Chapter 161: A ten-month pregnancy to give birth to a god of heaven?

Shi Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged in the "crater", formed a seal with his hands, and the next moment mysterious ancient runes appeared.

Then he jumped lightly and entered the inner world of the remains of the God-killing Stone.

The fairy light is bright, the chaos is like the sea, and the white waterfall falls, each ray is as heavy as Mount Tai, the brilliance is dazzling, reflecting a pure land, and the fairy spirit curls up.

This world is divided into two parts.

With a vast vein of Chaos Essence as the dividing line, the outside world is surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers, thousands of miles of clear blue sky, a round of fireballs shining, fairy flowers crystal clear, auspicious embellishments, and divine rainbows hanging, which is extremely beautiful.

There are many mountains and mountains in this world, and there are countless holy and magical medicines in the mountains.
As for the other side, there is a fog of chaos, which is difficult to see clearly. Through the sacred halo, you can vaguely feel that the scorching sun is floating round after round, emitting a brilliance that shines through the ages, extremely bright.

Immortal gold, divine ingredients, and warriors!
Among them, there are several faint auras surrounding a central hill, and a trace of aura can collapse the sky.

Shi Xuan knew about the countless immortal weapons known as immortals. As for the central hill, it was what he had sensed before——

Skull of the Immortal King.

Over the course of countless years, it is hard to imagine how much of the world's divine materials this Ten Fierce God-Smashing Stone, who lives in the Immortal King Realm, has devoured.

After his death, he still left behind such amazing information that has not been digested.

Suddenly, it seemed as if someone had stepped into this world——


The breath of the Supreme Immortal King filled the air instantly, the sound waves of the avenue were deafening, and the gray laws and orders of the Immortal King hung down from the sky.

Each one is as thick as a mountain, grand and heavy, like the Milky Way hanging one after another.

In the sky, at the end of the Immortal King's Law Divine Waterfall, there is an independent big world. Chaos energy surges, and the bright fairy light blooms, creating the world and crushing the eternity.

A magnificent aura is overwhelming, righteous, blazing, and vast. It is so sacred and solemn that it cannot be violated.

This is the Qi machine of the Immortal King!
The Immortal King's Law Divine Waterfall slowly descends, its aura is majestic and grand, the endless immortal light is magnificent and dazzling, and there is an ancient energy permeating the air.

This vast "fairy mountain", that is, the remains of the Ten Fierce God Stones fell, gathered all the pressure, and turned into a stone that sank into the palm of Shi Xuan's hand. It was extremely quiet, like an ordinary stone.

The sacred stone is only three feet long and wide, and its entire body is crystal clear, flowing with all kinds of immortal brilliance. It is covered with mysterious and ancient patterns, as if it is telling the story of a strange stone between heaven and earth that transformed into one of the ten ancient evils.

Although it is neither long nor wide, it seems to carry the eternal blue sky, giving people a majestic feeling, as if it carries the vast world, vast and boundless.

Although the remains of the God-killing Stone have calmed down and restrained all the power of the Immortal King, the Immortal King is the Immortal King——

Even if it is just a corpse that has been dead for countless thousands of years, it can resonate with the laws of the heavens and cause the auspicious light to fall.

This god-killing stone has swallowed countless immortal materials and artifacts during its lifetime. It is rare throughout the ages.

Now it is just a remains, but it is also a true unparalleled immortal weapon.

This wreckage contains immeasurable immortal power. It is engraved with the principles of Tianhen. Every stroke is extremely mysterious, expounding the principles of heaven and earth, and the way of devouring. This is the essence of the Tao of the God-Smashing Stone, one of the ten evils.

He held the remains of the God-killing Stone in one hand, and a small ball of Chaos Essence suddenly appeared in the palm of his other hand. It was hazy and thick, as if Chaos was opening up, and there was the original Taoist charm of the source of all things.

This is a ray he ingested from the entire chaos essence mine in the remains of the God Stone.

Even though it is only as thick as a hemp rope, it is a rare and rare fairy. As long as you add a strand of ordinary weapon refining materials, it is enough to at least create an imperial weapon.

