Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 159: The murderous intention of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor; chaos in the ancient heaven

Chapter 159: The murderous intention of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor; chaos in the ancient heaven
The two figures were extremely hazy, as if they were about to disappear completely.

One of them is holding a halberd and wearing a battle suit. He is extremely powerful. While fighting against opponents in the long river of time——

The peerless war halberd carried unparalleled halberd light, pointing at several people on the side of the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor.

In addition, that supreme figure with peerless immortality, while suppressing two peerless enemies with one hand——

The feathered green gold sky coffin in the palm of his hand pressed down horizontally, suppressing all time and space, and was invincible.

The two of them stood alone on the long river of time, coldly looking directly at the several supreme beings on the supreme plateau, and spoke indifferently.



As time goes by, the world has already collapsed.

Whether it was the dozen or so supreme beings who worked together to kill each other, or the five figures that were so hazy that they were about to disappear and could not be seen clearly, they were all splattering blood and killing like crazy.

But the pitch-black euphorbia was chaotic and turbulent, magnificent and boundless, and there was a huge sound of chanting.

On the other side, at the same time, the laws were monstrous, as if everything in the world was being buried, and the feathered green gold sky coffin shook the void and collapsed as if it was really alive, as if it was going to cross the long river of time and come to this world.

The sun, moon and stars were stained with blood, had a desolate and long-lasting aura, and also had shocking battle scars, all hovering over the two peerless warriors, incomparably terrifying.

Standing on the Imperial Pass, Shi Xuan's expression darkened to the extreme.

I never expected that such a change would happen.

The supreme existence that was besieged and killed in the long river of time seemed to be related to him.

But everything was surrounded by endless laws. With his current state, he couldn't see clearly what was going on.

This kind of battle is beyond his ability to intervene, there are too many beyond him.

After many years, these feelings came to me again.

This feeling is really annoying!


The long river of time is completely chaotic and boiling violently.

The monstrous power of the law of time is like a tsunami sweeping through the eight wastelands, and like a volcanic eruption that has been silent for endless eras, violently impacting and sweeping through countless worlds.

"Crack clap!"

The blood-colored spear was so sharp that it felt as if one's soul was about to collapse and his body was about to explode when looking directly at it, with shocking cracks.

The big hand holding the spear was even more bone-white, with the shocking emperor-destroying power still eroding towards the hand bones bit by bit.

No matter how powerful the emperor's power blessed by several other supreme beings were to block it, they could only barely stop the erosion of the emperor-destroying power, but could not completely annihilate it.

It was frightening to see that the demonic and powerful prison-suppressing quasi-emperor was staggering and vomiting blood.

One can imagine what price it paid.

"We can't take action anymore."

"If we continue, there may be big changes!"

One after another, surrounded by divine rings, standing between heaven and earth, like the blazing figure of the supreme king, they spoke one after another.

"Give up, that sword light won't last long, let's leave it to the future for reckoning!"

A supreme creature holding a giant hammer that sparkled with lightning and whose aura could suppress the eternity had a solemn look on his face as he tried to dissuade the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor with overwhelming demonic power.

In fact, they had to stop it verbally.

Because at that time, downstream of the river, it was clear that a pair of terrifying eyes were looking up, as if they sensed something had happened.

There is even a terrifying blazing voice that is looming, has it manifested itself on the lower reaches of the long river of time, and is likely to rush up directly against the torrent of time.

Almost every one of them is a creature that is so powerful that even the supreme beings in the Emperor's Realm like them must face it.

It was obvious that these people all had an inexplicable and unknown cause and effect with the tiny immortal beings in the Emperor's Gate.

To take action forcefully, there must be big cause and effect and big changes!

Not only did he have to face the hazy figures who were besieged.

At that time, I am afraid that the past and the present will really be in chaos, the entire ancient history will be buried, and unforeseen terrible changes will surely occur.

It is very likely that the existence of the real Immortal Emperor will be involved.

Such an existence is too transcendent, and every one of them is a supreme existence.

In one glance, all realms will collapse, and even powerful men like them who touch the Emperor's Domain will not be spared.


The demonic and powerful prison-suppressing quasi-emperor roared angrily, and had to withdraw the bloody spear full of cracks.

Because if this continues, if a big change occurs, he is likely to become completely extinct and perish.

The power of destroying the emperor carried by that sword light was too transcendent, and it came from that person in the legend.

It was a supreme being who was a taboo being and had traveled very far in the realm of the emperor. Even a powerful quasi-emperor like him could not match it.


Immediately, the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor did not hesitate to abandon his right arm, which had been eroded by the power of destroying the emperor and was covered with dark lines, numbing the scalp, and white bones.

However, even so, the extremely terrifying power of destroying the Emperor is still eroding away.It is not limited to the physical body.

"I still want to be a demon!"

One supreme being after another roared angrily.

