Chapter 160 Fairy Mountain?No, the remains of the Ten Evils! !


Shi Xuan's pupils shrank, and his heart was shocked.

Naturally, he would recognize the origin of this law pool——

As the beast's milk baby's important tool for enlightenment, he is naturally qualified to become the core object of the chaotic ancient heaven.

Suddenly, his expression was shocked. In this ancient heaven, there were actually two supreme figures walking around, lingering in the aura of chaos. They were very hazy and could not be seen, but their momentum was very terrifying.

The eyes of one of the figures were blazing, shining, and more terrifying than a torch. When Shi Xuan was stared at by him, he felt that every inch of flesh and blood in his body was convulsing, and his body and mind almost collapsed.

This figure is so terrifying, at least it is at the pinnacle of the Immortal King's realm. Its majestic momentum and invincible will far surpass those of the previous strange king creatures.

He hasn't moved yet, but his eyes are slightly focused, and a vast river of time flows out. Can you imagine what kind of vast power is contained in his body?
Of course, what really shocked him was not the power of those two figures, but—

He seemed to recognize the figure with blazing eyes.

That aura of the avenue was extremely familiar, as if it were another version of himself.

But how is this possible?

These scenes are all scenes that were recorded between heaven and earth after the destruction of the chaotic ancient heaven.

One of those two supreme figures, without exception, must be the Emperor of Desolate Heaven who destroyed the entire ancient era.

But the other person is him, Shi Xuan?

This is not very scientific!

That figure with blazing eyes seems to be the carrier of the great avenue of heaven and earth. Every move he makes will cause the harmony of heaven and earth, thousands of auspicious lights, thousands of auspicious colors, and countless phenomena.

"The way of heaven has neither beginning nor end"

In a daze, there was a misty heavenly sound flowing down from the upper reaches of the long river of time, echoing in Shi Xuan's ears.

"Tiandao, become stronger as soon as possible."

"Your time is running out!"

The next moment, there was a booming explosion that resounded throughout the eternity of time and space. Immediately, the terrifying power of the law of time and space cut off everything, annihilating all the phenomena in the world.

The image of the chaotic ancient heaven dissipated with light, and what appeared in front of Shi Xuan's eyes was a sacred mountain.

The clouds and mist are deeply locked, lingering with colorful ribbons, and the light is brilliant. The whole body looks like an active volcano, majestic and majestic, with thousands of rays of light and divine brilliance rising into the sky. From time to time, there will be shocking auspiciousness spurting out, with thousands of auspicious colors and fairy lights. Wanlu, like the legendary fairyland.

Shi Xuan took one step and traveled hundreds of thousands of miles before barely climbing onto this fairy mountain.

The Fairy Mountain is majestic, glowing, lush and full of vitality.

There is a colorful halo surrounding the mountains, directly covering the mountainside. From time to time, rays of light burst out from the top of the mountain, accompanied by the roar of the supreme power of law, which shocked the ages.

Ten breaths of the world later, Shi Xuan arrived halfway up the mountain.

The vegetation here is rich, the vegetation is evergreen, the green and crystal grass is in patches, exuding a strong breath of life, the fairy flowers are clear, the flowing glow is stained with nectar, the scenery is tranquil and peaceful, picturesque and poetic, just like a fairyland.

However, this place is not peaceful, and from time to time, you can see divine light bursting out, dazzling, roaring, clanging, and booming.

Although the scenery of Fairy Mountain is beautiful, it is extremely dangerous.

This whole mountain seems to have been left with endless restrictions and turned into a war fortress. It is so powerful that if you are not careful, even the absolute strongest among the Immortal Kings will bleed for five steps.

On the mountain top, there are clouds and mist, thousands of auspicious lights, thousands of auspicious colors, and thousands of visions, just like a supreme being hovering there.

Going up from the foot of the mountain, there are many dangers on the way. The ban breaks out, not to mention the peerless immortal weapon to attack and kill. The flowers, trees and pleasant scenery around you are also surrounded by terrible bans. Once it breaks out, the power is not bad.