A single ray of chaotic energy is enough to collapse the void.

And such a wisp of chaos essence is even more difficult to obtain even after smelting thousands of strands of chaos energy. Its weight can be imagined.

And this is only one of the divine treasures in the remains of the God-killing Stone.

It can be said that this stone would have died here if not for bad luck.

Just relying on its various divine treasures and its own ability to devour and evolve, it will definitely be able to advance in the realm of the Immortal King, even to the realm of the Immortal King giant and above.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Xuan sat cross-legged. The power of the three thousand laws of heaven and earth was drawn by him and surrounded his body. The divine fire of the avenue roared and poured out, burning his body and mind at the same time. The remains of the God-killing Stone in his hand.

"The road to becoming a king begins here!"

At this moment, Shi Xuan held the remains of the God-killing Stone against his eyebrows, trembling slightly, and then he saw a supreme power of the Immortal King's Law invade into the Life Palace between his eyebrows.

Immediately, with a "boom", the Great Dao Divine Fire ignited, forcibly suppressing the power of the Immortal King's Law in his flesh and blood, and the terrifying high temperature dissolved everything.

The Divine Fire of the Great Dao, fueled by the power of the Three Thousand Great Dao Laws, and the origin of the Immortal King that smelted the Divine Stone, with its majestic power, rushed into his body like waves of magma, and then spread everywhere in Shi Xuan's body. Channel.

Shi Xuan's expression was serious, and his whole body was red from the heat, as if he was almost cooked.

Between his eyebrows, Emperor Xuantian's dharma body hung down with endless green fairy light, integrating into his body to ensure that he would not be cooked by such terrifying high temperatures.

The terrifying Dao Shenhuo and the original power of the Immortal King were like enemies. They used his body as a venue and started a big battle. In just a moment, he became a bloody man.

Under the burning of the terrifying high temperature, he turned into a charred man whose whole body was charred.

However, under such circumstances, the Xuantian Sutra in his body began to operate autonomously again, and the essence and blood all over his body began to boil like boiling water. All the power of the Divine Treasure left in the remains of the God-killing Stone began to be absorbed crazily by his body.

The human body universe, which is the foundation of the new method, is like a gluttonous beast swallowing up endless energy. The purple and gold light shines all over the body. The energy of the Immortal King is flowing above the dragon blood of the Chaos Holy Spirit, which is extraordinary.

The terrifying high temperature began to spread to the surroundings. Pieces of void were collapsing, and space debris was melting, falling from the sky like molten lava.

Shi Xuan's expression was meticulous, not daring to be careless in the slightest, and he was extremely careful in guiding the origin and divine treasure of the Immortal King to smelt the divine stone with the divine fire of the avenue.

If there was the slightest mistake, with the horror of the Great Dao Divine Fire and the remains of the Divine Stone, I am afraid that even with his current state, he would be seriously injured.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

"No, it's too slow."

Shi Xuan frowned slightly. He wanted to use the remains of the Ten Fierce God-Smashing Stones that were hard to find throughout the ages to transform into an upgraded version of the Chaos Holy Spirit True Dragon Body. Although he could clearly feel the improvement now, the speed was too slow.

If this continues, 1 years may not be enough.

"It can't go on like this."

Shi Xuan sighed in his heart, and the next moment he shouted softly——


Then he saw the purple-gold light all over his body, and the divinity of his body recovered, and the light was overflowing. With a crisp sound, a physical "portal" in the center of his abdomen opened directly.


One of the strands of the Immortal King's original essence from the Divine Stone was pulled into the opened physical "portal".

How heavy and powerful is the origin of the Immortal King?

What's more, this is the original essence of the Immortal King that was smelted by the Divine Fire of the Great Dao. As soon as he entered, he felt that the physical "portal" in the center of his abdomen seemed to be breaking down.

"Kacha!" An illusory cracking sound sounded. The center of his abdomen split open, and the essence of the Immortal King was faintly gushing out.