All of this seemed to have been expected, and the terrifying power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's Dao Principle was endless and endless.

In an instant, the terrible law of causal order was cut off, and the terrifying power of destroying the emperor was cut off.

But the emperor-destroying power that had invaded the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor was like maggots attached to the bones, infecting his soul, body, true spirit, and even the quasi-immortal emperor's Dao Fruit.


The long river of time surges, and the supreme quasi-immortal emperor's path hangs down.

A pair of cold and ruthless eyes seemed to be looking directly at Shi Xuan, who was standing on the Imperial Pass.

The unabashed fierce murderous intention was blocked by the eternal time and space and the infinite emperor-destroying sword light, but it still made people's hearts tremble and their skin and bones trembled.

Eventually nothing is visible!
The majestic and boundless feathered green gold sky coffin and the peerless great halberd were all roaring.

He rushed into the long river of time and continued to fight.

The several extremely hazy figures were violently fighting with their respective opponents. At the same time, each figure looked towards Shi Xuan at the Imperial Pass.

Finally, the hazy figure holding an feathered lapis lazuli sky coffin and a peerless celestial figure looked at Shi Xuan vaguely and hesitated to speak.


Suddenly, he yelled towards this side, which resulted in a monstrous thunder and order, isolating and annihilating everything.It couldn't be passed on at all, and there were bright, crystal blood splashing.

The long river of time that collapsed was gradually recovering, and the hazy figures blurred and finally disappeared.


Shi Xuan frowned.

He always felt that at the last moment, before the hazy abyss disappeared, there seemed to be something important to say to himself.

But he was helplessly isolated by the long river of time, and Shi Xuan's current state was too low to hear clearly what he said in the end.

The terrible punishment that finally came down showed that the information it revealed was definitely related to major changes in the future.

"Never mind."

Shi Xuan, who couldn't think clearly, decided not to think about it anymore. After all, it was useless to think too much. Power was the foundation of everything in this world.

"I'm afraid the sword light left by Beast Milk Baby won't last long. I'm afraid it's unlikely that it will last until the Holy Ruins Era in later generations!"

Judging from the previous actions of the prison-suppressing quasi-emperor.

The sword left behind by Beast Milk Baby is absolutely terrifying to the point of unimaginability. Even the Immortal Emperor in his peak state would not be easily contaminated by it.

Now this sword must have been weakened to a considerable extent, otherwise it would be that supreme creature with overwhelming demonic power. As a quasi-immortal emperor, he would definitely not dare to be the first person, and dare to repeatedly threaten to kill him.

After all, for Beast Milk Baby, there is actually no difference between a quasi-immortal emperor and a monk in the wheel sea realm.

Today's great changes made Shi Xuan, the current Xuan Tian Emperor, unable to calm down and causing endless waves in his heart.

A powerful man above the level of a quasi-immortal emperor is too extraordinary. With his current state, even one glance at him would make him feel enveloped by the shadow of death.

I hope that the day when the catastrophe comes will not be too early.

Otherwise, with Shi Xuan's current realm and combat power, he would definitely be a fallen leaf drifting with the crowd, unable to even control his own life.

This will be sad.


Shi Xuan's eyes were fierce and he murmured to himself.

He never doubted whether he could become stronger, he just needed time to accumulate.

After all, it was too late for him to travel through time. If he could have traveled a million years earlier, Shi Xuan would definitely let that arrogant elephant know the power of the Emperor of Heaven today.

"Immortal King, we must add it to our schedule!"

Stepping into the deepest part of the Imperial Pass, Shi Xuande's eyes appeared——

Here the immortal energy is dense, the light is overflowing, the divine glow is rising, the auspicious light is shining, the void is densely covered with golden avenue lines, each one is very real, as if it is watered by golden molten iron, and every inch of the corner is densely covered.

This is an extraordinary place that should not exist in the world at all. It is a peerless fairy land. There is not a speck of dust. It is all a jade medicine field. Below it is a rare medicine king. It is crystal clear, brilliant and glowing, lingering with fairy light. .

He seemed to be dragged into another world, an ancient thunder pool, stained by time, imprinted with endless traces, and 99 heavenly dragons guarding it.

Their expressions were solemn and solemn, like devout believers worshiping their gods, with a fanaticism revealed in their dragon eyes.

In addition, there is also a palace descending from the sky, which is so majestic that it makes people almost suffocate.Pavilions and palaces appear in all directions, like an endless fairy pavilion.

"Is this chaos in the ancient heaven?"

Shi Xuan's eyes were blazing, and Dingqing observed, these were actually scenes from the past.

Looking around, he saw a huge building all around, ancient and vicissitudes, as if it had gone through endless years, with ancient marks, many places were covered with rust, but it was still difficult to conceal its former glory.

Or was that Beast Milk Baby foretelling something to him?
This ancient heaven was formed around that pool of laws. All this shows that the pool of laws is extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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