.

The broken bell trembled and swayed wildly.

The unparalleled power swept up the sky, annihilated the sea of ​​stars one hexagram after another, and killed Shi Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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