There were dull explosions on Shi Xuan's body, and his green clothes instantly became riddled with holes, and the purple-gold Chaos Holy Spirit True Dragon's blood flowed out from the split holes in his abdomen.

All under the fairy king are ants.

There has never been anyone as crazy as Shi Xuan, who directly smelted the essence of the Immortal King into his body.

However, although this is extremely dangerous, if there is a slight mistake, the body may explode and both body and soul will be destroyed.

However, the benefits he received were also great visible to the naked eye. At this moment, the physical "portal" in the center of his abdomen was filled with a large amount of the Immortal King's divinity. Although it seemed to be collapsing, it seemed to have returned to the place where the world began. Everything evolves in it.

Shi Xuan's abdomen was in tatters, covered with dense holes, and the heart-wrenching pain lingered in his heart for a long time.

However, under Shi Xuan's efforts to maintain it, the physical "portal" in the center of the abdomen was teetering on the edge of collapse and reshaping.

In this way, time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

Shi Xuan, who was as entwined as an old tree, was motionless. The body of Emperor Xuantian in the Palace of Life was emitting a faint blue fairy light, suppressing his body and preventing it from collapsing.

During this period, his body made dull metal and stone sounds from time to time.

The physical "portal" in the center of the abdomen is wrapped in a layer of misty Immortal King Essence, flowing naturally, giving people a primitive feeling of the creation of the world and the evolution of all things.

After another seven days, the last trace of the Immortal King's original essence was completely smelted into the physical "portal" in the center of the abdomen, blending with his origin and becoming part of his physical potential.

"Finally completed the first step."

Unable to help taking a long breath, Shi Xuan sighed.

At this moment, the bone essence and blood in Shi Xuan's body was shining with golden light, full of divinity, sparkling with celestial brilliance, and overflowing with brilliance. There were also divine chains of order entwined, and laws like dragons, densely packed, shuttled through every inch of flesh and blood.

It looks like a fairy king or god on the altar, crystal clear, lingering in divine glory, flawless, transcendent and awe-inspiring.

"The God-Smashing Stone is indeed one of the Ten Ancient Immortal Evils that has been passed down forever, and the effect is so good!"

After sighing with emotion, Shi Xuan calmed down his mind and body and began to complete his unfinished tasks.

He thinks very far, and never thinks that proving the Immortal King is the end point. What he wants is to break the eternal myth, prove the legendary "Immortal Emperor", and achieve the supreme taboo existence.

Pursuing the footsteps of the Ancient and Wild Heavenly Emperor is never an empty word, but his actual actions.

Slowly, in Shi Xuan's body, there was more than just the physical "portal" in the center of the abdomen,
The billions of physical "portals" spread throughout the human body and the universe all seem to be gates to heaven and earth. Behind the gates are unfolding scenes of creation, and the ultimate principles of the evolution of all things are manifested.
His entire body was as if he were a supreme god who had existed since the beginning of the world. His body was filled with chaotic dragon energy, and endless holy spirit energy lingered around him. Every move he made was accompanied by the crisp sound of the void collapsing.

At the same time, the four realms of new law and the nine bridges of heaven and earth in his body are also constantly expanding, changing greatly!

In the realm of heavenly veins, black and yellow disks overlap, earth, fire, water and wind spurt out, the energy of chaos surges, it is full of vitality, the aura of the beginning is permeated, the divine rainbow hangs, and the other side is misty, interpreting the ancient secret of the origin.

In the Condensing Pattern Realm, pieces of divine bones seem to be able to collapse time and space. The divine bones all over the body seem to be made of purple gold divine iron, and they are immortal!

In the Awakening Realm, there are nine grand and ancient heavenly gates standing in the center of the heaven and earth. There is a purple-gold divine dragon hovering above each heavenly gate, and above the heavenly pillars and the divine dragon, they are filled with the energy of chaos, as if the sky is open. At the beginning, it contained boundless power.

