Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 157: Heaven, I will lend you a sword to kill the emperor, do you dare to accept it?

Chapter 157: Heaven, I will lend you a sword to kill the emperor, do you dare to respond?
At the end of the horizon, the vast sky droops.


The vast, unimaginable torrent of darkness seemed to have no end in width, like an abyss hanging upside down, rushing towards the endless sky.

It is majestic and infinite, indescribable, and shocking.

It seems to be connected to the highest place in the dark world, which is completely invisible.

This is a waterfall of order formed by the power of the supreme law. It carries a terrifying divine power, as if it is attracting some terrible existence to come here.


Shi Xuan bathed in the light of time, his speed reached the extreme, and he flew directly in front of the sky.

Shi Xuan looked solemn as he stood in front of the canopy of order.

Staring at this numbing dark sky, there were immortal symbols shining in his eyes, but it was impossible to see through them at all.

It was so blurry that it was impossible to see clearly what was happening on the other side of the sky.

His eyes were blazing, and he could feel that the sky seemed to be connected to eternal time and space, and was leading to some terrifying existence.

The terrifying power coming from the sky made him frightened and frightened. It seemed to vaguely transcend the nature of the Immortal King's realm.

His palms glowed, and the souls of the two last strange kings were firmly grasped in his hands, and the endless order and laws imprisoned each other.

Even if you want to self-destruct, you can't do it.

"Haha, the power of that sword light is weakening. The Godless Ones of our clan will eventually destroy the heavens again."

The remnant soul of the strange king roared there.

Shi Xuan is using his supreme means to break through the layers of restrictions in his soul and obtain his memory.

"Weird, plateau, quasi-immortal emperor, or even an immortal emperor?"

Intercepted part of the other party's memory, obtained some information, and the other party's practice method.

What makes him regretful is that these strange kings have almost terrible restrictions on the forbidden magical powers in the realm of the emperor above the Immortal King.

Unless there is a real quasi-immortal emperor level existence, there is no way to investigate.

Shi Xuan tried his best to obtain a few scriptures and secrets about the realm of the ordinary Immortal King, but they were all fragments.

However, this is already a huge gain.


At this moment, without any warning.

The dark sky roared, and the power of the dark law went riot.

The incomparable and terrifying energy that destroys the heaven and earth is constantly coming from the dark sky——

Shi Xuan's whole body couldn't help but stand up with chills, a little horrified.

His expression changed drastically. Without thinking, he crossed countless star seas and retreated billions of miles away.


Terrible fluctuations stirred up the black law torrent and boiled.

Those are the vast ocean bursts condensed by the power of the supreme law. They are not real water at all. They have extremely shocking and supreme power and are extremely terrifying.


A roar came through the eternal time and space, across the vast dark sky.

The vibration caused the endless stars to tremble and fall down.

It makes people feel horrified and chilled from head to toe.

In the dark, there seems to be some terrifying existence, as if it wants to forcefully cross over to this world across an eternity of time and space.

The coercion coming from the underworld makes people change their color.

At this moment, Shi Xuan's combat power was astonishing, enough to kill a king. His face turned gloomy and he became extremely vigilant.

The vast power was so transcendent that even 1 or [-] million Immortal King-level beings could not compare with it.

Shi Xuan knew that it was the legendary supreme quasi-immortal emperor level existence.

This is a crushing of life levels, and there is no reason to explain it.

Shi Xuan didn't speak, his eyes were filled with solemnity, looking straight at the dark sky that became turbulent and violent due to the supreme emperor's law.

If an existence at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor really comes,

The dark sky was turbulent, shaking eternal time and space, and a corner was vaguely revealed.

It can be seen that there is a supreme being standing there in the dark.

His whole body is glowing, like a supreme emperor, with overwhelming pressure, overlooking the past, present and future, making people unable to help but kneel down.

The mysterious and unpredictable Heavenly Sound of Order emitted from his body, and streams of unparalleled mighty power of order radiated from this extremely majestic and powerful creature that was filled with demonic energy and held a bloody spear——

Shocking the past, present and future.

Before that terrifying figure moved, incredible power came across to suppress the turbulent time and space.


This devil's power was overwhelming, like a creature of the unrivaled hell devil. It roared, shattering endless time and space, and the void cracked one after another.

One after another, shocking black space-time cracks spread continuously.

Creepy and shuddering!
Just a roar, but it was so terrifying.

A pair of cold eyes, without the slightest emotion, looked coldly through the vast dark sky, across eternity of time and space, directly at Shi Xuan above the Imperial Pass.

An endless chill surged through his heart.

If it weren't for the supreme power that had been blocked by time and space for eternity, just this glance would have been enough to turn Shi Xuan into a blood mist.

There is no second surprise.

This supreme existence, extremely powerful and domineering, directly across the eternal time and space, through the vast dark sky, stabbed at Shi Xuan fiercely.

At the same moment, Shi Xuan, separated by an eternity of time and space, instinctively sensed a terrible death crisis.The true dragon body of the Chaos Holy Spirit, which he claimed to be immortal, seemed to be shattered and turned into nothingness at the next moment.


