Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 158 You can come and give it a try. Ancient and modern times are in chaos and ancient histor

Chapter 158 You can come and give it a try. Ancient and modern times are in chaos and ancient history is destroyed.

This scene was not only visible to Shi Xuan above the Imperial Pass.

It was obvious that the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor could also be seen across the vastness of time and space.

At this moment, on that supreme plateau, there were several supreme beings who felt the fluctuations of the long river of time and looked over with cold eyes.

Gu Jing Wubo's eyes also fluctuated, looking at the several terrifying figures on the long river of time who were fighting fiercely in amazement.

Really strong!
Not weaker than them, the supreme powerhouses of the Emperor's Realm.

"Something happened"


One figure holds a pitch-black halberd, and endless thunder light shines. Every ray of the halberd contains the terrifying law of destruction, which is enough to easily destroy large swathes of the world. The extremely terrifying and majestic figure stares at the emerging years. Changhe frowned.


Among them, another stalwart figure whose entire body was hazy and unable to be seen clearly reached the upper reaches of the vast river of time with its opponent in an instant, without stopping.

He stepped on a huge ten-color cauldron, with billions of strands of chaotic energy swirling around it, and one big star after another rotating around it, which shocked people.

At the same time, he wields a pair of invincible iron fists to fight against the enemy. He is extremely powerful and brave.

Like a peerless god overlooking the eternity, his movements have an unparalleled aura that seems to be able to overwhelm the eternity.

"That's Emperor Xuantian"

Inadvertently, he hurriedly glanced down the tributary of the Changjiang River that they had collided with, and saw Shi Xuan standing on the Imperial Pass. The hazy figure couldn't help but shrink its pupils and murmured there.


But the roar was loud.

In the blink of an eye, he was besieged by two extremely terrifying and powerful creatures of unknown race. He could only concentrate on fighting the enemy and was unable to care about them at all.

Those two terrifying creatures, the one wearing cyan armor, holding a bloody war spear and a golden shield, were attacking violently.


The war spear thrust out, but was shattered by a pair of invincible imperial fists.

The creature on the other side was wearing a golden battle armor. It was tens of thousands of meters tall, huge and boundless, so towering that it made people tremble, and its claws were so sharp that it seemed like it could tear everything apart. It was very terrifying.

"What invincible emperor? You will fall today!"

This creature roared for years, and the hazy figure who stepped on the ten-color cauldron and swung towards the unparalleled fist seal was hard to come by.

The supreme crystal blood is sprinkled on the turbulent river of time, which is extremely sad and shocking.

"call out!"


Two extremely blazing beams of light, as if they penetrated the past, present and future, bloomed from his invincible fists, and the unparalleled fist power exploded, causing the golden-armored giant beast to bleed and fly away.

"I may not be truly invincible."

The hazy and majestic figure stepped out of the cauldron. His voice was sonorous and powerful, and he was extremely conceited. He responded indifferently:

"But as the Emperor of Heaven, I must suppress all enemies in the world!"

He's so domineering and powerful as hell.

The thick and cold ten-color cauldron pressed down on the other cyan armor so much that the creature's jaws were torn apart, and the enemies fought together in an extremely violent manner.


The other side of the long river of time.

The battle was equally fierce and tragic.

A feathered lapis lazuli sky coffin shining with cyan brilliance hangs there. It is extremely vast, with the sun, moon and stars flowing above it, which is shocking.

A hazy figure with an astonishing celestial appearance and surrounded by endless laws of heaven and earth also stands in the long river of time.

His enemies are also two terrifying creatures who want to surround and kill him at all costs.

This is simply shocking and unbelievable.

The endless laws of heaven and earth seem to be worshiping and bowing their heads to it, and the power of the supreme laws makes the long river of time boil.

That immortal figure was extremely powerful.

A cyan sky coffin in the palm of his hand drove away his opponent and directly penetrated the long river of time.

The unparalleled calamity finger suddenly blasted out, landed on another creature, and blasted it away.

He also caught a glimpse of the figure standing on the Imperial Pass under the tributary of Time River, and almost cried out in excitement:

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

Even though they didn't deliberately stop at this moment, they were directly fighting against the long river of time.

But His voice penetrated the vast torrent of time, and it was naturally impossible to hear Shi Xuan's current state. However, it directly caused the expressions of several supreme beings on that vast plateau to change dramatically.