This is the mountainside of the Fairy Mountain. The mountains are majestic and majestic. The mountains hide beautiful spiritual things, the essence of the mountains is hidden, the vegetation is green and pleasant, there are ancient wood wolf forests, and occasionally fairy flowers bloom.

Crystal clear, fragrant and fragrant, with light rain, mixed with mist, hazy, permeating the entire mountain, adding an ethereal and dusty feel to the place.

If it weren't for the countless restrictions and dangers here, it would be a wonderful fairyland.

The area on the top of the mountain was shrouded in that strip of colorful light. The colors were gorgeous and the brilliance was dazzling. It was hazy and hard to see clearly, but the murderous intention in it made Shi Xuan a little frightened.

"You came"

Another familiar voice rang in his ears, and before Shi Xuan could react—

At this moment, the entire mountainside shook. There was a roar, endless bright and dazzling light burst out, and the colorful ribbon that originally covered the top of the mountain suddenly collapsed.

Indistinctly visible, there are thousands of rays of light inside, thousands of auspicious colors, countless gods are colliding and lasing, orderly magic chains are flying, gorgeous and colorful, rich spirits are rushing to the face, making people feel refreshed physically and mentally, and the pores of the whole body are open , such as bathing fairy light.

The ancient bell roars with great force, like breaking through the barriers of time and space, transmitted from the distant past;

The sacred tower roars, the sound of the avenue and the sky resounds, it is mysterious and difficult, like the supreme immortal king sitting cross-legged for nine days chanting sutras and preaching;

The ancient and mysterious cauldron descended from the sky and suppressed all directions;
The divine sword is sharp, the heavenly sword is domineering, the big seal is thick, the war spear roars... Every piece of fairy weapon, every kind of divine object, the fairy treasures are flying everywhere, and the people who look at it are dazzled and overwhelmed.

Bright rays of light are everywhere, and occasionally there are huge figures passing through the sky, like dark clouds covering the sky, revealing claws and half scales, which makes people feel creepy.

At the end of the sky, the divine light is as brilliant as the rising sun, the sound of the sky is like thunder, and the Daoguang is blazing.

Those divine objects came hand in hand, and the light combined together was particularly blazing, rumbling and rolling, like thousands of troops and horses, roaring in with great momentum.

The waves are composed of countless treasures, including the heavenly sword forged from immortal bones, the divine bell made from purple gold with divine marks, the heavenly tower refined from eternal blue gold, the ancient cauldron tempered from the essence of chaos... Some magic weapons are just embryos, while others The magic weapons are already finished products, all with strong spirituality.

Among the many divine objects, there are naturally not only immortal weapons, but also top-notch immortal materials, precious medicines, and even elixirs and divine objects that have taken over God's creation.

"Immortal weapons, magical ingredients, immortal birds, elixir?"

Without the obstruction of the colorful ribbon, Shi Xuan could barely see some of the scenes on the top of the mountain.


Sparks splashed, and the red-gold residual furnace was taken out of the crater by Shi Xuan, hanging in the sky, lingering in the red clouds, hanging silk ribbons, and steaming.

Immediately, Shi Xuan opened his bloody mouth, and with a loud bang, he bit the red-gold residual furnace into pieces and swallowed it into his belly, absorbing all the essence.

The lavender-gold Chaos Holy Spirit True Dragon Blood in his body was brilliant and surging with fairy light. There were waves, lightning and thunder, and countless bright divine patterns intertwined, like dragons and snakes, automatically flying towards his limbs, between the bones. , imprinting innate texture.

In an instant, his realm aura even advanced a bit.

Immediately, Shi Xuan looked into the crater with blazing eyes——

Among the turbulent ocean of divine objects, there are a few light clusters that are the most outstanding and dazzling, like rounds of fairy sun rising slowly, with blazing brilliance.

It is the most top-notch divine object, a gorgeous skull engraved with mysterious dragon marks, a crystal-clear divine dragon formed from the essence of chaos, and a verdant green fairy tree, all of which emit thousands of rays of light, in the vast ocean of divine objects. Walking in the middle reaches.

