Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 156: King Destruction; Sword and Halberd; Sky Curtain

Chapter 156: King Destruction; Sword and Halberd; Sky Curtain


However, at this moment, huge fluctuations came from above the nine heavens.

"I have invincible hands of gods and demons, and I dare to destroy the heaven, earth, sun, moon and stars!"

Shi Xuan is extremely terrifying and powerful, and the power of unfathomable laws and order burst out, shattering all kinds of strange laws.

A palm struck the body of the strange king of the Prison God Elephant Tribe, causing his immortal king's body to crack.

"Idol Suppression Prison!"

Making the opponent roar again and again, the extremely powerful power of hell's laws turned into rolling demonic flames, which gathered into a vast river and flooded the entire sky.

The mighty divine power makes people's hearts tremble and there is no room for resistance.

The incomparable, world-destroying divine light was directly destroyed by Shi Xuan's palm.



The strange crimson blood spilled into the starry sky, instantly destroying the sea of ​​​​stars for hundreds of millions of miles. The divine power was so majestic that it made people's scalp numb.

Shi Xuan is powerful and invincible, and even before he becomes a king, he already has the power to kill the king.

Despite the eternity of time, space, and years, the tyrannical sword left by Beast Milk Baby has blocked the divine power projected by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, making it difficult for it to exert its power that is only one billionth of its power.

But such a transcendent existence is too terrifying. No one knows what terrible changes will happen as time goes by.

Therefore, Shi Xuan took action mercilessly and had to kill several strange kings here before something went wrong.

"Impossible, how could the supreme king of our clan be suppressed by the heretics of the heavens who have not yet become kings."

On the other side, an extremely majestic figure with the head of a man and the body of a wolf, several feet tall, held out a fairy mirror flowing with the innate yin and yang energy, and was confronting Shi Xuan's falling halberd.

"It's absolutely impossible."

"My people come from the highest land and are the rulers of the ages."

The expressions of the other three strange king creatures also changed drastically.

They almost went crazy and collapsed. They couldn't believe that their peerless king from the supreme plateau was no match for this heretic from the heavens.

"There is nothing impossible about this. You are too weak."

The halberd roared, and the sharp halberd blade slashed out.


The bloody light was dazzling, and the most powerful fairy mirror blessed with terrifying power was immediately split open and exploded.

It turned into endless fragments, as bright as a meteor shower, penetrating one big star after another, extremely gorgeous.

"Do not--"

Before a strange king creature could react, the cold euphorbia directly split it in half——

Only eyes of despair, fear, and daring were left.

The sharp cold light, carrying a terrifying murderous intention, abruptly annihilated the beating and burning divine fire.

At the same time, Shi Xuan bathed in the light of time, turning into the most brilliant light and radiance of time, and the unparalleled tribulation light of heaven exploded.


The extremely violent Heavenly Tribulation Finger struck directly in front of the creature of the king of the Demon Tribe and exploded his body, which he had always been proud of. It was extremely domineering and tyrannical.

The terrifying power of the Three Thousand Great Laws directly wiped out the opponent's soul, giving him no chance to escape.


In the blink of an eye, the peerless war halberd flew out and collided with the bloody spear.

Bend's bloody spear broke directly.

The strange king of the Demon Tribe trembled all over, as if he had been severely injured, his face turned pale, and he vomited blood from his mouth.

The extremely majestic shadow lost the support of his bloodline power and dimmed in an instant.

"Let's go dance in hell!"

Shi Xuan held a halberd in his hand and went to kill him with his hair flying.

He is like a god and a demon, with cold eyes, like a supreme emperor, looking down at the only three strange kings left.


The momentum shook the world, and the big halberd suddenly struck out.

It seems to have cut off the long river of time and reversed the past and present.

The moment the halberd was swung, Shi Xuan's expression was greatly shaken. In a daze, he saw a sword light slashing out from unknown time and space in the corner of his eye.

Together with his big halberd, it fell on the shadow of the demon quasi-emperor that day.


The blood-colored spear was completely broken, and the huge shadow behind the strange king creature of the demon clan collapsed directly, dimmed, and turned into an endless rain of light.


The strange king of the demon clan staggered, and he was covered in blood.

The whole body erupted with immeasurable light from the demon, and the demonic flames above his head jumped up and down, as if they were about to burn down the sky.

"That sword light, who are you?"

He vomited blood from his mouth, but his eyes became more and more terrifying as he stared at Shi Xuan, and the aura became more and more terrifying.

The infinite strange laws burned with his body, turning into endless great power and blending into his body.

The incomparably vast and strange power seemed to emerge from nothingness, and was vaguely visible, as if there was a supreme being overlooking the eternal and turbulent years.

"Don't fight him head-on. With the help of that sword light, we can't be his opponent!"

"If this person is not eliminated, he will eventually become a serious problem for our clan in the future!"

The strange king of the Prison God Elephant Tribe looked solemnly and said angrily through gritted teeth.