A torrent of order splashed across the sky.

Eternity of time and space has been pierced!
The phantom of a blood-colored spear traveled across eternity of time and space at a speed visible to the naked eye, directly breaking through countless great world barriers, and pierced the Imperial Pass with a monstrous murderous intent.

The next moment, the peerless formation that spread all over the Imperial Pass rose up, and the terrifying power of order and law exploded. The vast Imperial Pass rumbled and shook, and each rune was incomparably blazing.

Between heaven and earth, there is a terrifying power coming from somewhere——

Suppressing and blocking the bloody spear coming across eternal time and space.

But even so, he still felt the strong shadow of death hanging over his heart.

The cold chill lingered.

"If you want to kill this emperor, even the quasi-immortal emperor can't!"

At the same moment, Shi Xuan's momentum was as strong as an abyss, and his whole body was filled with blood.

Chaos dragon energy permeates the air, endless Holy Spirit immortal energy lingers, and the whole person is like an unparalleled king, exuding great majesty and grandeur.


The "Xuantian Sutra", which condensed the essence of Tao and Dharma in his life, was running at full strength, and the endless chanting of sutras continued. His whole body shone, and his combat power increased to the extreme in an instant.

"Tiandao, I will lend you a sword to kill the emperor, do you dare to respond?"

At this moment, in the vast river of time and space, a calm voice sounded in Shi Xuan's ears, shaking his mind.


For a moment, a sword light seemed to rise in Shi Xuan's heart, eyes and hands.

The sword light rose from the darkness and turned into a transparent three-foot green peak, which was held in Shi Xuan's hand.

There is nothing special about this sword, but when it appears, it takes away all the grace in the world and becomes the only one in the world. It wants to destroy all the obstacles in the world that stand in front of it.

Shi Xuan held the three-foot long sword, and a majestic picture seemed to appear in his eyes——

A man of unparalleled stature but with a vague figure stood on the upper reaches of the river of time. He waved the long sword in his hand and slashed down.

At this moment, Shi Xuan seemed to understand something.

His originally bright eyes became cold, as if they had become the supreme heaven.

The transparent three-foot long sword held in his right hand merged with the Xuan Emperor Halberd in his left hand.

The next moment, he slowly but firmly waved the peerless halberd in his hand towards the dark sky.

In his mind, the figure in the picture scroll, the body veins, muscles and bones, and the rushing blood began to slowly become clearer.

And the eyes of that stalwart man were as empty and lifeless as Shi Xuan, with a distant aura.

In a daze, their bodies overlapped.

At the same time, outside, in the Imperial Pass——

Billions of immeasurable Emperor-destroying sword rays cut directly across the vast dark sky, spanning eternity of time and space, and landed on the bloody spear.


The indescribable sword light fell on the bloody spear, and at the same time, the dark sky became more and more turbulent.

The next moment, the dark sky was torn apart.

The spear shook violently, whined and dimmed by the immeasurable sword light.

Even the tiger's mouth of the supreme being was being torn apart, sparkling brightly, and red blood dripping from it, causing blood and tears to flow. His eyes seemed to be burned blind, unable to look straight.


The terrifying emperor-destroying power was like hundreds of millions of real dragons, suppressing the supreme being along the spear.


The roar was like thunder, shaking endless time and space to be torn apart, and the supreme being seemed to be angered.

Under his feet, there seemed to be roars of supreme beings one after another, transformed into vast divine power, and the terrifying law of hell poured into the bloody spear.


The word "kill" shook the past, present and future.

It makes people feel as if every strand of hair is as heavy as a sacred mountain. They want to tear the scalp off directly, causing endless chills from head to toe.

The endless years are turbulent, and the world is undoubtedly collapsing, and the dark cracks in space and time have swallowed up each universe.

The demonic energy was overwhelming, and the blood-colored spear burst out with blazing light and radiance, desperately trying to destroy and block the invasion of the emperor-destroying power above the immeasurable sword light——

It seemed that he was about to stab him again with a domineering thrust, killing Shi Xuan, the little bug who dared to offend him.


"Crack, Kick!"

However, the immeasurable sword light was too extraordinary, and the endless emperor-destroying law exploded, causing shocking cracks to appear on the bloody spear made of unknown immortal materials.

The power of billions of emperor-destroying powers, like a true black dragon, with terrifying power, directly suppresses it, intending to shatter the spear and kill the supreme being.

But the next moment, the supreme figure manifested itself as the supreme prison-suppressing idol, and the terrifying power of the prison-suppressing law was blessed on the bloody spear.

The extremely blazing power of the prison-suppressing law evolved into endless prison-suppressing idols, abruptly blocking the vast power of destroying the emperor.

However, the terrifying supreme being with demonic power vomited blood at the next moment, staggered half a step back, and roared again and again, shaking the boundless void.


At this moment, a change occurred between heaven and earth.

A huge and strange river flows out of nothingness.

Several horrifying hazy figures were walking upstream on the surging river, engaging in fierce battles and confrontations.
The terrifying power swept through the eternal sky and shattered all the heavens and worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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