The skull of the Immortal King, a whole pile of Chaos Essence, and a complete elixir!

The mountain peaks are towering and majestic. The whole mountain is green and green, with flowing rays of light and lingering auspicious colors.

Above is a huge sunken volcanic crater. This fairy mountain has existed for who knows how many thousands of years. Through the endless bright fairy light, you can see that this crater is swallowing the essence of the universe, absorbing the essence of chaos, and giving birth to all the gods. things.

This mountain peak does not look vast on the outside, but it actually contains a vast territory. It is vast and vast. The mountain streams are filled with old medicine, the cliffs are filled with purple air, thousands of auspicious colors, and the auspicious light is dazzling. The rocks, grass and trees are all plated. A layer of gold rim, shining brightly, filled with astonishing divinity.

The whole sky and earth are bright, and all the scenery reflected is divine and holy, bright and transparent, gorgeous and flawless.

On the ground, the silt and sand are full of colorful clouds, the clouds are steaming and auspicious, and there is a transpiration of immortal energy. There are mysterious laws of birth and death around, imprinted in the world.

This is the most sacred place of immortality in time. Every inch of space is full of Taoism. Even the stubborn rocks bloom with rays of light, flow with auspicious colors, and have spiritual brilliance. The earth, stone and sand are filled with chaotic energy.

I don't know whether this place is natural or man-made, but from the perspective of Shi Xuan's current state of mind, this kind of terrain should not exist between heaven and earth at all.

It has taken over the creation of heaven and earth, and has the opportunity to give birth to true immortals and even quasi-immortal kings. It seems to be beyond the three realms, not in the five elements, communicates with chaos, and can reverse time and space.

This terrain cannot be described by pen and ink. It is as skilled as Dao and as magical as mysterious.

From a macro point of view, it looks like a realm within a realm, a complete and independent world that can absorb divine energy from the chaos outside the domain, and is completely self-sufficient without relying on the outside world.

From a cultivator's point of view, it is like a huge copper furnace of heaven and earth, which absorbs all waste and refines it into a shocking fetish. It is like a heaven-defying method of refining weapons, turning decay into magic.

"One of the ten evils——

Hit the divine stone? "

At this moment, Shi Xuan vaguely seemed to guess that the fairy mountain in front of him was not strictly a mountain, but the fallen body of one of the ten evil spirits of the ancient immortals.

It was also the body left behind after the death of the Immortal King Youxia who was only half a foot away from entering the Immortal King Realm.

It was all so coincidental, as if someone had arranged it deliberately.

With Shi Xuan in the realm of Destiny Immortal, the origin of the Holy Spirit of Enlightenment originally taken from Emperor Yuhua was already a bit behind his improvement.

After all, no matter what, the Yuhua Emperor is just an ordinary third-generation humane supreme, and the origin of the Holy Spirit that he transformed from is difficult to perfect after all.

And this body of the Ten Fierce God-Smashing Stones, who has the realm of Xiaxianwang, is undoubtedly the best and most suitable for today's Shi Xuan.

He was once a nine-aperture stone man that had been nurtured for millions of years between heaven and earth, so he could well seize the origin of the Holy Spirit transformed from the natural stone body transformed by Emperor Yuhua, and fuse it with the Chaos Body to create the Chaos Holy Spirit Body.

And it just so happens that these Ten Fierce God-Smashing Stones can be said to be a different kind of stone-born Holy Spirit, and they are also stone-born Holy Spirits with the ability to evolve independently.

It is 100% consistent with the origin of the stone fetus Holy Spirit in Shi Xuan's body.

Based on this, what will be transformed will be a perfect version of the Chaos Holy Spirit True Dragon Body, which is enough to support Shi Xuan to make another heaven-defying leap on the current basis and complete the essential evolution of the life level.

Just do it!

Shi Xuan sat cross-legged in the center of the crater and began the perfect transformation before the realm of the Immortal King.

(End of this chapter)

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