Never would I have thought that those supreme beings who were fighting fiercely were related to this emperor who was no more than a small true immortal.

In the long river of time, every figure is extremely blurred, and seems to disappear in the years.Mostly because the era of their existence is quite close to the current time point, and it is even possible that "another them" already exists upstream in the long river of time.


"Dare you call yourself the Emperor of Heaven?"

"How can such an ant teach such a strong person?"

Several pairs of terrifying eyes, cold and ruthless, revealing the eternity of time and space, with cold murderous intent, looked at Shi Xuan above the Imperial Pass.

It shook the long river of time.

Even though the sword light cut off the power, it still made Shi Xuan feel like he was falling into an ice cellar, like he was facing a devil's abyss.


The roar shook the ages.

The endless world exploded to pieces, and the void collapsed.

"Then kill, destroy all variables, and change the outcome of the future!"

That supreme creature with overwhelming demonic power gave birth to endless killing intent, and its ruthless and overbearing voice seemed to be able to freeze everything in the world, chilling people from head to toe.

The repaired bloody spear burst out with endless light and radiance, illuminating the past and present.


Although the power of the three-foot Qingfeng held by Shi Xuan was weakened, the surging and violent power of the Emperor's Destruction Principle boiled and roared, and shocking cracks appeared again on the blood-colored spear.

Billions of dark wisps of the power of the Emperor's Destruction Principle are constantly spreading upward along the spear——

In the bloody palm of the invading creature holding the spear tightly.

Even the power of order blessed by several other supreme beings who had awakened from their slumber could not be stopped at all, which made people's hair stand on end.

The shock was such that the creatures who were fighting fiercely along the long river of time couldn't help but look sideways and were moved.

That supreme sword light had faintly surpassed their level. If it weren't for the fact that Shi Xuan, who was wielding the sword, was too low in cultivation at the moment, he would probably be able to kill that statue across an eternity of time and space with just one swing of the sword. Respect the enemy.


Still with the terrifying power of destroying the emperor seeping into his palm, the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor tightly grasped the blood-colored spear, trying to forcefully penetrate the eternal time and space and break through the protection of the supreme sword light——

Destroy the Imperial Pass with absolute power and destroy everything.

Definitely kill Shi Xuan, a living being that may cause changes in the future, and prevent any future accidents.

In just an instant, the flesh and blood on his hands had been eroded by the terrifying power of destroying the emperor, and the bones were white.

This is really scary, chilly, and unbelievable.

"But so what if it's just a sword?"

"Even if that person is resurrected today, can he still stop me?"

The terrifying quasi-emperor who suppressed the prison still had no intention of giving up.

He was like a demon lord who slaughtered endless creatures, roaring furiously, determined to kill Shi Xuan, a variable in the future.


Entire worlds collapsed.

The vast river of time was in turmoil. The bloody spear with cracks was sharp and unstoppable. Chaos energy was boiling. It seemed that it was really slowly penetrating through, trying to kill Shi Xuan above the Imperial Pass.

The terrifying coercion and traces of terrifying energy that seemed to destroy the world made Shi Xuan change his color in horror.

I just felt that both my physical body and my true spirit were unable to withstand the pressure, and they were really about to burst apart.


A huge black halberd, surrounded by the sun, moon and stars, majestic and boundless;

A huge feathered green gold sky coffin suppresses the heaven and the earth, cuts off eternal time and space, and annihilates the reincarnation of heaven and earth and all living beings.

Two peerless warriors rushed out from the surging river of time, blocking them there and cutting off the endless murderous intent.

The supreme law has cut off the long river of time, the torrential chaos is raging, and the shocking cracks in time and space are swallowing up everything, and time and space are dissipating.

Everything is blurred, nothing disappears.

The majestic Imperial City, the boundless territory of the endless plateau, and the endless creatures were all destroyed silently.

This change is terrifying and terrifying.

At the same time, there is a ten-color cauldron, an ancient bell, and a fairy sword that rise and fall in the long river of time, shaking the past, present and future.

Although the figures behind the three supreme warriors did not explicitly take action, terrifying eyes were also watching here.

"You can give it a try!"

"The worst that can happen is that we will completely reverse the past and the present and destroy this piece of ancient history!"

(End of this chapter)

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