"Remember, the one who killed you was Ming Gu from the Prison Elephant Clan!"

He roared angrily, and the power of regional laws surged around him.

The body that is as tall as heaven and earth, spanning ancient and modern times, and terrifying is manifested:
"Elephant Prison Destroying Gun!"

The monstrous power of hell surged out, stirring up the laws and order in the world.

"Zhengzheng." Billions of blazing divine chains of Hell's Laws gathered and intertwined to form countless bloody divine spears. Carrying unparalleled power, they penetrated the void in an instant and blasted over.

"Nameless ants, I don't even bother to remember them!"

The cold voice echoed in the sky, and the majestic figure was as strong as a dragon.

The sharp halberd was filled with murderous intent, and the totems on it seemed to come alive, with hundreds of millions of gods and demons roaring in unison.

It's like the ancient evil demon sealed in the devil's abyss for endless years has escaped, making people feel chilly.


It directly shattered the void and cut off countless bloody spears.

Time fragments are flying.

There was no stagnation at all, the ten-color brilliance was dazzling, the chaotic dragon energy was lingering, and the bright and cold halberd blade struck straight at Ming Gu.


The remaining two strange king creatures were also roaring.

The sky rumbled and thunder exploded.

The unparalleled power of the King's Law collapsed the void and attacked Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan waved his halberd to resist, and then struck out with the hand of a god and demon.


Fighting against the terrifying power of King's Law.

The blazing power of King's Law screamed, unable to withstand the unparalleled terrifying power, it exploded.

At the same time, the sharp halberd fell, directly splitting the three-headed, six-armed, strange king of the Demon Tribe into two halves, covered in dark forests.


Shi Xuan Ming Palace shines.

The unparalleled divine power of order formed a blazing cage, and the Heavenly Emperor's dharma body that stepped out of the dragon directly trapped the opponent's soul that was about to escape.

After all, we still have to figure out why the opponent was able to pass through Beast Milkman's arbitrary sword light.

We must know whether there is something wrong with the sword light left by Beast Milk Baby, or what means these weird creatures used to break in.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for Shi Xuan to say that he is not interested in strange creatures, which are Tao and Dharma that are completely different from those of the heavens.

He has great ambitions!

Within 1 years, create the sixth realm of new laws and break through the realm of the Immortal King.

What he said must be done.

"In the name of Emperor Xuantian, I command the destiny of Heaven and order the three thousand avenues to be destroyed!"

The majestic heavenly sound of the great avenue echoed in the Imperial Pass.

Infinite immortal light erupted, becoming the only one in the world.

The ultimate splendor and splendor make people unable to help but get lost in it and unable to extricate themselves.


The expressions of the last two kings of strange creatures changed drastically. At this moment, their hairs stood up, feeling the crisis of death.

Without thinking, he directly stepped on the supreme pace, his blazing figure, and instantly seemed to have transcended ancient and modern times, and was in another time, space and universe.

Unfortunately, a large formation left by Milkman was left here, blocking all time and space.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for this blow to hit them.

The existence of the level of Immortal King is too extraordinary, which means that this world has been set up with a peerless formation.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for such a being to be caught up and killed if he wanted to escape.


Everything in front of him collapsed and turned into a rain of light.

Everything has been shattered, and the past and present seem to have been really reversed, and chaos is raging.


In an instant, one big star after another shook violently, exploding one after another, and the monstrous fluctuations shocked the world.

The shrill screams suddenly echoed in the sky throughout the ages.




Accompanied by the shrill screams, the terrifying light and radiance spanned endless time and space, directly destroying the opponent's immortal body.

It exploded in an instant and turned into an endless rain of light.

It shot through the big stars one after another, causing splendid fireworks.

"Are you still trying to escape?"

The remnant souls of the two strange kings turned into escaping light and suddenly rushed towards the crack opened by the Cangtian Monument, as if they wanted to escape from the formation.

But when Shi Xuan made a seal with his hands, a cyan emperor's shadow flew out from the Cangtian Monument and was shot out with a palm.

The world was in turmoil, and the power of three thousand avenues of law gathered into a cage, firmly trapping the remnants of the two strange kings.

Later, Shi Xuan came and stood between heaven and earth. He took charge of the Sky Monument and the Emperor Xuan Halberd, and swept away the most terrifying divine punishment of annihilation in the world.


"If the heretics in the heavens dare to massacre our clan, there will be great disaster in the heavens."

"You have to pay the price for your actions——

All the heavens will be destroyed because of you! "

At this moment, the two strange remnant souls of the kings locked in the cage of Three Thousand Avenues directly burst out with overwhelming divine power, causing the sky to collapse and the whole world to tremble.

The two remnant souls turned into the most blazing light and radiance, and at the end of the light, only a dark and endless sky appeared.

It is like a dark, strange nine-nether hell that makes people's scalp numb and shudder. It is so majestic and tall that it is unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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