In the Life Palace between the eyebrows, the chaotic energy seems to connect the past, present and future. There is endless fairy music in it. The body of Emperor Xuantian, which was originally suspended above the Life Palace, actually stepped on the Ancestral Dragon of Chaos and controlled the nine-layer bridge of heaven and earth. Flying over the Palace of Life, standing on the top of the Immortal Palace, like a god sitting cross-legged in the Heavenly Palace——

Under him, the nine-layer bridge of heaven and earth spans the past and present as if it runs through the long river of time, crossing the end and transcending it.

After smelting the essence of the Immortal King's origin from the God Stone into the physical "portal" and turning it into his physical potential, Shi Xuan was reborn again.

As the basis of the new law, the divine light in the universe of the human body is bright, dense and steaming, with thousands of traces of the Dao, and endless various phenomena, as if it is evolving the principles of the Dao.

Under the burning fire of the great avenue, the original essence of the Immortal King and many divine hidden powers that hit the divine stone seemed to be evolving into a divine fetus, which was extremely strange.

The imprints of billions of Immortal Kings are spreading, evolving into plants and trees, turning into flowers, birds, insects, fish, dragons and immortal phoenixes, the sun, moon and stars, gods and goddesses in various forms.

"Is this giving birth to the world? Is this giving birth to another "consciousness" in my body? Just like the consciousness of heaven in myths and legends?"

A trace of disbelief flashed in Shi Xuan's eyes.

Based on his human universe, the essence of the Immortal King and many divine treasures from the God Stone, and the laws of the Great Dao as nourishment, a world was born and a heavenly god was born!
Such a god is certainly no small matter and has great potential in the future. Proving the Immortal King is just a matter of raising his hand, but is this still him?

Shi Xuan was shocked and angry!
This was his body, how could he allow outsiders, something that wasn't even a human being, to invade?
Even if it is based on him as a prototype and a heavenly god evolved by his own hands, that won't work!
The universe is small and the human body is huge!
His method is the same as the method of covering the sky.

I have always paid attention to the fact that all Taoism and Dharma must be sought from one’s own body!

Nature would not allow such a weird heavenly deity to be born, and there would be no need to evolve any inner world.

He has always only believed in his own fists.

What his method emphasizes is that my way is the great road!
Wherever you step, there is the avenue!
There is no need for extraneous inner worlds and heavenly gods.

As the world inside his body evolved, he could clearly feel that an immortal divinity was slowly eroding, wanting to penetrate into his body and take up residence in the palace between his eyebrows.

He silently realized that it was a kind of unique attribute that represented a divinity that could endure through eternity.

After absorbing a ray of divinity, Shi Xuan wanted to try to understand the special features of this divinity.

With the divinity entering his body, he clearly felt that his soul was a little more solid. This solidity was different from the past. It was more like an eternal glue that could solidify a person's soul——

It makes it as strong as divine iron and endures eternity, but it destroys the unique spirituality of the human soul and makes the soul become indifferent, ruthless, and ignorant.
He clearly felt that after that ray of divinity was refined, his perception of the great way of heaven and earth also became slightly miraculous, and his divine consciousness tended to be the ruthless way of heaven as rumored.

This is undoubtedly a terrifying potential that is extremely powerful.

But he doesn't need it!
"Card wipe!"

The law is like a hammer. With one blow, the world inside the body and the ignorant god of heaven were directly shattered into streams of life essence, scattered in his body.

"I'm a man, so naturally I don't get the treatment of being pregnant and giving birth to a child in ten months."


The world inside his body was shattered, the gods of heaven collapsed, and the vast divinity disintegrated. Threads and strands of light flowed through his body like a tide.

What to do with these divinities?

It would be too wasteful to drive it out. It was born from the origin and divine treasure of the Immortal King who used the God Stone, and the power of the Three Thousand Great Laws.

Even the giant Immortal King will be tempted.


At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and divine light suddenly erupted in the Life Palace, the sound of Taoism roared, and grand fairy music sounded.

Thousands of laws are boiling, and there are billions of traces of Dao. In the midst of a surprising vision, Emperor Xuantian's dharma body, lying quietly in the Palace of Life, opens his mouth wide, and directly absorbs all the divinity, swallows it and refines it.

(End of this chapter)

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